Truth and Justice for Germans Society

Nuremberg Trials: Evidence Jews Controlled Allied-Run Postwar Trials – by John Wear
Preface: Many people invoke the Nuremberg Trials when they wish to make a point about bringing righteous justice to some corrupt situation or other. For

British Ministry of Truth said in 1944 Holocaust Must be Created to Distract from USSR Atrocities
This article was originally published in 2016 on the Republic Broadcasting Network website, and can be found here: https://republicbroadcasting.org/news/british-ministry-of-truth-said-in-1944-that-the-holocaust-must-be-created-to-distract-from-ussr-massacres/ Original Title: British Ministry of Truth

Ursula Haverbeck *08-11-1928 †20-11-2024
Beautiful Ursula Haverbeck, your life work here on earth is now done. You can rejoin with those beautiful and strong German heroes who have gone

Pusillanimous Proposals of 1941 – part Parody
Book Review and Satire by Nancy Hitt, 2011 1. Immediately and completely disarm the Jewish army and have all armaments removed from Jewish territory. 2.

TBR History Article – the Ernst Zündel 1985 Trial – by John Wear
If ever there was a mockery made of the official narrative of “The Holocaust”, the 1985 trial of Ernst Zündel in Toronto, Canada did it

What did Adolf Hitler Really Have to Say About the Third World?
This article was first published at the Thule Society website and can be found here. The article was posted by James Rousse and the author

Other Losses: an Investigation into the Mass Deaths of German Prisoners at the Hands of the French and Americans After WW2
Book Reviews serve to give us a glimpse into a book. On our website we have a number of other book reviews here as well,

Auschwitz: the Facts and the Legend
If you play the word-association game, most people will say “holocaust!” when you say “Auschwitz”. Robert Faurisson was a French professor who spent decades researching

Robert Faurisson Letter published in Le Monde 45 years Ago
This is a historic letter, published in France’s “newspaper of record”, Le Monde, just over 45 years ago. Source article here. ******************** Letter to Le Monde published