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What Were They Thinking? Barnes Review Holocaust Issue

What got into those Germans? What made them throw good money down the drain by investing in medical facilities, huge kitchens, theatres, art classes, orchestras, swimming pools, cinemas, sporting fields, religious facilities, fencing instructors, saunas, complaint offices, libraries, script and even brothels for the benefit of the DOOMED?
If it is true that the doomed prisoners held in German concentration camps during World War II were ultimately going to be exterminated by whatever method was in vogue at the time…mobile gas trucks, lime-filled train cars, shooting, hanging, cremation, louse poisoning, or the infamous gas chambers why did the Third Reich bother to make any accommodations for them?
By various accounts, six million Jews were allegedly killed during the First World War in addition to eye witness reports that six, seven, eleven or even forty million were gassed during the Second World War. If one cares to believe these tall tales regurgitated by “court historians,” all of the chosen people who were calculated to be living in the entire world during the 20th century would have been wiped off the face of the earth!
The Barnes Review is offering an updated edition of their original holocaust issue and it is a must-read. On the cover of this issue are illustrations of camp script that was issued by the Germans to prisoners at their work and re-education camps. The holocaust issue contains nineteen concise articles of interest to truth seekers and revisionists. The authors are experts on this hot potato subject: Udo Walendy, Willis A. Carto, Dr. M. Raphael Johnson, Michael Collins Piper, Paul Rassinier and other scholars.
This is a list of the titles from the Table of Contents:
1. Why Hitler Came to Power by Rabbi Dr. Manfred Reifer
2. Jews Paid for Their Work in the Camps? By Jennifer White
3. The Origins of the Concentration Camps by Stephen Raper
4. Holocaust Education Opposed by Philip Glidden
5. Why is “The Holocaust” Important Today? By Willis A. Carto
6. Are You Tired of “The Holocaust”? by Michael Collins Piper
7. Jewish Power & Prosperity in Germany
8. The First Shot Fired in WWII by M. Raphael Johnson
9. The Truth About The “War Crimes Trials”
10. Anne Frank Not “Gassed At Auschwitz” by Fred Blahut
11. Jewish Leaders Denigrated Survivors
12. How Many Really Died at Auschwitz? By Vivian Bird
13. The Birth of the Auschwitz Legend by Paul Rassinier
14. Is “The Holocaust” A Racket? By Michael Collins Piper
15. Why Deny “The Holocaust”? by John Tiffany
16. A Journey to ‘Holocaust Denial’ by Prof. Ray Goodwin
17. The Dubious Wannsee Conference by Udo Walendy
18. An Interview With Carlo Mattogno
19. Farewell To “The Holocaust”?
From the pen of one who actually experienced German camp life, the fearless Paul Rassinier : “It is my intention to wring from public opinion the admission that, in the war of 1939-1945, Englishmen, Russians, Frenchmen and Americans committed crimes just as horrible and in just as great a number as those attributed to the Germans—whose real crimes are, however, very much open to dispute. I also wish to have it conceded that it is immoral to investigate merely German war criminals, especially when the criminal nature of their behavior has been exaggerated, as has indeed been the case.
“I believe that, after a war, there should be a general amnesty for all combatants because this is the only way to bring about an atmosphere of peace between the nations, and to avoid future wars…”
Paul Rassinier was a French socialist who was active in the resistance movement during the war. For his activities, Rassiner was arrested and experienced prison life in two different camp. His health suffered from the experience. This heroic figure became one of the first published truth-telling survivor/revisionist. He refused to allow the post-war anti-German propaganda mills to spew out their offal about the German people who had attempted to rid their country of the anarchistic Jewish Communist parasites.
Today there are still numerous so-called Jewish holocaust survivors who continue to dig in the holocaust gold mine with their unrealistic and unreliable memories of how, where and when multi-millions were eliminated. German officials did imprison criminals, homosexuals, gypsies, sex perverts, Jews, Communists, resistance partisans and radical revolutionaries during the war. While being held in various transit and work camps, many died due to various causes including allied bombings. For nearly seventy years the chosenites have punished Germany, the U.S., Switzerland and other countries in order to gain financial reparations.
You can order the special “Holocaust issue” which is updated, expanded, specially bound and contains 112 pages with many photographs and illustrations. The price is only $10.00 which includes shipping. Send your payment to The Barnes Review, P.O. Box 15877, Washington, D.C. 20003 or call toll free to 1-877-773-9077.
It would be unreasonable policy for the Germans to improve the conditions of prisoners destined to die. A number of Jewish camp survivors reported being moved around from one death camp to another. Were the camps short on gas or are the Jews just full of it?

Nancy Hitt – 2013

One Response

  1. Being the first time I have visited this site, I found both the comments and articles enlightening. There have been things I had been unaware of, but it’s nice to see that there are people who wish to see real justice for the German speaking peoples.

    I’m sure I’ll be writing off for a copy of the Barnes Review as soon as I get my new bank card.

    Keep up the good work

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