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The Martyrdom of “Number 7”

Abdallah Melaouhi is a man of humanity, integrity and courage. If not for Abdallah, many of the facts about the last years of “Number 7” would still be hidden away from the interested public. Abdallah took a stand many individuals would not dare to take. He exposed the facts about the barbaric treatment and the subsequent murder of “Number 7,” an elderly man by the name of Rudolf Hess.

Rudolf Hess: His Betrayal & Murder by Abdallah Melaouhi was just published. The author had to overcome many obstacles in order to be a witness for the truth.

Rudolf Hess was born in Alexandria, Egypt on April 26, 1894. He spent his youth in Egypt. Abdallah Melaouhi was born on September 20, 1942, in Srai, a small village in Tunisia. Their paths were to cross in a fortress prison in Berlin, Germany.

Abdallah had suffered the loss of both his grandfather and father at the hands of the French. After his basic education in Tunisia, he emigrated to Germany and studied business and medicine. His education allowed him to become a professional nurse.

On August 2, 1982, after a formal application process, Abdallah became the personal nurse to the only remaining allied prisoner in the ancient Spandau Prison which was located in western Berlin. For five years, Abdallah served as nurse and confident to his forlorn prisoner, Hitler’s former Deputy Rudolf Hess.

From page 59: “Not having met my patient yet, I was given some additional instructions. With an earnest look on his face, Mr. Boon explained that I must never address the patient by his name. I always had to address him as “No. 7.” I was not allowed to greet him with a handshake, and I was also never to touch him except when required for my nursing work. It was also strictly forbidden to talk to him in private. Conversations had to be limited to a bare minimum, and I was only allowed to talk about matters which were directly related to my nursing work. Mr. Boon also warned me that I had to faithfully follow these instructions and that under no circumstances was I to do otherwise as this would result in my immediate dismissal.”

At the time, Hess was 88 years old and had already been in prison 41 years. What the allies and Abdallah did not realize was that Hess could speak Arabic. Through this secret method of communication, Abdallah was to become a confident and trustworthy friend to isolated Rudolf Hess.

The four allied forces took monthly turns guarding their lone prisoner, while the Russians presided over the treatment of Hess. The number seven had been assigned to Hess. Each of the original seven individuals sentenced to prison terms at Spandau Prison during the Nuremburg Trials were given a number. The 600 Spandau resident criminal prisoners were moved into other prisons in order to make room for the seven “war criminals.”

After the final release of the last two prisoners in 1966, Hess was to remain a prisoner at Spandau for an additional 20 years as the only prisoner guarded by hundreds. Why was Rudolf Hess, a peace advocate held for 46 years?

Due to the duplicity of the British government, details about Hess’s peace mission of May 10, 1941, remain clouded in mystery. Hitler often stated that he did not want to fight the British who he considered to be members of the greater German race. His war objective had always been aimed at protecting Europe from the Communist threat coming from the Russian Jewish Bolsheviks.

It seems likely the British knew that Hess was planning to fly from Germany and land on a private airport owned by the Duke of Hamilton. Everything seems to indicate that Hess wanted to make a plea for peace through his British contacts and possibly obtain a meeting with Winston Churchill.

When Hess approached the airport in Scotland, the lights had been turned off. He was forced to make his first parachute jump and allow the airplane to crash. His jump was successful, but his plans went into disarray as “bulldog” Churchill had no intentions to meet with a German peacenik. Hess was interrogated and placed in the Tower of London and spent the balance of the Second War in a prison in Wales.

Rudolf Hess knew the personal cost of war having served in the trenches during the First War. He had suffered two serious wounds during the time when Churchill and Roosevelt were probably downing another one.

Let us hope there is someone around in 2016 when the Hess files are finally opened for inspection as the British have continually kept his files hidden away since 1941.

In 1945, Hess was returned to Germany to receive his sentence at the mockery of justice, the Nuremburg Trials. Although he had spent all of the War years in prison and had been an envoy for peace, the allies sentenced him to life in prison. Justice?

When Mikhail Gorbachev became the general secretary of the Soviet Union in 1986, he implied that he might consider the release of Hess. The blame for continually holding Hess had always fallen upon the Russians, but the British, the Americans and even the Israelis had their own vile reasons for wanting to keep this persecuted old man behind bars.

The liberalized Russian policy forced the hands of the allies. Hess must never be allowed to go free and give interviews about his mysterious mission to England.

Weak, nearly blind, and needing aid for eating, bathing and walking at the age of 93 years of age, Rudolf Hess was suicided in Spandau on August 17, 1987.

Abdallah gave Rudolf Hess the few human acts of kindness he was to receive while serving in the capacity of his nurse for five years. Abdallah was a witness to the aftermath of the so-called suicide of this feeble old man. A man who was still mentally acute, but suffering several physical disabilities was allegedly strong enough to hang himself with a light cord strung over a window hook.

From page 36: “During the last years of Hess’s life I was not only his nurse but in many ways his confidant. As an orthodox Muslim I feel that I must take on the role of his advocate and spokesman now that he has died. I looked into the eyes of the two people whom I believe to have been his murderers and the American guard whom, according to the circumstances, I must consider as being an accessory to the murder. I am demanding that these persons and the people who hired them be put on trial for the murder of a helpless old man. And I will not rest until I succeed. I don’t think that this is anything unusual. I believe that most people who witness a crime want to make sure that the accused gets put on trial and that justice is done.”

Due to the diligence of The Barnes Review and its courageous author, Rudolf Hess: His Betrayal & Murder is now available for $25.00 plus a $5.00 shipping charge. The book is softbound with 291 pages and contains several photographs and copies of some of Hess’s letters. This excellent book can be ordered from The Barnes Review, P.O. Box 15877, Washington, D.C. 20003 or by calling 1-877-773-9077.

Comments about the author on pages 174 and 175:

“The Tunisian Abdallah Melaouhi has how been looking after me as a caretaker for more than four years. He applied for this job to be able to help me in my old age. He has fulfilled this task in an exemplary manner. He has not only applied his astonishingly detailed and comprehensive medical knowledge, but he has also been untiringly concerned with my well-being and with the perfect condition of the things that have been placed at my disposal. He has done this far beyond the call of his normal duties and beyond his job description. As difficult as this was at times, even under very trying circumstances. He has fulfilled my every wish as far as this was within his power. He was always friendly, he was never in a bad mood, also in this respect he helped to alleviate my situation. A highly commendable personality who places himself under the task he has set himself in order to serve the elderly. I cannot imagine a better nurse. Berlin-Spandau, July 30, 1985, Rudolf Hess”

Even in death, Hess was not allowed to rest in peace. In 2011, his body which was buried next to his parents and his wife in the village of Wunsiedel was dug up. His remains were tossed to the wind like so much garbage. This was the dirty work of Jews, Communists and cowards.

Let it be known that their evil deeds cannot diminish our memory of Rudolf Hess. He will forever be remembered by truth-seekers as a martyr for peace.

Nancy Hitt – 2013

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