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NS Kampfruf Frontline Report: Monika Schaefer on the “holocaust”, politics, National Socialist Germany and Adolf Hitler

The following interview was published in the New Order english version and in the NSK (NS-Kampfruf) in German over the course of two consecutive issues, January and February 2022. The interview was led by its Editor-in-Chief “Wehrwolf”. These newsletters and many articles, archives and resources in multiple languages can be found at the following website. [sorry, that website currently not available] You can find the original interview there by clicking on the “News Bulletin”. The current Issues will show up in German and in English and archived Issues can be found on that website in many languages.

Interview with Monika Schaefer

NSK: Please introduce yourself.

Monika Schaefer:

I was the fourth of five children, born in 1959 in Edmonton, Canada, to German immigrant parents. School and outside life was in English, but the home-life was very German — we spoke German in the home, had German-Canadian friends, and were culturally immersed in German traditions. Our family went to Germany about every five years on average, to visit our many relatives as well as to see some of the cultural riches, such as magnificent cathedrals, castles and old ruins, not to mention the beautiful countryside of Germany. We stayed very connected to “the old country.”

For most of my adult life, I lived in Jasper, Alberta, where I had the good fortune of working for Parks Canada as a backcountry warden. After my daughter was born, I worked part-time as a violin teacher, as well as performing at weddings and other special functions.

NSK: When did you first start exploring the “Holocaust“ topic? Why does this topic still fascinate you?

Monika Schaefer:

Compared with some of the great men and women who had been walking a lonely path and pursuing the truth about WW2 since decades, I am a relative new-comer. My brother Alfred and I were quite active in the 9/11 truth movement and had been working hard since 2011 to educate others about that event. In fact it was Alfred who first alerted the rest of our family to the truth about 9/11, and when he did, I was hungry for more. I had already felt some misgivings about that story, and from then on, Alfred and I became a team in pursuing the truth.

I considered myself a peace activist, and I thought that if we simply explain to others what really happened on 9/11, then the ripple effect would be that the wars would end. I was puzzled by the pushback when I presented evidence and truth about 9/11 to my friends and neighbors, but little did I know the magnitude of resistance that would come my way for confronting the Big Lie – the so-called “holocaust”.

It was in 2013 that we were urged by a friend to look into the holocaust. At first I resisted, as this was just too big! It was so solidly planted into our very bloodstream, into every fiber of our beings, how could this possibly be a lie!? Alas, when in 2014 I finally did look, it did not take long to realize that this was truly one gigantic hoax. The implications of this lie were enormous. It shaped our whole world. If the holocaust was a hoax, then EVERYTHING we understood about our world was inverted. One can hardly overstate this.

Sometimes my well-meaning (former) friends would say to me when they were witnessing the ritual defamation that I was undergoing in that fairy-tale little town of Jasper, “Monika, why do you concern yourself with something that happened so long ago? That doesn’t matter anymore. We have more pressing problems today. Why don’t you put your energy towards the current problems that we could do something about?”

Those remarks made me smile (ironically), because the two positions are contradictory. On the one hand, the holocaust is not relevant to the present, and on the other hand, anyone who questions the official narrative must be shut down, persecuted, and jailed. Those two positions just do not add up. I tried to explain this to them, and asked them the simple question, “if it was so irrelevant now, why do they go after ‘lil-ol’-me’ so hard?!”. And my dear brother Alfred — why is he in jail if the “holocaust” was no longer relevant? Obviously the holocaust story still is important.

The thing about the holocaust lie is that, once exposed, the big JQ is out in the open. That really is what this is all about, the Jewish Question. It is the why-and-how we connect the dots.

NSK: Could the “Holocaust“ topic be considered as some kind of a political agenda? If yes, why? What is the goal of this agenda? Who benefits from it?

Monika Schaefer:

This really is the key question! There is absolutely no doubt that the story about the so-called holocaust is central to the political structure of our world. Without the holocaust, what are the Jews? Ask any Jew what defines them, what is central to their identity, and they will talk about the holocaust. The holocaust epitomizes the Jewish notion that they are the persecuted people and that this has always been so. Jewish victims versus aggressor Gentiles.

Jewish Power resides in their feigned victimhood and in their ability to stop us from questioning their central narrative. The holocaust story paints the Germans with a cloak of permanent guilt. Germany must forever pay back — money, protection, reparations — to the Jews for having allegedly tried to exterminate them. We must never criticize the Jews, nor criticize government policies which lead to our self-destruction, such as, for example, mass immigration from third-world countries. That would be “racist” and will lead to the next holocaust! Terms such as “anti-Semitic” are used as weapons to shut down any factual reporting on Jewish activities, no matter how criminal and no matter the evidence. Their false story and tactics make the Jews beyond reproach.

The holocaust narrative is essential to the very existence of Israel.

Why they protect their holocaust narrative so fiercely is because when the truth becomes known to the wider public — and that is happening fast — then their whole house of cards of lies, deceit, subversion, and destruction comes tumbling down. The Jews will once again be driven out of their positions of power and control. Thus, I believe that exposing the holocaust lie is essential for our very survival.

NSK: How does the political agenda of the “Holocaust“ affect Western societies (mainly the German)?

Monika Schaefer:

Germany has been brought down to her knees because of the holocaust story. Most people who lived through the war have died by now, but imagine first the trauma of having your country devastated by bombs, including the deliberate terror-bombing of cities where the express target was civilians, and then imagine that you are not allowed to grieve those losses because you are told a fantastical story about what your countrymen did to the Jews – gassed 6 million of them and turned their skin into lampshades, rendered their fat into soap and made grotesque shrunken heads too! Imagine also that you are not even allowed to know how many of your people were killed in these bombings or in the post-war death camps. Imagine then that the next several generations of school children are taught about the alleged horrors that their parents and grandparents did to the Jews, while the horrors that were done to your own people are diminished and dismissed, with the attitude that they deserved what they got anyway.

Germans are so weakened by the guilt cult about the imaginary “holocaust”, that they can be completely ruled and manipulated by the hidden hand of government. Who is this hidden hand? Those who brought us the false narrative in the first place! It is a perfectly evil playbook. Accuse your victim of doing that to you what you have done to them. Cui bono? Those who forever cry “poor me, poor persecuted me” while they stab their victim in the back.

Why would the Jews not celebrate upon learning that less of their ancestors died than they originally proclaimed? It should be cause for joy and relief, but instead it makes them very angry. I find this very strange, other than the fact that they benefit greatly from the story of 6 million dead.

It is not only the Germans who are guilty of imagined crimes. The rest of the white race is guilty too, because they allegedly did not do enough to stop the holocaust from happening. In addition, we are taught that the white race is guilty of all the other evils of the world. Study the high school social studies curriculum in Canada, where I live, and you will wonder that the white children don’t all commit suicide by the end of the school year. It is nothing but guilt, guilt, guilt! Slavery, colonization, native mass graves, on and on it goes. You can search long and hard for any lessons about European culture, architecture, traditions, music, or anything that puts European history in a positive light. The teaching of classical music is now considered racist. Math is considered racist. Basic truth is now racist.

The lack of pride in one’s own culture goes hand in hand with the guilt cult. It is another intended consequence of the false narrative about the “bad Nazis” and the “holocaust”. How best to kill a culture than to make the children be ashamed of their parents and grandparents. They will be only too eager to absorb the “popular culture” from Hollywood and other mass media, in the vacuum left behind after shedding the traditions and culture of their shameful ancestors. That is cultural genocide, pure and simple.

NSK: Please describe your political views.

Monika Schaefer:

My political views have changed 180 degrees since I woke up about what is really going on in the world. I was very active in the Watermelon Party — sorry — I mean the Green Party, which really is the communist party. Watermelons are green on the outside and red on the inside, hence the euphemism. The packaging of the party is beautiful, but the reality is something else entirely.

Everything I thought the Green Party stood for — their six core principles: ecological wisdom, social justice, respect for diversity, non-violence, sustainability, and participatory democracy — meshed well with my own values. Once I righted myself back up in this upside-down world, I realized that everything was inverted. For example, “respect for diversity” is code for killing diversity. I had thought it was all about nature and protecting biodiversity, but in reality it is about mixing up all the different peoples and races, and ultimately annihilating all the races, but especially the white race.

Another example of how the Green Party has it all wrong in their fight to protect the environment, is that they push the mistaken notion that carbon is bad. Carbon happens to be the basis of life, so in their drive to decarbonize our environment (“fight global warming / climate change”) they are actually attacking life itself. I have yet to hear the Green Party take on the issue of chemtrails and geoengineering as the real culprit of “climate change”. When they finally admit to the spraying, they say it is to “save the planet”. It is all lies, lies, lies.

One former friend accuses me of having changed, and that she does not recognize me anymore. I tell her that my values have NOT changed and that I am still me. But what has changed is my understanding of reality and my view of the world. She laments that I formerly cared about the same things she cares so much about: nature and the environment. I tell her that I care more than ever about nature, about life, about everything that makes this earth, our sacred home, so beautiful. It is my love for what is beautiful, and my understanding of what is at stake if our eternal enemy is successful in destroying all, that makes me fight harder than ever. Our very existence is at stake!

So you see, my former friend thinks I do not care anymore about the environment, when in fact she is the one who is deceived into thinking that she is doing good, but is actually supporting anti-life policies.

NSK: What is your opinion regarding Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich?

Monika Schaefer:

For most of my life, I believed that Adolf Hitler was the most evil man that ever walked the face of the earth, just like the majority of other people in Western Nations believe(d) this. That had been so drilled into us, hammered into us, drip-fed into us in a steady stream of programming, from school, from movies, magazines, radio, books, virtually through every possible means. Hitler and “the Nazis” were invoked as a synonym for any and all evil, right to this very day, in fact more so now than ever!

Even when I began to learn the truth about Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich, and even after I realized that this man was the most lied about man in history, it still took some time before the residual contamination of the lies washed away. It took a while before I could see him presented in a positive light without cringing. Thank goodness, that revulsion has finally been replaced with reverence, respect and love for a man whom I now believe to have been one of the greatest men to walk the face of this earth. When everything has been reversed in an Orwellian world, it makes sense that this great man and his great accomplishments have been turned into the complete opposite, by the peddlers of mainstream thinking.

My acquisition of knowledge about National Socialism and the Third Reich began after my awakening about the Big 6-million Lie, and so it is relatively new for me. As I learn more about it, I feel increasingly aligned with National Socialist values. Let me share a little story that relates to those values.

Sometime in late 2016, a few months after my “Sorry Mom, I was wrong about the holocaust” video was released, I received an invitation to speak to a group of people in Calgary Alberta. I had already done some speaking engagements across Canada, and so this was nothing new. I had met the organizer of the Calgary event, but knew nothing about their formal organization, not even the name of it, nor did it occur to me to ask if they even had an organization. I simply understood that this young man, the organizer, was aware of the deceptions, and he wanted me to speak to them about my experiences.

Within a few days of accepting the invitation, I received two separate phone calls from alarmed acquaintances in Jasper warning me that I should rethink this speaking engagement and I should not go there! They said it sounded “dangerous”. I was bewildered how they even knew about it. I learned that Vice Magazine out of Toronto had reported on the upcoming event, and now everyone in Jasper knew about it. Wow! What a lot of busy-bodies in Jasper. I knew nothing about Vice, but evidently it was a leftist, Jew-controlled publication, and Jasper was obviously tapped in to that network.

It was through those 2 phone calls that I learnt the name of the Calgary organization: Blood and Honour. Okay, no big deal, right? For me, there was no Pavlovian response with that name, as I was not even familiar with it. But to the alarmed individuals who called me, that name Blood and Honour sent them into a panic. To them, it meant pure evil.

Needless to say, I ignored their pleadings not to attend that “dangerous” meeting. I can truly say that I never felt safer than amongst the mostly young men, some women and children, and a few older folks who attended the meeting at their club house in Calgary. They were respectful, polite, bright and engaging. It was one of the best audiences I ever had. These were people who had ideals and morals, they were pro- family and were upright citizens. They also understood that we were being lied to about our history. They knew quite a lot about National Socialism, in fact more than I did at the time. That is why I share this story. If those people liked National Socialism, then I wanted to learn more about National Socialism.

If those words “Blood and Honour” were so dangerous to the leftists, the Jews, and the rest of the indoctrinated masses who were still immersed in our inverted world, well then maybe there was something very important about Blood and about Honour. Indeed, there is nothing more important than our blood. And our honour will be restored once we know the truth about who we are. That is what our enemy fears the most, hence the inversion — yes those Blood and Honour values are dangerous — but to whom?! It is what the Jews fear the most — our White Race!

NSK: Did you ever meet other “Holocaust“- related historians such as David Irving, Ernst Zündel, Fred Leuchter, Germar Rudolf, Gerd Honsik etc.? If yes, please describe them to our recipients.

Monika Schaefer:

I have not met any of those people you mentioned in person, but I have had the pleasure of speaking on the telephone and on radio shows with Fred Leuchter. What an honourable man! There is so much more to Fred than just his work on gas chambers. It was a stroke of luck for Ernst Zündel that the one and only gas chamber expert in the whole entire United States (the country that actually did employ gassing as one method of execution) turned out to be a man with such integrity and good character. It was the preeminent French Professor Robert Faurisson whose idea it was to send Fred Leuchter to Auschwitz to examine the facilities which had allegedly been used to gas millions of people, for the purposes of testifying at Ernst Zündel’s 1988 “holocaust trial” in Toronto.

Fred Leuchter went over as a holocaust believer, and this concerned Robert Faurisson. But Ernst Zündel’s confidence that Fred Leuchter would report accurately on what he found superseded any hesitation about Leuchter’s testimony being tainted by his then-held belief system. As it turned out, Leuchter came away from Auschwitz with the solid conviction that not a single person was ever murdered by gas at the camps. He testified on what he found. Then he too, found out that there is a personal price to pay for telling the truth about the gas chambers. He was smeared, lied about, defamed, arrested, jailed, and lost all employment… but he stays strong to this day.

I have also had the pleasure of speaking with Germar Rudolf over the telephone, but that was a few years back. I have the greatest respect and admiration for Germar’s work. He is the quintessential ‘fleißig’ German man, diligently writing and publishing articles and books, and keeping up websites. Germar also paid the price as a political prisoner in Germany, after which he moved to the USA.

Part Two

NSK: You are head of the international society “Truth and Justice for Germans“. Please describe the circumstances of its foundation, its goals, the kind of work and your personal work there.

Monika Schaefer:

The Truth and Justice for Germans Society was started by a group of dedicated people in Vancouver, Canada, in 2014. I only came into it much later. The group wanted to have a public face and spokesperson at the helm, and since I had been incarcerated for having reached the “wrong” conclusions about WW2 history, my name was definitively in the public eye. So I was invited to become president of the society, which I accepted in February of 2020.

The name of the Society speaks for itself. The goal is to tell the truth about Germany’s history, dispel the myths about German villainy, celebrate German culture and traditions, and tell the other side of the story – the true side. Germany has been slandered non-stop by the All-Lies side, and the “re-education” program has driven Germany to slander herself. The war never really ended.

Truth will ultimately lead to Justice.

Educational articles and videos can be found at the society’s website

NSK: Do you plan any further projects for the future?

Monika Schaefer: I have been trying to write a book about my “adventures”. Somehow it always takes a back seat to all the other things going on in life. It is on the back burner, so to speak. Maybe one day it will get done.

But in the meantime, my biggest and most urgent goal is to wake people up — connect the dots — about what is going on in the world, especially right now with the fraudulent “vaccines” in a fake pandemic. War is being waged against us, not a conventional war with bombs, rather a war by deception. We need to stop this! We truly face an existential threat, as our eternal enemy is trying to carry out massive genocide with the poisonous injection, weather warfare, mass immigration/invasion and general breakdown of society.

How can we win this war, if so many of our people do not even understand that we are in a war, and secondly, if the people do not recognize the enemy within the gates? The perpetrators of this gigantic Covid fraud are the same as the perpetrators of the biggest fraud up to now — the holocaust lie. Until ten years ago, I believed their lies. If I was able to wake up, then others can too.

NSK: “Holocaust“-related – scientific (!) – work has been suppressed harder and harder within the last decades, often in complete violation of the official laws of the particular countries, besides the open violation of international laws (UN-Declaration of Human Rights, 49, CCPR/C/GC/34). You suffered by this repression of the hypercritical democratic regimes already personally.

Please describe the very beginning of this repression and its effects, which you have experienced because of your work, and your opinion regarding such actions of the democratic regimes against freedom of speech.

Monika Schaefer:

It is true, that repression and suppression of the truth has increased over the decades. In Germany where I became a political prisoner, the holocaust denial law in the German Criminal Code Section 130 was only introduced in 1994. The word “holocaust” does not even appear in the law, but it is nonetheless known as the “holocaust denial law”. Lobbyists had fought hard for many years to make holocaust denial a crime in Germany. There was great resistance, but finally the Jewish lobby won. Holocaust denial can earn you 5 years imprisonment in Germany. An additional clause was added in 2005, whereby “approving of, glorifying or justifying” National Socialist rule can earn you 3 years imprisonment. In other words, it is strictly verboten to say anything good about that time period in Germany.

In Canada we have “hate speech” laws, Section 319 of the CCC (Criminal Code of Canada). They say that “hate speech” is excluded from the concept of freedom of speech, because… “hate speech is different!” they will screech. The Canadian law makes it illegal “to communicate statements publicly that might incite hatred against an identifiable group”. Who determines what is defined as “hate” and who is this identifiable group against whom one might incite hatred when you tell the truth about them — so sorry — I mean when you speak “hate”. Furthermore, how can we and why do we legislate emotions?

(I think I may have misunderstood the question at first, and thought you were asking about the laws. But nonetheless, that is just a bit of background about Germany’s and Canada’s laws which have led to the creation of political prisoners.)

Here is what happened to me, in very brief summary:

In June of 2016 I made the videosSorry Mom, I was wrong about the holocaust”, and in GermanEntschuldigung Mama, ich hatte Unrecht was den Holocaust betrifft”. I was visiting my brother Alfred in Germany at the time, and so he was able to produce the videos with his videography equipment.

I knew at the time that I was going through a one-way door. It felt exhilarating because I knew I was telling the truth, and yet it was such a taboo subject. The speed with which events unfolded took my breath away. The video went viral, comments poured in – first the good, then the bad. Long-time friends emailed me their termination of our friendship.

Back home in the little town of Jasper, Canada, I learned what Ritual Defamation is. I could write a book about just that, but suffice it to say that this was mob mentality at its worst and the mob wanted to burn the witch at the stake. What gave me strength was my innermost knowledge that I had truth on my side, plus I received moral support from new contacts the world over who were witnessing the storm from afar.

In December 2017 I made a quick decision to visit Alfred in Germany for Christmas. January 3rd, 2018 we attended the trial of Sylvia Stolz in Munich. I wanted to meet this heroine and I was also intensely curious about what a speech crime trial looked like (oh the irony!). It was there that the authorities spotted me in the public gallery, and promptly arrested me. They held me on remand because of “flight risk”. Finally after six months waiting, the trial against Alfred and me began on July 2, and continued over the span of nearly four months. Alfred was taken from his home on July 6, jailed prior to any conviction because of the “severity of the crime” and their fear that he might flee the country. The trial concluded on October 26, 2018, at which time I was released on a 10 months sentence “time served”. Alfred remains in jail to this day.

Thus it was that the one-month trip turned into nearly a year when I was arrested and jailed and tried and convicted for telling the truth — they worded the part about telling the truth slightly differently.

If there is only one thing that people should know about a speech crime trial in Germany, it is this: evidence and testimony which support the conclusions of the defendant are illegal. If anyone is under the illusion that court is a place where you can present your arguments and your evidence in order to defend yourself, you are mistaken! Doing so will garner more charges against you. Sylvia Stolz found that out, and so did many others, including my brother Alfred.

Here is another surprise: try to acquire a transcript of the proceedings of the 2018 Schaefer siblings trial in Germany, and you will fail. It does not exist. There was no recording, and no stenographer. Hence, no transcript.

NSK: Please describe the current legal situation you are in.

Monika Schaefer:

I have no ongoing legal situation related to this story, other than that my name is flagged whenever I cross any border. I experienced that on the two occasions that I travelled to the USA since my return from Germany in late 2018. Once was at the Calgary airport on my return from New York. I was detained for 3 hours, and four of my books were stolen by the Canadian Border Services Agency. The second incidence took place at a land crossing in southeast British Columbia entering the USA. I was detained, questioned about being arrested, my car was thoroughly searched, and just when I had mentally prepared myself that I would be turned back, they finally told me to go through and “have a nice day”.

NSK: What about your brother Alfred?

Monika Schaefer:

Alfred sits in the jail to this day. Were it not for the additional charges that were made against him simply for things he said and did in court during our trial in 2018, he would have been released by now. He has been in jail now just over 40 months, and his original sentence was 38 months. In 2019, he faced new charges resulting directly from his words spoken in defence during our trial. The judge had interrupted Alfred many times, warning him that if he continued speaking along those lines, that more charges would have to be laid, as this talk was illegal!

Alfred always answered, “You want to put me in jail for six million years anyway, and I am just telling the truth. I will keep talking.”

Since the 3rd of December 2020, Alfred has been held in solitary confinement, only let out of his cell for his daily 60 minutes fresh air in the court yard. The reason for solitary confinement is that he insists on breathing freely, without a face diaper covering his nose.

Alfred is supposed to be released in July of 2022, however there are more charges pending against him. He was supposed to be in court again a few months ago (summer of 2021), this time for showing his cohorts how high his dog Pavlov can jump, with a gesture that they also call the “Hitler Salute”. This straight arm gesture evidently creates much fear in the occupiers of Germany. Because of Alfred’s mask defiance, they postponed the court date because the judge was not willing to be in the same room with an un-masked prisoner. I am not aware of a new date having been set.

NSK: In times of overwhelming censorship, it is necessary to keep up a continuous information campaign (like Dr. Joseph Goebbels said: „The truth can’t be spoken out often enough!“).

Please explain the facts regarding so called „mass gassings“, „gas chambers“ and “Zyklon B“, especially the truth about the so called „death camps“.

Monika Schaefer:

The simplest way to deal with this question is with the declaration by the 34 French professors and historians, which was published by France’s newspaper of record Le Monde on 21 February 1979:

“One must not ask oneself how, technically, such a mass-murder was possible. It was technically possible, since it happened. That is the requisite starting point of any historical inquiry into the subject. It is incumbent upon us to state this truth simply: there is not, there cannot be any debate on the existence of the gas chambers.”

That is it. No debate, no discussion, no evidence required. Actually the professors did us a favour because they surely know the truth and now we need not bother with pesky details. Joking aside, they really did do us a favour by illustrating that they have no evidence for their story, and that it really was a technical impossibility, or they would not need to make such an absurd, illogical declaration. Their “requisite starting point” is exactly how the story of the holocaust is handled, in the media, in the schools, in the museums, and worst of all, in the courts!

As an illustration of that, one need only look at what Articles 19 and 21 of the Nuremberg trials said. Paraphrasing briefly, evidence is not required for something that is self-evident and is common knowledge. The holocaust was common knowledge and did not need evidence. That was the starting point. Trials have been mostly a sham ever since.

There is a good reason why Jewish holocaust historians such as Debra Lipstadt tell the public that we should never debate a holocaust denier. It is because they will always lose. The facts and evidence do not support the official narrative. That is why facts and evidence are forbidden in court.

Many excellent books, articles and documentaries exist which tell the truth about what happened and did not happen in WW2. I will just be very brief here with a teaser – the proverbial “tip of the iceberg” – of some basic problems with the official story.

The math does not add up. There were far less than 6 million Jews in all of German occupied Europe at their height of power. Then 6 million Jews were gassed. After the war, several more millions of Jewish survivors received reparations. At Auschwitz the official numbers of murdered were reduced by nearly 3 million, and yet the 6 million number remains.

Swimming pool, theatre, orchestra, soccer, hospital, maternity ward — these things were all present at Auschwitz. Thousands of babies were born there. That does not sound like a Death Camp.

Eyewitness testimonies fell apart under the skillful cross examination by Attorney Douglas Christie at the 1985 Ernst Zündel trial in Toronto. For example, Arnold Friedman testified that he saw 14-foot flames coming out of the crematoria chimneys at Auschwitz, and that he could tell by the colour of the smoke and flames whether they were fat Jewish Hungarians or skinny Jewish Poles who were being burned. In answering the question from Doug Christie about whether there could have been other explanations for the smoke and flames, Arnold Friedman testified in court: “Yes, there could have. If I had listened to you at the time when I was listening to other people (in the camp), I might have listened to you. But at the time, I listened to them.” He was a frightened boy at Auschwitz who had heard the wildest of rumours.

The crematoria existed as a means to dispose of the bodies of people who died of typhus or other causes. The fact of the matter is that the crematoria did not emit flames or smoke.

The number one expert on gas executions in the USA, Fred Leuchter, went to Poland and did forensic examination of the so-called gas chambers at Auschwitz and concluded in his “Leuchter Report” that not a single gas execution could have taken place there. Zyklon B residues would have been present in the walls and floor, and there simply were no chemical residues, other than in the clothing disinfectant chambers. Zyklon B is a pesticide which was indeed used to disinfect clothing, so as to kill lice. Lice carried the deadly disease typhus, and the goal was to keep the camp inmates healthy and alive.

Post-war confessions were extracted by torture – hence unreliable.

Not a single autopsy exists indicating death by gas poisoning in any of the concentration camps in all of German occupied territory during WW2.

There is no documentary evidence for an order nor a plan nor a budget to exterminate the Jews. Raul Hilberg, a leading exterminationist aka “holocaust historian”, said that there must have been an “incredible meeting of minds, a consensus-mind reading by a far-flung bureaucracy” in place of an order to exterminate the Jews.

NSK: Do you want to recommend some literature regarding this topic to the recipients?

Monika Schaefer:

Where do I begin? There are many good resources. Germar Rudolf has published the Holocaust Handbook series. Go to to order books there. also has many resources.

The book by Benton Bradbury called The Myth of German Villainy is a must read! If you only read one book, that is what I would recommend.

Robert Faurisson is no longer with us, but his website is still up, with many articles in French and in English at

NSK: Dear Monika, it was a pleasure to do this interview with you. Your work is precious, and it’s a blessing, that there are still people who fight the evil lies which stains the whole German people since 1945!

Thanks for the interview. Keep up the good work. The victory is ours! Feel free to add some final words to the recipients.

Monika Schaefer:

Thank you so very much for inviting me to do this. It was my pleasure!

Yes, I do have one final comment, and that is for people to remember Alfred Schaefer in prison. Can I give his address here? Letters are a lifeline for the political prisoner, so please consider writing to him. It is also good for the authorities to see that Alfred is not forgotten.

Alfred Schaefer
Hindenburgring 12
86899 Landsberg am Lech

I occasionally publish some of Alfred’s letters on my website at

Let me end with Alfred’s words that he often finishes his letters with:

P.S. We are winning!


The NSDAP/AO was founded in 1972 by Gerhard Lauck.
Brian Ruhe and Monika Schaefer had a most interesting discussion with Gerhard in January 2022. Brian posted it in three parts, linked below. 

Gerhard Lauck of NSDAP/AO with Truth and Justice for Germans Society – Part 1 of 3

Monika Schaefer speaks with Gerhard Lauck about Alfred Part 2 of 3

Gerhard Lauck Describes National Socialism and Nebraska – Part 3

9 Responses

  1. Hi Monika
    My name is Christian Hegemann,
    I am a Hamburg German, Ashkenazi Jew, living in Indonesia.
    On paper I am now a Muslim, cause I must be, otherwise I could not merry my Indonesian wife, thats Indonesian law.
    But I believe, God has no religion, so it doesnt matter, what name you give our father in heaven ?
    Also I am 25% Polish, my grandfather Herbert Ozynski later Oswald, Waffen SS Bataillon, Deutschland, I have pictures of him and Adolf Hitler, from a hospital in Berlin. Adolfs chirurg, Dr Brandt made the surgery of my grandfather, after my grandfather was shoot 4 or 5 times, short infront Moscow.
    He was the person who grow me up, at our small farm in Hamburg, Kirchwerder.
    As my father Peter Hegemann, built with our Hamburg machine factory, Ortmann & Herbst, Coca Cola, Pepsi, Nestle water etc etc in Germany and around the world, also the Coca Cola Canada and other beverages in Canada.
    My grandfather Arthur Hegemann, and my grandfather Herbert Ozynski (Oswald) told me anything you write here.
    So I am aware of all that you write here, and even much much more.
    But I must be very carefull as you know, what I write here, as you know the German law ?
    Cause I frequently go to Germany to see my family, my mom is still alive and I have 3 Brothers. I am the oldest of us 4.
    And my son Daniel, my son with my first German (Regina Hars) wife, we devorced.
    My grandfather Herbert Ozynski (Oswald), was a while responsibile for the Lager Neuengamme, about 3 or 4 km from our Hamburg Kirchwerder farm. So I know what was gone on there, that time.
    I am also 25% German, my grandmother Lene Lina Eggers, Hamburg family, merried with my grandfather Herbert Ozynski (Oswald).
    I am 25% Jewish, my grandmother Klara Cohen. Actually from Poland (Gyrardow). Merried to my grandfather Arthur Hegemann.
    I am also 25% Dutch, my grandfather Arthur Hegemann, thats a Dutch family but living in Poland. My grandfather was manager of Philips Poland in Warschau. My grand grandfather Hegemann was building wheat mills in Poland. Dutch company MIAG.
    I could write here much much more but I will end it here with something I know, what happened 1938/1939 in Poland, what only few people know, to my family and tenthousands others.
    My grand grandparents Hegemann and my grandparents Hegemann, was put by the Polish in Konzentrationslager.
    The Polish did that with all foreigners that time, also with Germans, Russians, Ukrainians etc etc.
    My grand grandparents Hegemann died by starving in Lublin, in that Konzentrationslager.
    My grandparents Hegemann, was liberated by German troups in September 1939.
    My grandfather Arthur Hegemann was until his last day of life, a burning Nationalsozialist, cause Adolf brought him and my grandma out of that Konzentrationslager.
    I could understand that very well.
    Tenthousands of Germans, Dutch, Russians etc was that time 1938/1939 in concentration camps in Poland.
    That and the blocking of our, sofar I remember 5 or 6 train connections, from Deutschland to Königsberg, was the reason of Adolf Hitler to take over Poland, 1 September 1939.
    I would not live if Adolf Hitler hadnt done that 1939.
    Now history repeats and the Lithuanians block the trainlines of Russians, to Königsberg or today Kaliningrad. And again the criminal warmongers British are behind that, same as 1938/1939.
    I wrote this in English and not in Deutsch that more people become knowlege of that what happened.
    All the best,

  2. I wondered what happened to this lady. More people need to stand up and question these happenings because it was used as a platform for world domination and that’s why we are always reminded of it to keep the lie and handouts going. Eg: if one has a factory where peopled live on site and suddenly all food, medicines, everything supplied was stopped suddenly then revisited 3 months later I know it won’t be a healthy site to see… just one example. Anyways tell Monika to keep strong or send me her email and I will tell her personally. Stuart UK.

  3. Besides not having gas Chambers in these camps, there were hardly any Jews in the camps. Just enough for a photo op. 6 million is a logistical impossibility. We have spoken before on the internet probably through Facebook. I believe I have sent you this editorial before. It’s slightly obnoxious but I source everything. People don’t know there was an American forensics pathologist Charles Larson, in the camps doing autopsies and he determined they died of starvation and typhus. I listen to all the radio shows on rbn. I think that’s a smart move to go on everybody’s show 🙂 by the way you are correct there are no nuclear bombs or nuclear energy. Jim Fetzer I don’t trust. Everybody worships the guy. So I don’t say much.
    I’m also on to 9/11 research. No planes were used. No demolitions were used. No micro nukes like Jim Fetzer likes to say because no seismic activity was recorded.
    I am deep game Judaism. There are things people are not seeing about the Jews. One they hate white people especially Christians and want Christians destroyed. Jews are satanists. Jews are Antichrist. Judaism is satanism. Anyone who defends or works for the Jew is a Satanist.
    While discussing the Holocaust is important. The fake Holocaust. It gives the Jews too much attention. I like to talk about the rape of 2.5 million German women after the war. The deliberate fire bombing of German cities. The deliberate starvation of German pows. I also wrote a story about Jesse Owens in Berlin I will send that to you. I actually have a link from Gab. It’s a revision of the lies we’ve been told about the German Olympics and Jesse Owens.

    Godbless, Maxx

    Ursula Haverbeck

    is a 91 year old German  woman sitting in a German prison for so called “holocaust denial”. She doesn’t deny it, she just doesn’t believe it.

    Using circumstantial evidence and expert witness. All verifiable.  Let’s review –

    1) The Red Cross , under Rules of the Geneva Convention, visited every camp, once a month to make sure prisoners were fed, clothed and housed properly. Red Cross put the total combined death toll at 273,000 .

    2) “Crime Doctor” by Dr. Charles Larson (1975) who did forensic analysis on the corpses while a German soldier protected him, concluded that prisoners died of typhus and starvation from the allied bombing of supply lines.

    3)Kristallnacht wikipedia, entry, Its all about the numbers first, states –

    “Nazi propaganda singled out the 500,000 Jews in Germany, who accounted for only 0.86% of the overall population”

    “By the time the conference took place, more than 250,000 Jews had fled Germany and Austria, which had been annexed by Germany”

    “in March 1938; more than 300,000 German and Austrian Jews continued to seek refuge and asylum from oppression.”

    Hitler let 550,000 Jews emigrate to friendlier countries .
    That leaves far less than 20,000 to “holocaust”

    That the Hollywood news reels were directed by Billy Wilder and Alfred Hitchcock. One is a film called “Memories of the Camps” is evidence of blatant fraud and libel. Its almost laughable .

    That it was admitted that the “shrunken heads, lampshades, and bars of soap made from jews” were all faked according to Michael Schermer of Skeptic magazine. I know Germans, they would never wash themselves with soap made from jews.
    The word “holocaust” by the very definition , you don’t survive. Not to mention many other errors presented as fact. The whole story is ludicrous, and Mrs Haverbeck needs to be released immediately . Just going to prison for having a non violent opinion, in itself is criminal and highly suspect.

    Ursula Haverbeck *Has since been released*

  4. Monika , you and your brother and others like US will not be forgotten…..
    I am aging rapidly, my only goal left is to not die with a mind full of filthy murderous Jewish lies. Hang in there.

  5. Seriously…..what self respecting human man would wash themselves with soap made from Jews . Or even soap manufactured by Jews.

    These are weird, alien, bizzare humanoids. Very scary, frightful, and furtive products of some haywired evolution . I intermittently doubt wether or not they are even human.

    Forget about the soap….No real German man would have ever wanted the blood of one of these ‘things’ on their hands. Ugh.

    Man….they have truly F*****d this planet, or at the least, this Hemisphere up. It’s not right or cosmically “fair “ that these shit-creatures have gotten away with what they have.

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