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Erasing the Memory of German Losses and Demonizing Those Who Do Remember

In most wars, there are victims on all sides. Remembering and mourning the dead is a normal part of the healing process for any group of people. Why is it that German victims of World War Two are not allowed to be counted and acknowledged, are not allowed to be remembered and are not allowed to be grieved? Why is it that those who dare remember in spite of it all are demonized?

After the terrible attack on Germany from all sides, from the All Lies (the Allies), Germans were accused of crimes they never committed, thereby deflecting attention away from what was done to Germany and Germans, and refocussing the world’s attention on imagined and invented crimes by Germans against the Jews. The victims became the villains, and after that nobody cared about what might have happened to the Germans, because they were “bad” and the so-called “good war” took care of that. Whatever happened to the Germans, they must have deserved it, or so the mainstream version goes.

There was only one memorial site in all of Germany for the 12 million civilian deaths during and after WW2. On April 23, 2021, it was attacked by arsonists. This site was in Guthmannshausen, Thüringen.

How does the MSM (mainstream media) respond? They say it was a hot-spot for Rightwing Extremists. Not a word about it being a memorial site. They conveniently only mentioned the actual building which had a fire. The outdoor memorial site was not mentioned.

The memorial site consists of a series of stone slabs in an outdoor setting, and next to that a meeting centre in a beautiful Manor. The stone slabs have inscriptions detailing the different groups of civilians who died, such as the expellees from various German lands, the millions of German women and girls who were raped and murdered, the drowning victims, and the truly holocausted civilians in the fire-bombed German cities.

The Manor had been purchased by the memorial organization which Ursula Haverbeck had founded in 2011. That Manor became part of the memorial site, and was regularly and frequently used for cultural and memorial gatherings, a spot for people to remember Germany’s losses of WW2, and to celebrate German traditions and heritage.

The purchase of the Manor sparked protests in 2011, and an attempt by the State of Thüringen to stop the purchase finally failed in 2013.

The fire raged in the upper floor of the Manor. An investigation is ongoing. The stone slabs were not damaged.

Five days earlier, another meeting spot of German Patriots, or as the MSM described it, a “meeting place for the right-wing scene”, the Gaststätte “Waldhaus” in Sonneberg, Thüringen, was torched. Though that investigation is still ongoing, authorities are openly saying that politically motivated arson is suspected.

So here is the point. Germany was devastated by the war. Their cities were fire-bombed, resulting in the destruction of so much of their beautiful architecture, infrastructure, and heritage. So many millions of their people were killed, not only the brave soldiers on the fronts, but in addition, 12 million women and children and elderly.

Afterwards, the German people cannot even mourn and grieve their losses, because they are accused of being evil and monstrous villains. They are accused of the imaginary “Jewish holocaust”. Their own losses are hidden, denied, and ignored. People who try to tell the truth about the numbers of German casualties are demonized. They are referred to as “neo-Nazis” or “right-wing radical extremists”. Furthermore, people who try to tell the truth about the so-called “holocaust” are persecuted and thrown in jail, the dignified Ursula Haverbeck case in point.

Please click on the title to watch this video called “Jim Rizoli and Monika Schaefer discuss the erasing of German History”. Jim and Monika discuss this latest event, the arson attack on the Memorial site in Germany. The video is 45 minutes long. At minute 38:30, you will go right to the memorial site via a video clip from Nikolai Nerling.

7 Responses

  1. Dresden bombing??? Eisenover’s Rhine meadows death camps??? Same as the English concentration camps in the Boer war in South Africa, Bolshevik revolution. The winner writes the history.

  2. This injustice brings me to tears. Personally, if I vocalize my sadness about my families suffering in Germany , Im either looked at with disbelief , even hatred

  3. Ten thousand out of three million German soldiers returned from slavery, the death camps (nobody talks about) of the Soviet Jewish Gulag in 1955 – the mass murderer Chrushtshov (wrong English spelling?) who accused the Germans with having committed war crimes flew into a rage when the German delegation (not exactly such nerds as we have today) dared mentioning the atrocious Russian war crimes against the German people…

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