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Pusillanimous Proposals of 1941 – part Parody

Book Review and Satire by Nancy Hitt, 2011

1.  Immediately and completely disarm the Jewish army and have all armaments removed from Jewish territory.

2.  Place all Jewish utility and heavy industrial plants under heavy guard, and replace Jewish workers by those of Allied nationality.

3. Segregate the Jewish army into groups, concentrate them in severely restricted areas, and summarily sterilize them.

4.  Organize the civilian population, both male and female, within territorial sectors, and effect their sterilization.

5.  Divide the Jewish army (after its sterilization has been completed) into labor battalions, and allocate their services toward the rebuilding of those cities which they ruined.

6.  Partition Israel and apportion its lands.  The accompanying map gives some idea of possible land adjustments which might be made in connection with Israel’s extinction.

7.  Restrict all Jewish civilian travel beyond established borders until all sterilization has been completed.

8.  Compel the Jewish population of the apportioned territories to learn the language of its area, and within one year to cease the publication of all books, newspapers and notices in the Hebrew language, as well as to restrict Hebrew-language broadcasts and discontinue the maintenance of Hebrew-language schools.

9.  Make one exception to an otherwise severely strict enforcement of total sterilization, by exempting from such treatment only those Jews whose relatives, being citizens of various victor nations, assume financial responsibility for their emigration and maintenance and moral responsibility for their actions.

Does this list give credence to the aims of the Nazis? No, gentle reader, I took the liberty of substituting Jews for Germans who these nine vile proposals were directed at. I copied each directive as written on Pages 56 and 57 from the book Germany Must Perish by the American-born Jew, Theodore N. Kaufman.

Kaufman developed his genocidal theories months before the US became an allied lackey ripping Germany and its people to shreds. The author in typical Hebrew-fueled fashion, desired the total annexation of Germany and the elimination of all future generations.

Germany Must Perish by Theodore N. Kaufman was translated into German and distributed to perhaps one million soldiers. This bile fortified the resolve of Germans on the front lines who realized what the future might hold for them and their homeland.

Here is just a sampling of the hundreds of bitter words written by Kaufman on Page 11: “This analogous linking of the people of Germany with savage beast is no vulgar comparison.  I feel no more personal hatred for these people than I might feel for a herd of wild animals or a cluster of poisonous reptiles. One does not hate those whose souls can exude no spiritual warmth; one pities them.  If the German people wish to live by themselves, in darkness, it would be strictly their own affair.  But when they make constant attempts to enshroud the souls of other people in those fetid wrappings which cloak their own, it becomes time to remove them from the realm of civilized mankind among which they can have no place, or right to existence.”

More provocations from Page 6: “Germany must perish forever! In fact—not in fancy!”

I have to smirk at the quotes used by Kaufman on Pages 22 and 23: “Lamprecht, another German historian, recounts that even among themselves the Germans held no pledge valid!” (This belies what some US soldiers believed to be true of the Germans.)

On Page 26: “Lying and deceit are encouraged as being a foundation stone for German policy and as for treaties and the like Treitschke advises that they are mere scraps of paper and urges that ‘they can and must be denounced by Germany whenever the promise they hold become unprofitable to her.’” (This sounds like the Jewish tradition of deceit.)

We know from various writers of antiquity that German tribes were loyal to their marriage vows and were brave warriors. Where are we to find in Roman, Greek or other historical texts a description of the virtues and morals of the Jewish people?

If you want to read an example of how the US was prodded into war with Germany, while the Germans were encouraged to fight to the death, read Germany Must Perish by Theodore N. Kaufman. It was written in July of 1941, months before FDR and his cronies successfully conned the US into another European War.

As Dr. E. R. Fields states in his Preface on Page 2: “This is surely one of the most vicious hate-dripping books ever written! Bear in mind that the German deportation of the Jews as war-time security risks did not begin until July 11, 1942.  Thus, the Jews cannot claim that this book was in response to any alleged ‘holocaust’ because such an accusation had not been made at the time. Nevertheless, Kaufman calls for a holocaust of the entire German race.”

Nancy Hitt – 2011


When Nancy Hitt wrote this book review, she did not know about Arthur Topham. Conversely, did Arthur know about Nancy’s work? We do not know, and cannot ask him. My guess is that he had his idea to satirize that vile booklet, independently of Nancy’s work. Arthur published his piece in 2011, the same year as Nancy’s.

Arthur Topham created a satire of Theodore Kaufman’s genocidal blueprint by doing a complete full-length replication of it, except that he replaced “Germany” with “Israel” in the very title, and throughout the book, he replaced “Germans” with “Jews”. Although he  made it clear in his introduction to “Israel Must Perish” that it was satirical and that his intention was to draw attention to Theodore Kaufman’s book, there was a long and drawn out legal battle in which Arthur’s satirical piece was featured. See Gilad Atzmon’s article about it here, and you can visit Monika Schaefer’s website, and put Arthur Topham’s name in the search bar to find several articles about him. Here is one of them:

Nancy Hitt has long been active in our struggle for Truth and Justice and the very survival of the White race, the people of European descent. On this website under the Resource section, you can find some of her excellent book reviews: and here is the archive of a recent interview with Nancy on “The Flipside with Monika” on the Republic Broadcasting Network:

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