Truth and Justice for Germans Society

Review of Wannsee, article by John Wear
A few years ago a dear (former) friend said to me, “Monika, thank you so much for making your ‘Sorry Mom, I was wrong about

Life of a Zeppelin Part 1: Was the Hindenburg Fire a Case of Sabotage? by James Rousse
An Opinion Piece by James Rousse For the last few years I have been reading and meditating on the subject of hydrogen-filled dirigibles, but nothing

The Breitspurbahn: Part 4-7, the Economics of Running Big Trains
by James Rousse The Breitspurbahn: Adolf Hitler’s Train of Dreams Click here to read parts 1-3… Part 4. Fuel Options As discussed in the first

The Gas Chambers: Truth or Lie? Interview with Robert Faurisson
This is reproduced from the Robert Faurisson website called robertfaurisson.blogspot.com, and the source article can be accessed by clicking on the highlighted title below. The

The Breitspurbahn: Adolf Hitler’s Train of Dreams: Part 1 – 3
by James Rousse Cover image courtesy of weaponsdandwarfare.com The Breitspurbahn: Adolf Hitler’s Train of Dreams Part 1. History What is the Breitspurbahn? The Breitspurbahn

The GREATEST CRIMINAL ACT in the HISTORY OF ALL MANKIND ~ {until the Covid Scamdemic}
article by Frederick Medler During the nineteen thirties the nation of Germany, under the leadership and stewardship of Adolf Hitler, rose to become the most

Rudolf Hess: Wronged Prisoner of Peace
by John Wear, on Wear’s War website, source article here. Rudolf Hess (1894-1987) was one of the most popular National Socialist leaders. Albrecht Haushofer, who

Did German Homicidal Gas Chambers Exist? – John Wear
Republishing an excellent article by John Wear. Did German Homicidal Gas Chambers Exist? by John Wear · July 28, 2021 A relative of a

Erasing the Memory of German Losses and Demonizing Those Who Do Remember
In most wars, there are victims on all sides. Remembering and mourning the dead is a normal part of the healing process for any group