by Frederick D. Medler
Over the course of the past several centuries, the west has witnessed an endless parade of aristocrats, dictators, monarchs, political leaderships and governments which, in my opinion, have been very, very wanting. It has been extremely rare, that nations have benefited from any great single visionary leadership. I am not describing here the kind of leadership that produces merely immense military or economic power for the governing elite, but the kind of leadership that truly advances the health and prosperity, as well as the overall cultural and emotional well-being OF ITS NATIVE PEOPLE. Actually, I believe there has perhaps only been one particular individual in all of recorded history who would meet the criteria of that kind of extraordinary leader. But more about that person a little later in this essay. To be sure, such a person could best be described as a prophet, a saint, or perhaps even an avatar or messiah.
It is true that here in my own country, the United States, there have been a few truly wise “figureheads” that have guided our nation within the framework of higher ideals; think Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Monroe, Madison and Franklin, etc. They were all brilliant thinkers, but with the exception of Washington, I do not think any of them were exceptional leaders when it came to practicing what they were preaching. Even back then, politics was establishing a stranglehold that would soon gain complete control in all things, both good and evil, especially after our nation’s own Civil War (The War for Southern Independence). We mistakenly call it democratic governance.
We have come to believe that people with leadership potential are essentially always chosen by/from our established educational and political organizations. For example, just look at the heads of states and political representatives in western Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United States today. Those seeking to further their own interests and control are generally the only ones who will rise to power in any significant way. Truly exceptional visionaries rarely or never advance into the key positions of power. Just think of the countless assassinations, coups, wars and revolutions in just these past one hundred years alone. One might assume the entire system is “fixed” to benefit only the “chosen” few at the expense of the many. Well, guess what, it is!
It has long seemed beyond hope that mankind should be blessed with such a leader who truly was FOR his people. But what if I told you that we once, and only once, had just such an extraordinary leader on the world stage. He was an individual who was mostly self-taught, did not rise through the approved ranks of the established educational indoctrination system, who displayed a depth of mind, and a moral-ethical dimension. He cultivated a vast knowledge of a multitude of subjects throughout his entire life, from his early years as a probing, sensitive and perceptive youth well onto the last days of his extraordinary life. This singular individual not only proved to be a true leader of his people but was so admired and beloved by them that he provoked the envy, wrath, ridicule, distrust and contempt of most of the western world’s leadership. This person ultimately threatened the very foundations of our entire western economic, political and even religious model. Could he seriously be admired by those whose very existence he threatened? Not at all. He had to be demonized, dehumanized, and finally destroyed. If his vision had taken hold it would have been the end of their control and the exploitative perception of reality that they have long foisted upon our world.
Furthermore, this individual had the natural skill sets of a true leader. Empathy and humility were central to his character. Furthermore, he was a brilliant artist, painter, decorator, architectural designer, a fine writer, poet, and a classical pianist (to a certain basic degree). He was a prolific reader with a passionate interest in a variety of subjects, including philosophy, religion, the various arts, science and economics, etc. He was admired for his love of nature, as well as gardening, floral arranging, healthy eating, and avoidance of vices such as alcohol and tobacco. In addition, his love of his people, particularly the children, was legendary. You might wonder why are there no monuments, great urban plazas, art institutes, splendid boulevards or even great public parks named for him.
Instead, this great man of great vision and great works was ultimately destroyed. He was figuratively “crucified” to a degree that even the crucifixion of Jesus Christ might pale in comparison. His name and great legacy was besmirched and defiled by those who despised him and his calling. His artistic works have been either concealed from mankind in US, British and Russian government vaults, or destroyed. The true nature of this man has been kept concealed from public knowledge with a ferocity that defies imagination. To even attempt to see him in a positive light can ruin a person’s personal life and professional career, even threaten their very existence. Just mentioning this man’s name within any level of open, honest conversation can result in that person being marginalized. Friends and associates will walk away from you and no longer desire your company. Sadly, only those who have destroyed him and his legacy are allowed to “officially” interpret or speak for him, and they always do so in a most monstrously negative and disparaging light. Why is this so? Was the message this man attempted to bring to the light of the world truly that dangerous and terrifying to those of our established elites and the institutions they sought to protect? Well, yes, to them, but what about for the rest of us?
“It is a given fact the victors always write the history.”
Winston Churchill
Prime Minister
Great Britain
Before I proceed to name this exceptional person allow me to focus upon his extraordinary personal traits. I will tell you he was the most genuine of human beings. He was a man of such profound love and understanding, not only of those within his own personal world and his country, but also for the greater overall world community. He understood cultural differences, racial differences and all those various aspects that make the peoples of the world unique. He sought to both respect and glorify those differences and to make each and every culture truly respectful of each other. In other words, he wanted each to have their shared part of our greater world, all living and working together in a shared harmony of splendid understanding, respecting those differences and drawing that healthy line that should naturally exist between them. He believed each and every part of this wonderful world should truly become itself. In effect, here was a thoughtful man who recognized the inevitable failure of any kind of “multi-cultural” endeavors in any country. He recognized the pros and cons of multiculturalism long before the rest of us, that it could give rise to disorder and violence.
Naturally, international trade is normal. Nations and peoples must grow, evolve and learn from each other. But this did not mean that races, with their innate organic cultures, could not be respected and fully honored. Furthermore, it is inevitable that we will learn from, and be greatly influenced and inspired by other cultures. But this should be accomplished with respect on each side of the table. He truly was on the right track in showing the way towards a deeper and richer understanding of how this natural and man-made world could move forward. I believe that had he achieved his great vision, we would all be vastly better off today. And, those forces out there, our unelected Khazarian Mafia Jewish overlords would be back in their place, isolated, contained, minding their own business, and parasiting off of each other, rather than the rest of us the world over. This would allow the rest of us at long last to (re)build this world for the greater good, to live in the peace, harmony and balance that I believe an earlier figure, Jesus Christ, sought for us all. Jesus Christ laid the groundwork, and this latter figure, I believe, gave it meaning, focus, and concrete form.
“I am for lies and war because my jew money men want them,
and it is they who keep me rich. Top shelf whiskey and cigars,
and the paying of all my debts, are what got me
to sell my soul to the jews.”
Winston Churchill
Prime Minister
Great Britain
Very few to this day will speak of the enduring legacy this inspiring human being bequeathed to our world. But the laws of nature cannot be denied forever. Sooner or later the truth will be revealed and this one architectonic individual will inevitably become known to us all in a more wholesome light. This greatest of men, Adolf Hitler, will finally be recognized as one of the most remarkable to have ever walked and lived upon this wonderful planet Earth. He did not have the inclination to “conquer” or eliminate others. For those who have destroyed him, such as Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin, those most vile, vicious and manipulative of men, each and every one will be consigned to the trash heap of history where they belong. They are the most evil, disgusting (and jewish manipulated) figures to have ever walked this earth.
“Adolf Hitler is the greatest of men.
The old trust him, the young idolize him. It is the worship of a national hero who has served his country.”
David Lloyd George
Prime Minister & Statesman
Great Britain
“He (Adolf Hitler) has a supreme intellect. I have known only two other men whom I could apply such distinction, Lord Northcliffe and Lloyd George. If one puts a question to Hitler, he gives an immediate, brilliant and clear answer. There is no being living whose promises on important matters I would trust more readily. He believes Germany has a divine calling and that the German people are destined to save Europe from the revolutionary attacks of communism. He values family life very highly, whereas communism is its worst enemy. No words can describe his politeness; he disarms men as well as women and can win both at any time. He is a man of rare culture. His knowledge of music, the arts and architecture is profound.”
Harold Sidney Harmsworth
1st Viscount Ruthermere
Great Britain
It is most certainly true he had his “short-comings”. When you consider the horrendous period of time in which he lived, I believe one cannot judge him too harshly. He was taking HEAT from virtually every direction, from outside forces that made it their life’s mission to destroy him and the greater nation (and world example) he was building. Here was an entity of such gigantic proportions there could be no limit to how much others, who despised him, would go to destroy his vision of a finer world order, particularly as it interfered with their own ongoing “new hegemonic world order”. Any and every fault, character blemish or physical “flaw” had to be exploited to the fullest. No matter how insignificant, they would blow anything and everything far out of proportion. Even his vegan diet and non-alcoholic/non-smoking preferences became “character flaws” through which they could attach some mental or physical shortcoming, to besmirch his character.
Think of the failed economic policies of his foreign rivals, such as Franklin D. Roosevelt, failing to get us out of the great depression, his treasonous actions in getting us into World War II via Pearl Harbor, sacrificing over two thousand American servicemen and civilians in that attack. Then too, there are the countless American citizens he had arrested and imprisoned, for opposing his actions in getting America into this unnecessary war. What about Churchill and his own epic alcoholic and smoking binges, his gambling escapades, his relishing walking around naked in front of his various staff, cheating on his wife, and all his buggering and sexual abuse of pretty young boys in Algiers over many decades? What a scoundrel!!! And then there is Stalin, the ultimate murderer of many tens of millions. Just how did those three PERVERTS find themselves so highly admired and celebrated after years of destroying the lives of countless tens of millions of others? Shall we even approach the subject of the many millions of men, women and children in Germany roasted to death via Churchill and Roosevelt’s massive fire bombings, the complete destruction of over a thousand years of the most magnificent and beautiful European art and architecture. Think of the needless destruction of countless great libraries with their priceless books and manuscripts, the breathtaking craftsmanship incinerated and lost for all time, truly mind-boggling. And let us not overlook President Eisenhower, when he was still the commanding European general at the end of World War II, personally ordering the mass starvation and death of nearly one and a half million surrendered German soldiers. Dear God, what was he thinking? It is one thing to instantly shoot a man to death, but to mandate the slow, lingering death via starvation over weeks on end, this raises the issue to the level of profound and most unforgivable satanic evil. How could such a BEAST ever have been elected president of a supposed civilized country? Think of the Rhine-Meadows Allied death camps written out of the history books by western court historians, and note that numerous photos taken of American bulldozers scooping up piles of emaciated bodies were not that of dead Jews but the bodies of German prisoners starved to death. If there were “death camps” in Germany they most certainly were not the creation of the Germans, but rather the American invaders. Today we call that “projection”. Can you even imagine the truly immense human misery these three have burdened upon this world? In my mind Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin remain the combined twentieth century version of Pontius Pilate, many thousands of times over. They sought to destroy this incarnation of a modern day “Messiah” in order to preserve their exploitative economic order and the illicit benefits that came with it.
“The unforgivable sin of Hitler’s Germany
was to develop a new economic system by way
of which the international (Jewish) bankers
were deprived of their profits.”
Winston Churchill
Prime Minister
Great Britain
Now think about this: At the end of World War ll we trashed this man’s beautiful homes and many of his fine works of art and architecture. Soldiers of America, France, Britain and the Soviet Union looted and pillaged anything and everything that belonged to him that they could lay their hands upon. It was a “feeding frenzy”. Much was simply destroyed or desecrated while so much else dear to him was carted off as souvenirs, without any regard to family, nation or national property rights. Later, we virtually destroyed much of his artistic legacy, forever denying others through the ages the opportunity to evaluate or judge this great entity within their own time frame and life experience. With the exception of the native American nations, such as the Aztecs and Incas, I cannot recall any other civilizations in recent centuries where the western world has sought so earnestly to erase another that threatened their world view.
Just why was it necessary to insist on unconditional surrender? What was it that utterly terrified our political leaderships? I personally doubt there has ever been a comparable situation throughout most of western world history where it was deemed so necessary to completely and utterly destroy a nation, to have its leadership and its people either strung up or shot during that most horrendous year-long purge following the war. Just where was the humanity in all of this? As I see it, there is a shame, dishonesty and disgrace here so profound and severe I sincerely doubt there is another situation in all of recorded human history that equals it in both magnitude and evil.
“This war is not against Hitler or National Socialism,
but rather the strength of the German people,
which is to be smashed once and for all,
regardless of whether it is in the hands
of Hitler or a Jesuit priest.”
Winston Churchill
Prime Minister
Great Britain
Today we continue to live in a world of truly unbelievable cruelty, exploitation, poverty, crime, lies and deceit. The explosion of drugs and the sex trafficking of children grows by the day. There seems not a governing figure out there who speaks to us honestly. We seem to be inundated with liars, manipulators and thieves.
Just once we had that singular, ultimate and very articulate world leader. He was a brilliant statesman; a man of high personal moral and ethical standards who could thrill the masses through his tremendous oratorical skills and yet still be able to relate to every person on a most intimate level. People were inspired by his humble example. Even his personal bedrooms were kept simple and essentially spartan.
“Adolf Hitler is a very great man, like an inspired religious
leader, and as such, rather fanatical, but not scheming,
not selfish, not greedy for power, but a mystic,
a visionary who really wants the best for his country.”
Anne Morrow Lindbergh
(Mrs. Charles Lindbergh)
In the few brief years when he was in power he completely transformed the physical, moral, ethical, and economic well-being of his country. Germany, sadly today is now a beaten-down, foreign occupied country that is only a faint shadow of its former self. Still, over eight decades later, he is admired the world over, mostly in private by very many. Now, compare that distant, lofty world to what exists around us today. Think of the drug-induced “zombies” walking the countless streets of so many of our nation’s large and small communities. What about the astounding failures of our educational system and the sexual perversion running rampant? What is behind all of this when our government, in particular, seems entirely oblivious to the problem(s)? Try to imagine this level of government incompetence and irresponsibility in National Socialist Germany?
“We painted Hitler as a monster, a devil. And that is why we could not move away from the betrayal after the war. We had mobilized the masses against the devil incarnate. And so we were forced to continue in this satanic scenario after the war. We could not possibly have explained to our people that the war had actually been only a preventive economic measure.”
James Baker
Secretary of State
United States of America
When I study surviving images of this great man’s countless works in the realm of art and architecture I remain awestruck at the brilliance of his way of thinking and the elegant touch of his hand. His design of his own mountain side home, the Berghof, outside of Berchtesgaden, in Bavaria displays a level of genius that others of his day would struggle mightily to match. Furthermore, the brilliant design and breathtaking craftsmanship of the Berlin Chancellery remains, in my personal opinion, one of the greatest architectural masterpieces in recent history, now lost forever thanks to Stalin and his Bolshevik wrecking crews. It becomes ever clearer to me why it became so very necessary for the Allies after WWII to destroy any and all physical remnants of anything believed to be associated with Adolf Hitler. It went against the narrative they were constructing to completely and utterly destroy this great individual’s profound and enlightening legacy.
I have shared images of Herr Hitler’s gorgeous water colours, oil paintings and architectural renderings with individuals asking them to judge them on their artistic merits alone, without telling them from whose hands they come. In every instance I have been told these are works worthy of a brilliant talent. But when I tell them who drew them they always appear shocked, become distant, paranoid and withdrawn, no longer wishing to participate in any conversation with me. Very few have spoken with me since. This tragic “rewiring” of our common mental reasoning speaks volumes about just how warped our ability to truly think and contemplate reality has become.
Let me also enlighten readers here that during his service in the German Army, this man, through bravery and self-sacrifice earned two distinguished Iron Cross medals during World War I. For those of you unfamiliar with this medal, it was recognized at that time as the near equivalent of the Congressional Medal of Honour here in America. Imagine, if you will, any single American soldier decorated twice for this extraordinary honour. Although during his time of service he never rose above the level of a “corporal”, he nonetheless attained the admiration, and respect of his fighting comrades. As a most humble man he never once made an issue of this. Actually, he always down-played it.
Finally, his ability to organize a government, bring together variety of talented, visionary and educated persons, who had come to share his vision remains unparalleled.
It will perhaps take considerably more time for the world to fully awaken to Herr Hitler’s greatness, shedding away literally decades of mind-controlled propaganda via our political, social, religious and educational institutions. Until then, it behooves those of us who are conscious of this alternate and more truthful reality to do our part to correct this horrendous perversion of history. We must unshackle ourselves from the lies and distortions over decades by those who have never had our best interests at heart and have never accepted us as their equals.
“I believe now that Adolf Hitler and the German people
did not want war. But we declared war on Germany,
intent on destroying it, in accordance with our principle
of balance of power, and we were encouraged by
the Jews around Roosevelt. We ignored Hitler’s
pleadings not to enter into war. Now we are
forced to realize that Hitler was right.”
Sir Hartley Shawcross
Great Britain
As someone who feels that I better understand the wisdom of this great man, often walking throughout the landscapes here where I live, at times I sense I am walking by his side. So many truths unfold before my eyes.
“Adolf Hitler will emerge from the hatred
currently surrounding him to be one of the most
significant figures to have ever lived.”
John Fitzgerald Kennedy
President of the
United States of America
It is only natural that we, each in our own way, lament the past in how events have played out in history. We cannot change how things have unfolded in the past, but we can change or interpret them, as we move forward in life. We most certainly cannot allow our futures to be hijacked by those who believe it in their purview to determine our world.
Let it be known that the Zionist (Talmudic) Jews of this world are not the “chosen ones”. Those of us who love the world, appreciate it, and walk with grace, respect, and dignity upon it, we are the CHOSEN ONES simply because we love and cherish this beautiful world that has been bequeathed to us. We desire no domination, exploitation or desecration of it. Whether we be European, Asian, African, South American, etc., there are those of us who love and endear ourselves to God’s creation, who will inherit this great and magnificent EARTH, respect it, love it, protect it. We can rightfully claim temporal stewardship in our own living parts of it. Arrogance and self-admiration have no place here. Hear me out all of you Jews: YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL!!! Fess up, grow up and finally join the greater human race. Come down off of your pedestals of self-aggrandizement and self-delusion. Take serious note: Your poop and your pee is not holier than anyone else’s. God does not love you any more or any less than the rest of us.
“Walking the trails near my home (the Berghof)
I feel I am walking with God. An inspiring, restful landscape
which speaks to me deeply, allowing me to contemplate
unhindered the many countless issues I must stay
focused upon for the betterment of my people and
the future of the greater Reich.”
Adolf Hitler
Tomorrow when this writer will take my early morning walk along the river near my home I will once again feel the warmth of the sunshine upon my face, smell the intoxicating expansiveness of clean, fresh, humid river air filling my nostrils and lungs, finally immersing my mind and body to once again open to a much finer world out here, awaiting each of us if we open our eyes, ears, senses and truer self to a higher calling. Perhaps I will once again observe the familiar families of skunks, raccoons, possums, turtles, lizards, snakes and turkeys meandering amongst the tall grasses along the river levee. Marvel at the countless butterflies, bees, hummingbirds, dragon flies and moths fluttering hither and yon, observe the flocks of white tail deer grazing in the distant meadows along the forest edge, listen to the chattering of song birds, owls and woodpeckers, the croaking of frogs at sunset, and admire the great hawks and American bald eagles circling overhead, always seeming to keep watch over me. If only I can be pure of heart and still enough to LISTEN to those quiet voices somehow emanating from all of the plant and other animal life, constantly reaching out, trying to convey to me their salient messages.
In context of all this, it is time we finally begin to see through all of the “smoke and mirrors” burdened upon us and come to recognize Adolf Hitler, for the towering figure that he truly was, and to at long last extend to him that finer grandeur that has so long been denied to him and to us. By doing so I cannot help but believe we will begin to throw off the veil and yoke of lies, distortions and fabrications that have denied us a clearer perspective.
“The geniuses, and only they alone, gifted and sent by providence to announce beauty and dignity, need no guidance and no recipes.
They will grow in the midst of their higher reaches, and our duty in the new national socialist Reich is that when we see God’s gift in such persons, not to be satisfied with just noticing but to give them also the contracts of the nation. These geniuses will then pay us their gratitude with works that are worthy of our essence and our spirit.
National Socialist Germany (The Third Reich)
“An artwork of renown only begins with the spiritualization of matter, a no doubt divinely inspired process; the spiritualization presumes an artistic talent in those who do it. This process signifies the creation’s Song of Songs.”
Arno Breker
Note: Over ninety percent of the magnificent works of individual sculpture and monuments crafted in bronze, granite and marble by sculptor Arno Breker, alone, for the Third Reich were destroyed at the end of the second world war. Breker was considered the “Michelangelo of the twentieth century.”The two exquisite, classical marble sculptures shown above were just two of those innumerable originals lost forever, taken out and pulverized into gravel with sledge hammers by American troops under orders by American leadership. Many other great and inspiring works cast in bronze were melted down. Only photo images survive.
Tens of thousands more great works by countless other German artists crafted in paintings, sculpture, tapestries, mosaics, porcelains, fine literature, published books, photography, films, carved woodwork, finely cut glassware, posters, musical compositions and fine furnishings, including exquisitely designed works of finely crafted architecture, were also destroyed by the Allies throughout the latter part of the 1940s into the 1950s. Very little survives today to convey a sense of the artistic flourishing that existed under the exceptional leadership of National Socialist Germany. In contrast think about modern, twentieth-century so-called “artwork” burdened upon us by mostly jewish “artists”, and the ongoing perversion and degradation of the arts.
I truly believe this is one of the greatest of cultural acts of vandalism in all of recorded human history.
May God please forgive us for the destruction of so many magnificent works of great art and architecture, the crucifixion of this most extraordinary of human beings, Adolf Hitler and the tens of millions of German civilians, men, women and little children slaughtered by Allied fire bombings, and today all but forgotten down the memory hole. Someday the great vision Herr Hitler sought to bring into the light of this world will come for us at long last. God bless this most extraordinary man and the finer world order he sought so truthfully and dutifully to bring forth for all humankind, and for this beautiful, natural world which he so dearly loved.
The two bronze statues above once graced the main formal entrance to
Adolf Hitler’s (demolished) Chancellery in Berlin as viewed from the Court of Honour (below).

“I do not advise you what you should believe or not to believe. But I do advise you that we all need to learn as much as we can about everything. Because one thing that I have learned in my own life is that most of what we have ever been taught has been a lie.”
William Cooper
(Author of “Behold the Pale Horse”)
Frederick D. Medler
Since I was a young preteen over a half century ago I have always had a somewhat profound interest in history, whether it be American, Western or world history. Of course, being of a background primarily of strong German, Irish and Scottish blood, this was most pronounced in my love and appreciation for more traditional forms of finely crafted architecture and the various other traditional, crafted art forms, including classical music. Strangely enough, most modern art and architecture, including modern urban/suburban planning, pleased me not, as I always found them to be most depressing and “soul draining” – plus, very car-dependent. For a person such as myself who loves to walk about and contemplate natural and man-made landscapes, focusing on details and intricacies, there is so very little to appreciate where most contemporary assemblage is concerned. Thankfully, my personal world where I live allows me to walk most everywhere to meet my various needs. When I do require transportation I have my car but most often I prefer to take the local public shuttle service. To this very day I just cannot wrap my head around most contemporary work. Although there are the rare exceptions I must confess they are few and very, very far between. Consequently, when I do come across various art forms that are of a more recent date that do touch me deeply, such as the great American works, for example, of architects Stanford White, Richard Morris Hunt, Louis Sullivan, Henry Hobson Richardson, Harvey Ellis, the earlier works of Frank Lloyd Wright and the growing new influence of the latest traditionalist architects and planners, you can be assured I will recognize quality when I see it, sensing a deeper and more relevant and timeless genius behind such work.
When I first became aware of the architectural works of Albert Speer sometime in my late teens, his imposing designs impressed me most deeply. And, only later did I begin to more fully understand that other “genius” who was guiding the hand of architect Speer and the inspiration behind much of his thinking.
There is yet another element in my personal story that began to foster a greater awakening in me in those more formative years of my life. My one late uncle knew the horrors of World War II, and he on rare special occasions began to share with me his many memories, eye-witness accounts, and personal experiences of that awful period in his life, despite family members telling me to drop the subject. At first, I felt guilty bringing them up, but with time, he slowly allowed me inside that personal, buried, deeply private part of his life all of those many years ago. We met privately and I learned much from him, and with his assistance began to see that so very much of what we have been taught about that epic period in the life of our country, Germany, greater Europe and our world was not what it has been officially written up to be. Yet it has been adversely responsible for so very much of the ongoing, evolving negative chain of events ever since. Things just did not add up and still don’t. My mind was beginning to open up to a much more truthful interpretation of events in contradiction to the horrendously confused and misinformed world all of us have experienced over these many decades since. This has contributed immensely to the current social, cultural, economic, political, and artistic chaos within which we live today.
Hopefully you can therefore imagine that my whole adult life slowly began to develop an evermore inquisitive need to dig deeper into just about every aspect of history as it is “officially” presented to us, and how this “falsely written” history has determined the world we live in today. It has been my own lonely path in life to walk, with very few others even wanting to participate in that journey with me. Yet, it has made me a stronger, more well-rounded, thoughtful, perceptive and insightful individual. Looking back, ignorance would have never been a characteristic trait of this personal self. I was just born to be this way.
With regards to my own background, I have spent the better part of my adult life involved in historic restoration and preservation projects, landscape design, horticulture and gardening, permaculture, architectural design, urban planning, environmental design, writing, and including the study of history. Over the years I received nearly four dozen awards, citations, proclamations and individual honours affording me much recognition, including two public television appearances and a third which featured me prominently. My insistence on high standards has always been one of my strong points, which, by the way, can dispossess you from the larger world of corporate business and success. Yes, my life has been fruitful and fulfilling, but it has been no easy walk in the park. I’ve had more than my share of trials and tribulations. This happens when you are, by your very nature, exacting, questioning and insistent.
One other very important fact: I have been blessed with two wonderful parents, three younger siblings and a multitude of relatives and close family friends who have been quite pronounced in my life. My one very dear personal friend, Mary Preisack, has been a most inspiring and supportive part of my adult life, longer then any other. The other “artist” in my family, my late cousin, Janice Mahoney, was closest to me more than any other family member. I realize now few could have ever had a better upbringing than what I was privileged with. To all those in my life who have contributed to helping make me a more inquisitive, inquiring and demanding soul, with a cultivated gift for reflection and self-criticism, I remain always grateful and most comforted and humbled in knowing such beings exist in this world. The women in my life have been the most special. God bless them all.
One previous essay I wrote for this website dating back to September 20th of 2021 can be found here. I respectfully encourage you to join us in our quest to unravel what are those primary issues that have contributed in sowing so much chaos, discord, misunderstanding and profound exploitation in our present-day world. Endeavour to stay pure of heart, elevate your personal mind and physical body to constantly perceive things in a more truthful, perceptive and harmonious light, and grow to become evermore conscious of the world around you. As the great Alfred Schaefer would say: “Truth be with you…”
“Unless you genuinely strive to make the world a little better,
a little more beautiful and a little more meaningful and truthful
for your having lived, your life will have not been worth living.
You will know no immortality.”
Frank Lloyd Wright
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
6 Responses
Hitler was “too nice”.
I updated my Charges of Genocide 11/24/2023
That was a very good article. I have to go back and reread it again. My Austrian father was a master architect who drew by hand. He did 650 houses. He was also a master Carpenter and could build the houses he designed. He often had to show the American crew how to do things because they didn’t know what they were doing.
I don’t know where they got that Hitler was a failed artist. Hitler is right up there with the Masters. He has an eye for color and his technique is impeccable. I’m embarrassed for not knowing. He’s so good it makes me cry.
The Jews have to ruin everything that’s good because they are spiteful hateful malcontents. Their narcissism is a sign of demon possession. I don’t know what their problem is but it’s going on far too long. I’m telling my friends to shoot their lawyers in the back. The cops wouldn’t even miss them. We would all be doing society a favor. But I digress.
I know it’s slightly off topic I know we all talk about Jews and it’s various angles and conundrums but I decided to draft Charges of Genocide against World jewry and I should put in charges of premeditated murder against Jesus because charges of murder, there is no statute of limitations.
I don’t bicker or debate anymore I just hand them this –
That is a fantastic document, Maxx. Have you been able to submit it into a court anywhere?
Only to the jury of the world … I don’t argue with the Jews now I just hand them that. You see I nip it in the bud. Even if the Germans did Holocaust 6 million Jews, the Germans had the right to enact the “necessity of defense” doctrine as it’s called. It really is unbelievable to me that people get away with these lies. I guess humans are that gullible.
As for submitting it to the court I’m thinking about it but I might send it out of jurisdiction. I send it to the cops and reps. I’m definitely not signing it lol I will hand it to people and give them the link and let it speak for itself. It took me about 10 years to compile that information.
Sorry to jump in here. Just gotta say that, imo, being gullible/trusting is supposed to be a GOOD thing. That goes along with being caring, loving, compassionate, humble, and curious. Monika likes to say that they use our good “high trust” qualities against us. It’s just that we’ve been brought up believing that “Jewish criminal thinking” is a necessity for survival in today’s society. Think about the “business” world….
Yea, I’m gonna say that most Jews are trained from an early age to “think like criminals”, always deceiving and manipulating/coercing, etc. in some way. Then they are fooled into thinking that it is for their very survival (persecution, victim mentality) and that it is ok because they are “chosen by God”. This allows them to “sh-t on the rest of us” and maintain double-standards for just about anything. IMO, Jews, as a group, are filled with guilt, envy, hate, and a host of negative emotions. They suffer for it, too, imo, without even realizing their own self-destruction. Just what I would expect from “children of Satan”.
Hi Divad, thanks for commenting, and please NEVER feel the need to apologize for “jumping in”. The more commenters the better:-)