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Lights Out

Lights Out” was an early television program that scared me silly back in the old days of television. It opened with two eyes peering out of a black screen.

Today, I will be reviewing dark events that turned the lights out in the homes of over three million people and sent them on an exodus into a destroyed landscape to root hog or die. They permanently switched off the lights forever for 241,000 human beings. As so often has been the case, our liberty-loving land had a hand in designing these terrors.

Dr. Austin J. App is the author of The Sudeten-German Tragedy and his tale will curl your toes and make you question the morality of the victors of World War II.

As most honest students of history realize, the brutal Versailles Treaty that tore away sections of Germany after World War I created the breeding ground for another war. After nearly starving the German people to death by British blockade, the leadership of Germany accepted the castration of their fatherland.

The historic home of the Sudeten-Germans consisted of an arc of land in the southeastern areas of Germany and Austria. Germans had been living in that mountain range of the Sudetenland for about 800 years. The victors of World War I found it advantageous to force the citizens of the Sudetenland to become part of a country that had never existed before, the new diversified nation of Czechoslovakia.

This ally-fabricated country consisted of Germans, Czechs, Slovaks, Ukrainians and Hungarians. It contained a mixture of races, religions and languages that were guaranteed to fail to amalgamate. Both the regions of Bohemia and Moravia within this diversified country had historically been under German dominion.

Dr. App describes the improvements Hitler was able to bring to Germany after the crisis of exploding inflation, lack of employment and Jewish/Communist attempts to take over Bavarian towns. Hitler put Germans back to work and fought back the red-inspired uprisings that were erupting across the bankrupt country of Germany.

Hitler was able to regain the Sudetenland that had been cut from Germany by the victors of the First World War. This he was able to accomplish with the Munich Pact of September 29, 1938. The Sudenten-Germans had never been given the right to self-determination at the close of World War I.

After the Sudentenland was separated from Czechoslovakia by the Munich Pact, Czechoslovakia began to fall apart at the seams; therefore. Hitler made it into a German Protectorate. This move was deemed his attempt at world control!

The citizens in the Protectorate did not rise up and reportedly were treated fairly by the Germans during the War. Some Czechs actively collaborated during this period.

Before the Second World War had ended, Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin negotiated secret agreements that would force all the Sudeten-Germans back into whatever was left of Germany when the War ended. These “big wigs” had no plans to oversee this pogrom which was to become a verifiable holocaust with names and numbers, unlike that other holocaust. The allies were going to allow the Sudeten- Germans to be relocated humanely by the Czech government.

When the War ended in May of 1945, all hell broke loose. The Czechs who had lived peaceably under the German Protectorate began a bloodbath unlike any other known to history. They killed 241,000 Germans in a most vile manner which included the hanging upside down and burning to death of Germans. Some raped German women and even turned into beasts biting off the noses of their victims.

When these rapacious orgies ended, they forced over three million Sudeten-Germans into the shattered remains of the German nation. Some of the expellees were pushed into the Soviet section of Germany and others exiled into the American/British/French section. Many never made it out of the Czech expellee camps organized within Czechoslovakia.

Reparations have never been paid to the Sudeten-Germans for their homes, land, businesses and livestock. They have not been allowed to return to their historic homelands. Many of these expellees were able to resettle successfully within their dreary, bombed, barren, burned and beaten Fatherland. The malicious allied treaties were ignored by the media, the public and so too the suffering of the victims.

The author, Dr. Austin J. App, was born in Wisconsin in 1902 of German immigrant parents. He was a scholar of English literature until the outbreak of World War II. Dr. App became appalled at the human tragedy being enacted in Europe and in particular to the expellees from the Sudentenland. He was scorned by the “court historians” and propagandists for war against the evil Huns.

For thirty years, Dr. App focused on the trinity of what he called the “peace crimes” of the victors. The three crimes were: the Morgenthau Plan for reducing Germany to a pastoral nation; the expulsions of the German-ethnics of Eastern Europe; and the deportations back to the Stalinists of the anti-Communists Russians and East Europeans who had supported the Germans. The brave Dr. App died in 1984.

The Sudeten-German Tragedy is in paperback with 91 pages and many photographs and maps. It can be purchased from The Truth At Last, P.O. Box 1211, Marietta, Georgia 30061 for only $6.50 which includes the postage. Order several copies.

Let us never forget that these pogroms that turned the “Lights Out” all over the Sudentenland were enacted in our name.

Nancy Hitt – 2011

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