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Garlic Won’t Work

We are the vehicles who bear within us the spark of a truth that will not die. This struggle is eternal. Let us be worthy of it by our sacrifice and our loyalty.” This is the final paragraph printed in the 1997 book written by Hans Schmidt entitled: “Jailed in ‘Democratic’ Germany: The Ordeal of an American Writer.”

Hans Schmidt (April 24, 1927 – May 30, 2010) was born in Luisenthal, Germany. He volunteered for the elite forces of the Waffen-SS at age of seventeen and was wounded twice in frontline combat. In 1949, Hans emigrated to the U.S., became a naturalized American citizen and a successful businessman.

Due to my correspondence with Tony DuPree of Florida, I was made aware of this courageous German-American free speech advocate and his excellent book.

In 1983, Hans founded the German-American National Political Action Committee (GAN-PAC), and published “GANPAC Brief” in English and the “USA-Bericht” in German. His Santa Monica, California, GAN-PAC office was fire-bombed in 1985. The Jewish Defense League was suspected, but no one was arrested for that arson attack. On July 4, 1984, the California headquarters of the Institute for Historical Review were destroyed by fire with no prosecutions and limited media coverage.

On August 9, 1995, Hans was at the Frankfurt airport returning to the U.S. after a visit to Germany for medical treatment and to visit his elderly mother when he was arrested for “incitement to hate.” At the age of 68, Hans spent five months in prison in poor health and became another victim of the German justice system wherein truth is no defense and the actual trial proceedings go unrecorded.

His German edition newsletter published in the States had been found to contain four verboten words and had been read by enemy eyes in Germany. Those verboten words were “Jew-and Freemason infested” oligarchy and media ruling Germany.

The following statement was issued in May of 1996 by the German Department of the Interior. From Page 12: “Whosoever denies the fact of the millionfold murder of the European Jews, denies the sufferings of victims, dead or alive, denigrates the memory of the murdered and dead Jews–he actually causes a repeat of their suffering. And that is against the law!”

From Page 19: “These weird and arbitrary prosecutions have more in common with the pathological Stalinist show-trials of the 1930s, than they do with the supposedly progressive and ‘democratic’ republic of a ‘new’ Germany.”

From Dr. William Pierce’s article from “Free Speech” of January 1996: “He has been a U.S. citizen for 40 years. He committed no crime while he was in Germany. He has never done anything, either in Germany or the United States, which is a crime under U.S. law….The German government has no jurisdiction over what he has written in America. And yet he was been arrested by the German secret police and imprisoned. How can that be? Why did that happen?”

The book “Jailed in ‘Democratic’ Germany” will give you some answers as to why the U.S. State Department and media ignored the jailing of Hans Schmidt.

Unfortunately for American citizens, our government paid snoops employed by the FBI and CIA often rely upon the “super snoops” working for the fat cats at the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the Southern Poverty Law Center ( SPLC).

From Page 341: “The ADL is a semi-official spy agency, an illegal court, a brutal police force, a gigantic documentation center and a mendacious propaganda ministry, all in one. It is the all-seeing eye of Judaism, and its leaders take their job very seriously.”

Interestingly, our own Laurie Wood of Klan Watch is mentioned in this book. It seems that the consort of “Deacon” Bill Cox has been an active bloodhound for various Jewish anti-White agencies for quite some time.

False information that Hans had purposely released was contained within the U.S. biography presented to German lawyers; therefore, it appears that our own spies did their fact-checking using data from the above mentioned Jewish agencies. These Jewish agencies are in reality just an arm of Israel. Are we still a sovereign nation?

Max Wahl, Fred Leuchter, Gunter Deckert, Ernst Zundel, Thies Christophersen, Gemar Rudolf, Wigbert Grabert, Jurgen Graf, Gunther Vogt, Erhard Kemper, Hans Werner Woltersdorf, David Irving, Richard Landwehr, Christian Worch, Manfred Roeder, General Otto Ernst Remer, Michael Kuhnen, Udo Walendy, Georg Albert Bosse, Gerhard Lauck and others who have dared to question any Jewish claims have faced persecution, threats, physical attacks, verbal abuse, fines or imprisonment. Recently, democratic Germany sentenced defense attorney, Sylvia Stolz, to three and a half years behind bars for defending a thought heretic.

My copy of “Jailed in ‘Democratic’ Germany” is a soft cover book containing 490 pages with a photograph of Hans Schmidt and one of his German prison. The book was published by Guderian Books and copies can be found on

From the Appendix on Page 422: “What kind of truth is it that has to be safeguarded by law? How many Americans know that in Germany the ‘genocide of the Six million’ must be believed under pain of fine and imprisonment? Doubting any part of it will be punished with up to five years in jail without the possibility of parole.”

For generations, garlic has been worn or carried as a protection from the Evil Eye, but it is impotent against the Jewish All-Seeing Eye.

Nancy Hitt – 2012

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