Prisoner of War Camps in America

This is an important piece about a little known subject, sent to me by researcher and writer Larry Romanov. Romanov continues his research on these internment camps which held German POWs in America during and post World War Two, and asks that anyone with more information contact him. The original article from June 1, 2020 […]
NS Kampfruf Frontline Report: Monika Schaefer on the “holocaust”, politics, National Socialist Germany and Adolf Hitler

The following interview was published in the New Order english version and in the NSK (NS-Kampfruf) in German over the course of two consecutive issues, January and February 2022. The interview was led by its Editor-in-Chief “Wehrwolf”. These newsletters and many articles, archives and resources in multiple languages can be found at the following website. […]
Review of Wannsee, article by John Wear

A few years ago a dear (former) friend said to me, “Monika, thank you so much for making your ‘Sorry Mom, I was wrong about the holocaust‘ video.” Her eyes went squinty as she continued, “That caused me to do some research. It wasn’t 6 million, but rather, it was 11 million.” Over the next […]
Life of a Zeppelin Part 1: Was the Hindenburg Fire a Case of Sabotage? by James Rousse

An Opinion Piece by James Rousse For the last few years I have been reading and meditating on the subject of hydrogen-filled dirigibles, but nothing really developed from this sideline interest for quite a while; however, an email that I received from a friend and fellow Thule Society contributor inspired me to write an article […]
The Breitspurbahn: Part 4-7, the Economics of Running Big Trains

by James Rousse The Breitspurbahn: Adolf Hitler’s Train of Dreams Click here to read parts 1-3… Part 4. Fuel Options As discussed in the first article that included sections 1—3 about the Breitspurbahn, if a new Breitspurbahn network were to be built, then opting to make the locomotives that pull these trains powered by steam […]
The Gas Chambers: Truth or Lie? Interview with Robert Faurisson

This is reproduced from the Robert Faurisson website called, and the source article can be accessed by clicking on the highlighted title below. The original was a published interview in 1979, but the english translation was never published until August 30, 2021. There is such a wealth of meticulously researched information here, by one […]
The Breitspurbahn: Adolf Hitler’s Train of Dreams: Part 1 – 3

by James Rousse Cover image courtesy of The Breitspurbahn: Adolf Hitler’s Train of Dreams Part 1. History What is the Breitspurbahn? The Breitspurbahn was an idea postulated by Fritz Todt and Adolf Hitler that involved building a massive rail network across Europe, and ultimately across the Eurasian landmass, that would run on train […]
The GREATEST CRIMINAL ACT in the HISTORY OF ALL MANKIND ~ {until the Covid Scamdemic}

article by Frederick Medler During the nineteen thirties the nation of Germany, under the leadership and stewardship of Adolf Hitler, rose to become the most prosperous and enlightened nation on the face of the earth. Under his thoughtful and wise guidance the German nation and its people cultivated an enlightened mindset, spirit and pride of […]
Rudolf Hess: Wronged Prisoner of Peace

by John Wear, on Wear’s War website, source article here. Rudolf Hess (1894-1987) was one of the most popular National Socialist leaders. Albrecht Haushofer, who was one-quarter Jewish and abhorred National Socialism, wrote in 1934 about Hess: “There is a strange charm in his personality; whenever he is there, a friendly veil falls over all […]
Did German Homicidal Gas Chambers Exist? – John Wear

Republishing an excellent article by John Wear. Did German Homicidal Gas Chambers Exist? by John Wear · July 28, 2021 A relative of a prominent Holocaust revisionist recently said that the argument Holocaust supporters fear most is “the physical, chemical, topographical, architectural, and documentary evidence of the impossibility of the homicidal gas chamber.” She […]
Erasing the Memory of German Losses and Demonizing Those Who Do Remember

In most wars, there are victims on all sides. Remembering and mourning the dead is a normal part of the healing process for any group of people. Why is it that German victims of World War Two are not allowed to be counted and acknowledged, are not allowed to be remembered and are not allowed […]

A Brief Study in Jewish Pettiness Adolf Hitler was truly delighted when Berlin was chosen to host the 1936 Olympics. Hitler was delighted at the prospect of hosting an Olympics because he envisioned the upcoming events as golden opportunity to showcase a strong and confident German nation that was reborn under National Socialism. Luckily, when […]
News Coverage: Defence of High School Principal fired for his Neutrality on “Holocaust”

When the simple act of writing an open letter to the school board and faculty of a High School in Florida garners international attention, then you know you have hit a hot button. William Latson, High School Principal at Spanish River High in Boca Raton, Florida, took a neutral stance on the alleged Jewish “Holocaust” […]
High School Principal Fired over noncommittal answer about holocaust – open letter

What follows is an open letter from the Truth and Justice for Germans Society to board and staff members of Spanish River High, a school in Boca Raton, Florida which serves a large Jewish population. William Latson was the principal of that school before he was fired, re-instated but fired again because he replied to […]
Fourth of July Celebration, Diane King

In this 10-minute video Diane King makes a poignant statement about how there is only one country on earth in which the people are not permitted to celebrate or commemorate their own history or heroes, in the way that all other countries do. Why is it that the German people cannot celebrate their own? Thank […]
Victory! Lady Renouf vindicated over Dresden speech
After 32 months German courts back down, Renouf acquitted This article is reprinted from the Role Model on Trial blog. In a last minute reversal, German prosecutors and a district court judge in Dresden have ended their criminal case against Lady Michèle Renouf, terminating a 32-month process, days before it was to come to trial. Having arrested […]