Dashing, Daring and Defiant

“Today the State has substituted its own well being above that of the people. The current regime has ruined, destroyed and annihilated the rights and prosperity of the people and has handed over their liberties and rights to the interests of high finance.” This paragraph sounds like it was written just yesterday; although, it is […]
Fokker Fodder

Colonel Red Reeder wrote “The Story of the First World War.” It is a concise history with short chapters. Each chapter is devoted to a particular engagement. The author has included photographs and excellent illustrated maps with details of military deployments. This book is a fine introduction to the Great War. The author, Russell Potter […]
A Forest of Death and Deception

Soon after the treaty was signed between Germany and Russia in August, 1939, the Russians occupied eastern Poland. They proceeded to arrest and imprison thousands of Poles considered to be “politically unreliable.” Aproximately 15,000, mostly members of the Polish military were placed into three prisoner of war camps. There were 4,404 Poles held at Kozielsk, […]
Garlic Won’t Work

“We are the vehicles who bear within us the spark of a truth that will not die. This struggle is eternal. Let us be worthy of it by our sacrifice and our loyalty.” This is the final paragraph printed in the 1997 book written by Hans Schmidt entitled: “Jailed in ‘Democratic’ Germany: The Ordeal of […]
Judazied Germany

Do you recognize these people and what they have in common: Gunter Deckert, Ernst Zundel, Hans Schmidt, Sylvia Stolz, and the elderly Ursula Haverbeck? These individuals and hundreds of other have been sentenced to jail in Judazied Germany due to their research and discovery that possibly less than 6 million Jews were gassed during the […]
Lights Out

“Lights Out” was an early television program that scared me silly back in the old days of television. It opened with two eyes peering out of a black screen. Today, I will be reviewing dark events that turned the lights out in the homes of over three million people and sent them on an exodus […]
Perpetual Pay Back

There is no doubt in my mind that it was the intention of the Americans to kill as many of us as possible by starvation. This is a statement made by a fifteen year old Austrian who had served in the German military for only two months before the war ended. He found himself imprisoned […]
Pompous Pigs in Judicial Wigs

Pompous Pigs in Judicial Wigs Nuremberg, The Last Battle by David Irving is the first book I have read by this “controversial” historian. David is the author of 30 books most of which are histories of World War II and biographies of its participants. During his hurricane tour of the U.S., I purchased this book […]
Rapacious Revenge

Rapacious Revenge “When wives of men in our occupation forces arrived in Germany it became necessary, for their protection against indecent advances by American men, to wear special badges on their arms to distinguish them from German women.” This is from Chapter Five on Page 57 in the book entitled: “Gruesome Harvest, The Allies’ Postwar […]
Written in the Shadow of the Gallows

Alfred Ernst Rosenberg was born on January 12, 1893, in Reval, Estonia, in the Russian Empire. He was executed by the remorseless victors of World War II on the morning of October 16, 1946. During his imprisonment awaiting the “predictable results” of the Nuremberg revenge-trials, he was able to draft an excellent autobiography entitled Memoirs. […]
One Plucky Pilot – Hitler at my Side

Johann “Hans” Peter Baur was born in Ampfing, Germany on June 19, 1897. He died on February 17, 1993, and is buried in Munich. Hans seemed destined to spend much of his life among the clouds. As a German volunteer, he became a very young pilot during World War I. Hans was employed as a […]
Just Another “Pinocchio” President – The Great Tragedy

During a speech delivered by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt on October 30, 1940, he told his Boston audience the following: And while I am talking to you mothers and fathers, I give you one more assurance. I have said this before, but I shall say it again and again and again: Your boys are not going […]
What Were They Thinking? Barnes Review Holocaust Issue

What got into those Germans? What made them throw good money down the drain by investing in medical facilities, huge kitchens, theatres, art classes, orchestras, swimming pools, cinemas, sporting fields, religious facilities, fencing instructors, saunas, complaint offices, libraries, script and even brothels for the benefit of the DOOMED? If it is true that the doomed […]
The Martyrdom of “Number 7”

Abdallah Melaouhi is a man of humanity, integrity and courage. If not for Abdallah, many of the facts about the last years of “Number 7” would still be hidden away from the interested public. Abdallah took a stand many individuals would not dare to take. He exposed the facts about the barbaric treatment and the […]
A Short History of German Music: From Bach to Die Toten Hosen

A Short History of German Music: From Bach to Die Toten Hosen Germans have been contributing to and changing music for centuries. While it would take volumes to cover them all, here’s a basic primer to some of the bigger names in German music and their musical stylings and innovations. https://www.deutschland.de/en/topic/culture/a-short-history-of-german-music-from-bach-to-die-toten-hosen