Mission Statement and Purpose

We are dedicated to restoring, maintaining and defending the honour, dignity and reputation of the German people and their descendants, both in Canada and abroad, from slander, insults, false news, and biased and incomplete reporting, which has led to discrimination, fear, hatred and Anti-Germanism in the public realm. We hope our efforts will foster a better understanding of German history, culture and accomplishments, and a more accurate and complete view of world history as it relates to the German nation and people. We believe that through countering the war propaganda which continues to be regurgitated to this day and by replacing the historical lies with facts and evidence which have been systematically ignored, that a measure of justice may be achieved for the German people, and that a Third World War may also be averted.

Truth and Justice for Germans

The name tells the story, and it is long overdue. It is high time for there to be Truth and Justice for Germans. The lies, deceptions, vilification, demonizing and slander against the German people began long ago and has continued non-stop to this day. Not only did Germany suffer the physical devastation of two bloody “world wars”, they suffered the total ‘re-education’ and indoctrination of themselves and a world who falsely blame the victim (the Germans) for the wars and for a fantastical genocide which they never committed. They are not permitted to grieve their own losses, and are criminalized for speaking truth about their history and achievements. Everything has been turned on its head. The pain of destruction is one thing, the pain of being falsely turned into villain is on an entirely other level. Germany has been brought down on her knees, and the war against her has never ended.


The first organizational meeting of a dedicated group of truth seekers took place on Remembrance Day 11/11/2014. The Truth and Justice for Germans Society then became officially registered on 4 Feb 2015.

Purposes of the Society

  • To promote research and raise awareness concerning the developments which led to the Second World War, and the history of that war, from the hitherto largely untold German perspective.

  • To promote research into, and raise awareness of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by the Allies against the German civilian population, both during and after the Second World War.

  • To promote research into and raise public awareness of the illegal and inhumane treatment of surrendered or captured German forces, the theft of German territory, industry, technology, patents and scientists, the theft or destruction of German culture and artifacts, as well as, the plight of ethnic German expellees and refugees in Eastern Europe in the post-war era.

  • To raise public awareness about Anti-Germanism and bias in literature, graphics, films, TV programs and education, including the use of misrepresentation of facts or suppression of facts, derogatory terminology, slanders and caricatures, which have affected public policies, opinions and attitudes towards Germans in the post-war years, in Canada and abroad.

  • To defend the reputation, honour and dignity of the German people and those of German descent, as a community and a minority group within Canada from public humiliation, fear, hostility, hatred and discrimination, pursuant to all applicable provincial and federal statutes, and international law (or agreements) regarding, human rights, freedoms and entitlements to equal legal protection.

  • To challenge through civil discourse and by all legal means, with available historical facts and evidence,  any published (or broadcast) material containing false, misleading or biased portrayals of the German people, and of historical events concerning them or their history and culture, which cause harm to their reputation and honour, and may lead to undue feelings of shame, guilt, self-hatred and depression, as well as, discrimination against Germans individually or as an ethnic group.

  • To offer educational materials and information, or to recommend books and documentaries to the public which will foster a better understanding of German history,  culture and accomplishments, and a more balanced view of world history with regard to Germany, the German people and their descendants, in an effort to reduce Anti-Germanism, as well as foster German cultural pride.

  • Whereas Canada declared war against the German Reich on September 10th, 1939 and has yet to offer peace terms, we demand that the Government of Canada now enter into negotiations with the Government of the German Reich for a peace treaty, as is customary in International Law, and under British Common Law.

  • Whereas the United Nations was formed on the basis of a united front of war against the German Reich, and whereas it purports to be an instrument of maintaining international peace and security, we demand that the United Nations and all member states which remain at war with the German Reich to this day, now enter into negotiations with the Government of the German Reich for a peace treaty, as was also offered to Japan in 1952.

  • Whereas the German Reich remains under foreign occupation by members of the Allied Powers to this day, we demand that that their provisional, occupational government finally be dissolved and replaced by a form of government which represents and reflects the will of the German people, with a constitution written by and for the Germans, and thereby, restore full German sovereignty, with equal rights in the world.

  • We demand recognition by the world at large of the criminal nature of the conditions of the Treaty of Versailles which were imposed upon the German Reich following the conclusion of World War I, and acceptance of the fact that these inhumane conditions caused undue suffering and hardship for Germans, Austrians, and other ethnic Germans, virtually assuring a future German rebellion, and a Second World War.

The Zwinger in Dresden