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History of Germany

Jüdisch-Britische Hetze zum Völkermord am deutschen Volk

The conditions that German POWs endured on the western and eastern front were beyond grim and did not follow any accepted protocol for treatment of captured soldiers. Under the provisions of the Yalta Agreement, the U.S. and U.K. agreed to the use of German POWs in the Soviet Gulag…
run by Jewish mass murderers (Ilya Ehrenburg: KILL!) The fate of the German POWs: slavery –
starvation – death – millions of disarmed soldiers were worked to death never to return back home – millions of German women, children of both sexes were tortured and raped to death. Cold-blooded, mass murder. GERMAN GENOCIDE.

* * *
When Monika asked me if I would like to write an article or more for the new Truth and Justice for Germans website I felt very honoured and whole heartily agreed.
 “So whatever we call the History page, not sure yet, but anyway, I think that is where we need a fairly comprehensive article which perhaps summarizes the history of Germany and what has happened to Germany, which of course would include the lies and deceptions which have been used to destroy and vilify Germany.” ~ Monika

Thoughts flying by: “Not too heavy like stale bread. Start off on a light foot, on a tender note…”

So – What am I going to write – for a starter — a love letter to my German people? a poem? random thoughts? What is it going to be? We’ll see… comprehensive, a summary, complexity, a case for poetry? the language of symbolism and metaphors… a poem titled The Tree and/or The Bee/hive? Both are metaphors for life… the circle of life, the seasons of life, growth, development, industry, an industrious people. Once the bees and trees are gone, life on the planet will be in serious peril, most serious… You might have guessed it right, it’s about the Germans, the Germanic tribes, and by extension about all white nations, an endangered species – our white minority race, most precious… the white race is certainly not the “cancer of humanity” as the Jewish haters claim.

The future will be bright if it is white… by repatriating the multi-racial invaders from all over the world back to their own homelands… and by ending the ongoing Jewish onslaught on the nations of the white race and all of humanity. It seems to me “Start off on a tender note…” does not mean to write a poem. It’ll rather be an introductory statement on a wider scope, and on a conciliatory note addressing those now alive who have the responsibility to make things right…

Better be slapped with the truth than kissed with a lie.

Lots of lies! The falsifiers of history tell lies most of the time, some particles of truth sprinkled in to deceive the non-thinking gullible ones. The true German history embedded in European history is far too complex for an introductory article to be comprehensive – much more is needed to get the greater picture. It cannot be more than an outline, the website is about what needs to be done to prevent the same from happening all over again, starting off with truth and justice for Germans… The destroyers, liars & deceivers are pushing very hard for WW III. That’s why FREE SPEECH and criticism of Jews and their crimes is further suppressed. By increasing their demands too far, they will bring the enslaved “Goyim“ (Babylonian Talmud: “cattle“ for all non-Jews) to a breaking point, to a sudden awakening whereby the truth can be seen by almost everybody! Here we are merely touching on what happened to the Germans in the 20th and 21st century through two world wars forced upon them and why the Allies did what they have done to us. The metaphors of The Tree and The Bee/hive encompass the German folk character. Vicious enemy propaganda keeps vilifying what is good and declares “politically correct” what is bad. Self-destructive. Truth tellers are ritually defamed as “haters” and put into prison for what they call “hate speech”, for telling the FACTUAL TRUTH about the falsified history, and the ongoing genocidal pogrom against the Germans and by extension against all Whites, by internationally organized Jewry – the agitating force behind it all.

“The TRUTH is HATE to those who HATE the TRUTH” ~ Monika Schaefer

The Jews (Talmudists, Satanists, Communists, Zionists) have always been the masters in true hate speech (libel), character assassination, ritual defamation, the vilest, most pernicious anti-German war atrocity lies, war by deception to generate anti-German sentiment and hatred to bring about two world wars, making brothers kill brothers, cousins kill cousins. All white nations have been targeted for over a hundred years in a war on the white race to decimate our numbers and make us all extinct.

Jews admit using Muslims, Blacks, multi-racial mass immigration to “transform”, invade, bankrupt and destroy the white nations, the white Christian civilization. Particularly Europe, the cradle of the white Europeans, the white Caucasian race, is being attacked, all Whites to be bred and killed out of existence.

“We intend to turn Europe into a mixed race of Asians and Negros ruled over by the Jews.” ~ Count Coudenhove-Kalergi, 1925, “Austrian”-Ashkenazi Japanese Jew, Freemason

“Germany has often been called the heart of Europe, and as Germany goes, so goes the rest of Europe.” ~ Monika Schaefer

Germany’s tragedy is the world’s ruin.

 As a German born after WW2 into a somehow “strange“ world – I got the feeling quite early that “something is not right“; the Germans are obviously not in charge of politics in what is now called Germany; a lot of un-German things are being done “in the German name“, labeled “German“ but have Jewish fingerprints all over; the German name is being used to hide behind. Jews pretending to be Germans and Christians keep dirtying and destroying the ethnic Germans as a people…

There are a lot of questions I would like to ask the international readers of the Truth and Justice for Germans website as we move along. Questions make us think, and probably we’ll find the answers we all need, and the solutions we all seek.

As soon as I became aware of the Jewish obsession with hatred for the German people and the
 white race, things fell into their place… and I began to understand… You might recall that my
 awakening to the JQ. I have always wanted to know the reasons WHY. I took it for granted that 
such a deep hatred and 24/7 worldwide incessant Jewish incitement to anti-German racial
 hatred must be well founded, the Jewish accusations proven to be true by rock solid evidence,
forensic, scientific proof. I have always been eager to learn about the evidence the Jews bring
 forward, and I was struck with the greatest astonishment when realizing that there is none! NO 
EVIDENCE AT ALL has ever been produced in a court of law! It’s merely Hollyweird fiction,
Jewish inventions, the most obnoxious lies by Jewish “witnesses“ which do not hold any water and are only “real“ in the imagination of Jewish liars, deceivers, and psychopaths. I’ve come to realize: 
Organized Jewry enacted what they call the “Final Solution“ by genociding the German people to achieve a Jewish ethno-state called “Israel“ in Palestine (1948). The Germans are the victims of genocide, a true holocaust by firebombing the German cities 
while simultaneously being accused of perpetrating an imaginary one. Difficult for the mind to 
comprehend the immensity of that… Inconceivable in its malignant evil. And it’s Jews who control the financial system, Hollywood, international media, politicians, governments, the legal system, academia, education, everything which is worth owning and controlling, all the while claiming to be the victims of the very people they have destroyed by using the All Lies as their proxies (GOyLEM)

“It seems that the campaign of hatred AGAINST the Germans and all the invented atrocity 
propaganda had the effect of inciting our brothers and cousins to fight and kill each other in the blood bath[s] known as [WW1 and] WW2. The German bashing continues to this day, and the “reeducation program“ has brought the German populace to its knees, paying and apologizing for something they did not do. The victors write the history books and that entails something other than choosing the font.” ~ Monika Schaefer, The Jasper Busking Story

What have the Germans done wrong? 
What have the All Lies of the two world wars done wrong?
 What have the Jews/Organized Jewry done wrong?

Anyone who wants to solve a crime (war crimes, false flag terror attacks like 9/11, any sort of 
crime) has to do a thorough investigation in order to determine and convict the true perpetrators; certain questions have to be asked and answered. Germans call these most basic questions the “W-Fragen“: WAS geschah? (WHAT happened?), WO? (WHERE?), WANN? (WHEN?), WIE? (HOW?), WER hat Motiv, Mittel und Möglichkeiten? (WHO has motive, means and capabilities?), WER profitiert? (WHO profits? Cui bono?) – the basics, no rocket science…

Asking questions, using one’s brains for independent thought is the normal behaviour, the usual thing to do. To forbid asking questions, to make asking questions a “criminal offence“, criminalize and incarcerate those who dare ask the right questions (91 year old German lady Ursula Haverbeck in prison since March 2018; Ernst Zündel’s lawyer Silvia Stolz for defending her client “too well”, and currently for a second time for giving a speech in Switzerland in 2012 about how the “legal system“ (jewdiciary) in the BRD works), and to forbid the police to do their job how it needed to be done – means turning the world upside down. The worst of criminals are in power, the true perpetrators and profiteurs of the most heinous crimes (war crimes, “Shoah“ business, false flag terror attacks, 9/11) want to be exempt from prosecution and punishment. They keep hiding in the dark like vampires, shying away from the light of truth which is shining brighter every day.

“I wonder why they never bothered the Jew Steven Spielberg for his evil fiction “Schindler’s List” which incited entire geographies of young children in schools to HATE the German people. Or what about all those “Holy Cause” memorials that our little children are obliged to visit at such a tender young age? What about the fraud Anne Frank? The irony is, it was the JEWs who wanted to EXTERMINATE the German people after the Germans wanted to free themselves from the Jewish immorality and usury. They came very close to succeeding by murdering many millions of Germans AFTER the end of the fighting. Millions died in the Rhine Meadow Death Camps and the deliberate poisoning of the meager bread being fed to the German prisoners. As well there was the thwarted Jewish plan to poison the German water supplies with the intention of mass murdering millions more of innocent Germans.

One of many documented examples of these intentions is the book written by [Zionist 
Jew] Theodore Kaufman, “Germany must Perish“ [1941]. They are busily trying to whitewash this information and make it disappear. The [Talmudic] double standards on display, can not escape even the mentally challenged or zombies. “(Zombies are those who, now in 2017 [2020], still believe the “Holocaust – TM” because, “if the Jews say it happened, then it must be true”)” ~ Alfred Schaefer, Armed (Police) Thugs Raid Our Home
 “Because once you realize that the “Holocaust” is a deeply evil fraud, then the next question is how and why this fraud continues to this very day? How is it possible that such a gigantic fraud is supported by our governments, by our institutions, by our historians, by our media, and so on?”

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn answers those questions in his book “200 Years Together”, where the great Russian writer alludes to a worldwide Jewish conspiracy [conspiracy reality] behind the Bolshevist takeover and oppression of Russia:
“You must understand that the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered [tens of] millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their blood stained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant or uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media are in the hands of the [Jewish] perpetrators.”

“And those same perpetrators are the ones that ensure that the Holohoax continues to this day, along with carrying out many other crimes, including 9/11 and the flooding of the West with the Third World.“ ~ Katana

The “Russian“ Revolution was a Jewish Coup d’Etat and Russian Genocide: 
“… they had instigated the biggest bloodshed in human history with their mass murder of tens of millions of the best people in the former “Soviet Union”. In fact, after they were done, the average IQ within these areas went down by about 5 points, as “the best of the goyim deserve to be killed”, according to the Talmudic mass murderers. They butchered entire layers of human beings, all those who may offer some resistance to their tyranny. Those were the thinking and working people. The traumatised rest just went along. If we are too slow in awakening, this is [again] the fate in store for us. Our own people, physically and mentally disarmed, unable to defend themselves, will be like sheep being led to the slaughter. All our lives we have had to endure the slogan, “Never again Auschwitz” only to wake up ourselves, in the slaughterhouse.“ ~ Alfred Schaefer

“We must turn Russia into a desert populated by white Negroes [and that is exactly what they did with their Gulag Slave Labor system and the Collective where about 100 million Russians and Germans went into] upon whom we shall impose a tyranny such as the most terrible Eastern despots never dreamed of. The only difference is that this will be a left-wing tyranny, not a right-wing tyranny. It will be a red tyranny and not a white one. We mean the word ‘red’ literally, because we shall shed such floods of blood as will make all the human losses suffered in the capitalist wars pale by comparison. The biggest bankers [City of London, Wall St, NY] across the ocean will work in the closest possible contact with us. If we win the revolution, we shall establish the power of Zionism upon the wreckage of the revolution’s funeral, and we shall become a power before which the whole world will sink to its knees. We shall show what real power is. By means of terror and bloodbaths, we shall reduce the Russian intelligentsia to a state of complete stupefaction and idiocy and to an animal existence.” ~ Bronstein alias Trotsky, Bolshevist Soviet mass murderer and one of the Jewish usurpers of the Russian government (1917)

White Genocide by weapon of multi-racial mass immigration & miscegenation (Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan, UN-EU Replacement Migration Plan). Whites are being set up for a worldwide genocide.
The invading hordes of Muslims and Blacks are armies of aggressive, criminal aliens used as weapons! The crime rates are sky rocketing. International Jews are facilitating and promoting the White Genocide.

“Their [the Germans’] only “sin” – because they committed a “sin” – was to rise against the 
Jewish powers that were strangling their nation. Corrupting [and bankrupting] it, and debasing it to the core.“ ~ gas mask
 “He [Ernst Zündel] passed away [on August 5, 2018] seven years and five months after having 
served seven years in confinement in Canadian and German prisons for thought crimes committed as a publisher, broadcaster and protestor. To make the inquisition against this German human rights activist palatable to the public, his “crime” is monotonously described as “inciting hatred for years with anti-Semitic activities.“ [i.e. publishing questions to the Jewish lies]

In America the yahoos are stirred to outrage by the spectre of Islamic “Sharia law” …, while they are oblivious to the Talmudic law and psychology which suffuses the U.S.A. Talmudic halacha is a two-tiered legal system: one law for the “Holy People“ and another for everyone else. Thus it is written in Sanhedrin 57a, “Regarding bloodshed, the following distinction applies: if a non-Jew killed another non-Jew, or a non-Jew killed a Jew, the killer is liable for execution; if a Jew killed a non-Jew he is exempt from punishment.”

By the same logic, if a Jew incites hatred of Germans it is not a crime, it is a well-deserved act
 of retribution [FOR WHAT EXACTLY? German Genocide openly called for by Jews – after 
WW2 extended to all nations of the white race – White Genocide is supposed to be a “well-
deserved retribution“? FOR WHAT?]. Zündel spent his life fighting this corrupt [Talmudic]
 double-standard. … He believed that relentless anti-German hate propaganda was a kind of
psychological warfare and mental genocide which internally colonized the souls of the German
 people, radically reducing their self-worth and causing them to engage in self-destructive and
 suicidal behaviour.“

“… revenge [FOR WHAT? for opposing the Jewish lies, for self-defence, for speaking the truth, for refusing to be slaughtered and/or enslaved by the Jews and their proxies? for resistance to the Jewish tyranny?] is the order of the day for the Talmudists. … in 1989 Prof. Faurisson was horribly beaten by thugs linked to Betar, a French Zionist terror group. No one was prosecuted. On May 7, 1995 Ernst Zündel’s Victorian home and headquarters in Toronto was destroyed by arsonists. The police barely bothered to investigate. No one was prosecuted. In February, 2003 Ernst was living peacefully in Tennessee with his German-American wife, Ingrid Rimland, when he was arrested for “violations of U.S. immigration regulations.” He was jailed for two weeks and subsequently deported to Canada, where he had “landed immigrant” status. Labeled a terrorist in a secret Canadian star chamber court, the man who had never even had a speeding ticket and consistently preached non-violence, was incarcerated for two years on a “security certificate”, under abominable conditions of solitary confinement, while fed wretched food, observed 24 hours a day with lights never turned off, denied proper writing and reading materials, and confined in a remote, high security facility. He was deported to Germany in 2005 where, a few weeks short of his 66th birthday he began serving five years in Mannheim prison for publishing questions about gas chambers [and the Kabbala “6 million“ number] in books and other media, including online on his internationally-renowned “Zundelsite” web page.“ ~ Michael Hoffman

Actually, it seems that the true haters, terrorists, anti-Semites and “Nazi$“ are the genocidal
 Jews, non-Semitic proselytes to Talmudic Judaism, the A$hkeNazi$ (about 95% of today’s Jews), the National Zionist$, “Nazi$“ in short. Non-Semitic Jewish imposters who falsely claim to be “Shemites“, the descendants of the biblical Israelites. Liars, deceivers and accusers who always blame their own evil vices and most horrific crimes on their targeted victims. Internationally organized Jews have a very long history and tradition of incitement to racial, religious and cultural conflicts, revolutions and wars. The record indicates that Jewish hate propaganda has agitated for aggressive behaviour against Germans, leading to two world wars against the German Reich, aiming at destroying the German economy as a competitor and exterminating the Germans as a people. A very long Jewish tradition of inciting hatred with anti-Christian, anti-nationalist, anti-German, anti-white, anti-gentile racist activities is based on what they call the Jewish religion, a Satanic cult. The rabbinical teachings of the unholy Satanic Babylonian Talmud have made a “religion“ out of hatred and revenge. Jews in general (very few exceptions) have never shown any regret or remorse for their most horrendous crimes against humanity… They go along with the genocidal and tyrannical 
Zionist-Communist agenda of Jewish world domination… an international Jewish tyranny that they call the “New World Order“ (Talmud: “Every Jew a god, every non-Jew a slave“)

The Myth of German Villainy

Allied Bullies Vilifying the German People – German Genocide – (WW1) WW2 (Continued):
 Jew Ilya Ehrenburg, head of Soviet war propaganda, pamphlet for Soviet soldiers: “KILL! The
 Germans are not human beings. From now on the word German means to use the most terrible 
oath: WE SHALL KILL. If you have not killed at least one German a day, you wasted that day. If you cannot kill your German with a bullet, kill him with a bajonet. If there is calm on your part at the front as you are waiting for the fighting to resume kill a German in the meantime. If you leave a German alive the German will hang a Russian and rape a Russian woman. If you killed a German, kill another. There is nothing more amusing for us than a heap of German corpses. Do not count days, do not count kilometres, count only the number of Germans you have killed. Kill the German – that is your grandmother’s request. Kill the German – that’s your child’s prayer. Kill the German – that’s your motherland’s request.“

Jewish-British Hate Propaganda Calling for the Slaughter of the German People, The Vancouver Sun: LONDON, April 23, 1940 – War to the death against the whole of the German people and not merely against the Nazi regime was urged today by Alfred Duff Cooper, former First Lord of the Admiralty. Mr Duff Cooper spoke before the Royal Society of St. George in place of Winston Churchill, First Lord of the Admiralty. Duff Cooper assailed invasions of Austria, Czechoslowakia, Denmark and Norway as “the crimes of a whole people“ and said the Allied slogan must be: 
“Never again shall one nation be allowed to plunge the world into war.“ “Hitler says the entire
German people is behind him“, declared Duff Cooper. “I for one am prepared to take him at his word. Victory is certain. No nation with command of the sea has ever been defeated…“ “Nor even the wildest and most fantastic mendacity could lay a particle of blame for this war on the shoulders of England or France. The whole guilt is on the shoulders of Germany. They have hardly ceased to protest their guiltlessness of the last war when they render themselves guilty of another.“ He referred in detail to Nazi aggressions and said that Norway, the latest victim, “is fighting side by side with us to maintain her freedom“ “Now this series of crimes which have made a horror of Europe are not the crimes of one man, nor are they the crimes of a small band of criminals,“ he continued, “Let us not underestimate our antagonists, it is wishful thinking and is dangerous thinking to believe we can drive a wedge between the German government and the German people. We must accept no soft words or spacious promises as we did when they came whining and grovelling to Versailles,“ he said, “but must defeat the German people in battle.“ “It is going to be formidable, it is going to be a fearful task. How long it will take to accomplish, no man can say. But victory is certain in the end.“ “Command of the sea gives us access to all the raw materials of the world. We have, besides, the good opinion, the approval, the well wishes of every civilized, liberty-loving man and woman on earth.“ The speaker declared “Germany has assumed many ugly shapes 
in her past, but never has the face of Germany assumed so villainous and vile an aspect as under leadership of this little gang of blood-stained, money-making murderers.” “Once more St.George is mounted on his charger. His adversary, his quarry, is the most vile he has ever gone out to destroy.“

BIG FAT LIES – Incredibly idiotic… not “saintly“ at all, full of lies and hypocrisy, always counting on ignorance, not slaying the dragon but serving the Jewish MONEY POWER (of the City of London, Wall St, NY), not fighting for freedom but leading all white nations into slavery, and to the slaughter again…

“We are driving the Christians into a war in that we take advantage of their stupidity, ignorance, and national pride. They’ll massacre each other and then we have enough place for our own people.” ~
Rabbi Reichorn, in Le Contemporain, July 1880

Former First Lord of the Admiralty reading from the Jewish script, in place of Rothschild puppet Winston Churchill, First Lord of the Admiralty – “forgot“ to mention some details…

1945: The British-American bombing of DRESDEN


Continuation of above article

Former First Lord of the Admiralty reading from the Jewish script, in place of  Rothschild puppet  Winston Churchill, First Lord of the Admiralty  “forgot“ to mention some details… We need to fill in the gaps left in the history books to get the greater picture, and dig up the historical truth buried under mountains of lies.

“The crimes of a whole people“

“First Lord of the Admiralty Duff Cooper assailed invasions of Austria, Czechoslowakia, Denmark and Norway as “the crimes of a whole people“ and said the Allied slogan must be: “Never again shall one nation be allowed to plunge the world into war.“ (Duff Cooper, The Vancouver Sun, April 1940)

It couldn’t have escaped First Lord of the Admiralty Duff Cooper’s attention that England (the British Empire) was this one nation, a Commonwealth of nations used as proxies by the BEAST residing in “the City“, London’s financial district, to plunge the world in two world wars, and endless war ever since…

An endless Zionist war for world domination.

And it couldn’t have escaped his attention either that the unification of Austria and the Sudetenland with the German Reich did not come about by “invasion” but by the peoples’ own free will and vote. And if Norway hadn’t been temporarily occupied by the Germans, it would have been occupied by the British without any qualms to cut the Germans off of the urgently needed Swedish iron ore supply.

The hypocrisy is breathtaking. He must have known much better. He must have known that England, i. e. those circles behind the scenes, the MONEY POWERS of “the City” of London, Wall St, NY were the longtime aggressors and warmongers – not the Germans.

“The whole guilt is on the shoulders of Germany”

“Nor even the wildest and most fantastic mendacity could lay a particle of blame for this war on the shoulders of England or France. The whole guilt is on the shoulders of Germany…“  (Duff Cooper, First Lord of the Admiralty)

It’s Jewish-Talmudic “religion” to always put the whole blame and guilt on the victim. The Jewish-Allied war propaganda vilified and dehumanized the Germans as “huns”, “beasts”,“villains”, “evil Nazis”, as the essence of Evil in the world, and blamed them as the guilty ones! What did “the Germans“ (always the whole people gets all the blame) do wrong? What made them “absolute villains“, “guilty of two world wars“, and (invented since the nineteen-seventies) a “six million Holocaust“, an alleged “extermination of the European Jews“ in order to claim endless “reparations”…

Were any explanations given? Any evidence?

None at all. Never. No questions asked. Only the wildest accusations, the most fantastic mendacity (Jewish chutzpah), Allied Jewish Zionist atrocity propaganda – repeated ad nauseam. It was taken for granted that the Germans were to blame. For what precisely? What did they do? What were their “sins” and “wrongdoings“ in the eyes of their accusers?

World War I was waged by England against Germany in the form of encirclement and the unprecedented hunger blockade. Hundreds of thousands died of malnutrition and sickness resulting from the blockade. These Germans were children, women, old men, the weakest members of society. The signing of the armistice on November 11th, 1918 did not lift the blockade against Germany. Months after the end of the First World War, the Allied governments allowed no food to reach millions of starving people in Germany.


Duff Cooper, First Lord of the Admiralty, wrote: “We did everything in our power to starve the women and children of Germany.”

Churchill, who was even then an influential English politician, declared in an interview in the London Times: “If Germany re-establishes her trade in the next 50 years, we shall have fought the war (First World War) in vain.”(quotes taken from: Life in the Third Reich, a speech by Friedrich Kurreck)

Incredible – it was simply for economic reasons (“trade”) that England’s leadership sought a war of extinction against Germany! To wipe out Germany’s economic capacity and the German people as a competitor once and for all. Just for being successful  were the Germans vilified as the “most vile villains” and targeted for destruction. “Once more St. George is mounted on his charger. His adversary, his quarry, is the most vile he has ever gone out to destroy.“ (Duff Cooper, First Lord of the Admiralty)

The Germans were accused of doing what England – the Allies, the dragon-Beast on top – did to the Germans (reverse projection)! The Allies were the “aggressor nations”, not the German Reich, Italy and Japan.

“Lord Halifax, Foreign Minister and Viceroy of India, also a warmonger, as quoted in Prof David L. Hoggan’s 1962 book, “The Forced War”, said: ”We have decided to place the entire blame for the war upon Hitler.”

“During the 1936 Olympics Churchill said: “We will force Hitler into war, whether he wants it or not.”

“In 1937, Churchill said to German Foreign Minister Ribbentrop: “If Germany gets too strong, we shall smash her again.”

“Roosevelt declared before the U.S. Congress in 1934: “There will be war with Germany… all has been planned for some time.” (quotes taken from: Life in the Third Reich, speech by Friedrich Kurreck)

“World War I was not long over before the atrocity stories attributed to the Germans during that war were exposed as the deliberate lies they were. Responsible men conducted thorough investigations and found that none of it was true. All the lurid stories were deliberately fabricated to win British public support for the war against Germany and also to bring America into the war.” (Benton L. Bradberry, The Myth of German Villainy)

“Hitler did not want war with England. On July 19, 1940, he declared in his speech before the Reichstag: “I am today still saddened by the failure of my efforts to establish a friendship with England, which I believe would be a blessing for both peoples.” (Life in the Third Reich, Speech by F. Kurreck)

As soon as Winston Churchill had become British Prime Minister, the bombings of the Rhine-Ruhr area began, and forced Hitler’s response.

“The Germans are to blame!“

No explanations given, no questions asked as to why. The truth is: Not Hitler and the German people, ritually defamed as “evil Nazis“ destroyed Europe, the Anglo-American fire bombings did.

The Rothschild-Balfour Deal* (1916) was kept hidden from the public. The allied soldiers were kept in the dark what they were actually fighting for: For Jewish power, a Jewish ethno state “Israel“ in Palestine, for the victory of Zionism and Communism, for Jewish world domination (NWO), for their own enslavement. The exploitation of patriotic feelings, deception, the most atrocious lies, anti-German atrocity propaganda made them all gang up on the German Reich twice and destroy the German people utterly. They have never been the same. The annihilation of a people. Genocide. Holocaust of World War2. and

No questions asked. Why not?

Why did they all so willingly believe the anti-German atrocity propaganda? Why do they still believe the Jewish Zionist lies? Neither the British Empire nor the U.S.A were ever seriously threatened by the Germans. Neither the German Kaiser nor A. Hitler wanted war against them.

Communist Bolshevik Russia on the other hand – taken over in 1917, by Communist Jewish revolutionaries and mass murderers – was seen as an existential threat to the German people and all of Europe. The Germans knew about the slaughter of tens of millions of anti-Communist, ethnic Russians, orthodox Christians by the Bolshevik Jews.

How could the Anglo-Americans not know?

How could they fight for the victory of the Communists? How could they hand over the eastern European nations to Communism, ancient German lands to the Poles, tens of millions of people to the Jewish RED TERROR who had taken over Russia (1917)? To be terrorized behind the “Iron Curtain“ for decades to come.

How could the Anglo-Americans hand over to the mass murdering Communist Jews hundreds of thousands of volunteers who had fought on the side of the Germans – to be murdered by the vindictive Jews (“Operation Keelhaul“). War criminals on both sides were cooperating to commit outright mass murder.

How can the western Allies be best friends and allies to genocidal international Jews? How can Americans cherish a “special relationship“ to traitorous dual Israeli-US citizens (Israeli attacks on America: USS Liberty, Trotskyite “Neocon” “Project For A New American/Zionist Century”, PNAC: 9/11 attacks to launch the endless War of Terror) and keep fighting their wars for “Greater Israel“ (from the Euphrates to the Nile, Yinon Plan, by balkanizing Israel’s Arab neighbor states), doing their dirty work for them for over a hundred years.

How can the American public (“stupid giant”?) not see who their enemy is  – who the enemy of humanity is? How is that possible? Brutal honesty in answering such questions, and determination to act upon the truth is needed. It’ll be decisive.


The Rothschild-Balfour Deal* (1916) – “Balfour Declaration” (1917):

quid pro quo deal between the international Jewish Zionists (Baron de Rothschild) and the British government (Lord Balfour, crypto-Jew). The Zionists promised to bring America into the war (happened in 1917, and again in 1941) on Britain’s side to defeat the Germans, and they wanted and got the British support for a Jewish state ‘Israel’ in Palestine in return (in 1948, the war goal of two world wars was achieved). The German peace proposals (1916, and again 1940) were always ignored, but the Germans got all the blame and all the bills. The perpetrators always blame their victims and make them pay the bills. Benjamin Freedman warned the Americans in his 1961 speech that the destroyers (traitorous Zionist Communist Jews) will do to them what they have done to the Germans.Will the Americans ever listen?

(finis – Ende)