The Barnes Review published a book by Monika Schaefer, under the same title as her short video, “Sorry Mom, I was wrong about the Holocaust”. It is available at

Off the back cover of the book: In the early 1950s, Otto Schaefer and Editha Schmilinsky emigrated from Germany to Canada. They met, fell in love, married and soon had children. I am one of those children. My mother and father were proud of their heritage, though they were told again and again they should not be. Germans were brutes, warmongers and responsible for “the Holocaust.” We children were also taught this in school. It was reiterated in every movie or TV program we saw. I wholeheartedly believed that our people were responsible for the greatest crimes in history. I said to my mother, “Why didn’t you, your friends, your folk, your family, why didn’t you do something to stop these bad things from happening? Stop Hitler and stop these death camps? You should have done something! You must have known!” My mother told me she didn’t know. She added that nobody knew. They only learned about it afterwards. By the time I understood the nature of the post-war “re-education” program, my parents had passed away. I wrote a cathartic posthumous letter and made a short video entitled “Sorry Mom, I Was Wrong About the Holocaust,” as my research had definitively proven to my satisfaction that the real story about World War II, Adolf Hitler and the events we now know as “the Holocaust” did not match what we were taught in school. That video went viral and triggered a surreal odyssey that ended up with my brother Alfred and I spending years in German prisons for our thoughts and words. This book recounts that saga. Softcover, 304 pages, #955.

Holocaust Handbooks, Volume 34:

Germar RudolfErnst BöhmGarrison and Headquarters Orders of the Auschwitz Concentration Camp—A Critically Commented Selection

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A large number of all the orders ever issued by the various commanders of the infamous Auschwitz Camp have been preserved. They reveal the true nature of the camp with all its daily events.

In these orders, for example, the decent treatment of inmates, the prohibition of their mistreatment as well as the improvement of the hygienic conditions were emphasized. A topic discussed with particular frequency is the visit of family members of SS members to Auschwitz and their constant entering and exiting of the camp. Even the children of SS members were hanging around in the camp and were apparently playing with the inmates. There were even plenty of sightseeing tours of the camp during the war, which some orders tried to regulate. Horticulture, growing fruit trees, picking flowers and much more were addressed in these orders.

Only one thing is not to be found in these orders: the slightest trace of an indication that something outrageous was going on at Auschwitz. On the contrary, many orders are in clear and insurmountable contradiction to claims that inmates were being mass murdered. This book contains a selection of the most important of these orders, along with comments that put them in their proper historical context.

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185 pages.
Format: pb, 6″×9″, bibliography, index.
Published by Castle Hill Publishers (Uckfield, UK) in Apr. 2020. ISBN13: 9781591482437 (ISBN10: 1591482437)
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Standort- und Kommandanturbefehle des KL Auschwitz

Eine kritisch kommentierte Auswahl

Standort- und Kommandanturbefehle des KL Auschwitz

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By Ernst Böhm and Germar Rudolf

Ein Großteil aller Befehle, die jemals von den verschiedenen Kommandanten des berüchtigten Lagers Auschwitz erlassen wurden, ist erhalten geblieben. Sie zeigen die wahre Natur des Lagers mit all seinen täglichen Ereignissen.

In diesen Befehlen wurden zum Beispiel die anständige Behandlung der Häftlinge unter Verbot von Misshandlungen sowie die Verbesserung der hygienischen Zustände groß geschrieben. Ein besonders häufig angesprochenes Thema ist der Besuch von Familienangehörigen der SS-Leute in Auschwitz und deren ständiges Ein- und Ausgehen im Lager. Ja sogar die Kinder der SS-Leute trieben sich im Lager herum und spielten offenbar mit den Häftlingen. Sogar Besichtigungstouren durch das Lager gab es während des Krieges schon haufenweise, was einige Befehle zu regulieren versuchten. Gartenbau, Obstanbau, das Pflücken von Blumen und vieles andere mehr wird in diesen Befehlen angesprochen.

Nur eines findet man in diesen Befehlen nicht: die geringste Spur eines Hinweises darauf, dass in Auschwitz irgendetwas Ungeheuerliches im Gange war. Ganz im Gegenteil, viele Befehle stehen in klarem und unüberwindbarem Widerspruch zu Behauptungen, dass Gefangene massenweise ermordet wurden. Dieses Buch enthält eine Auswahl der wichtigsten dieser Befehle zusammen mit Kommentaren, die sie in ihren richtigen historischen Zusammenhang bringen.

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