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Book Reviews

The Martyrdom of “Number 7”

Wir gedenken des 33. Jahrestages,der Ermordung von Rudolf Heß


Abdallah Melaouhi is a man of humanity, integrity and courage. If not for Abdallah, many of the facts about the last years of “Number 7” would still be hidden away from the interested public. Abdallah took a stand many individuals would not dare to take. He exposed the facts about the barbaric treatment and the subsequent murder of “Number 7,” an elderly man by the name of Rudolf Hess.

Rudolf Hess: His Betrayal & Murder by Abdallah Melaouhi was just published. The author had to overcome many obstacles in order to be a witness for the truth.

Rudolf Hess was born in Alexandria, Egypt on April 26, 1894. He spent his youth in Egypt. Abdallah Melaouhi was born on September 20, 1942, in Srai, a small village in Tunisia. Their paths were to cross in a fortress prison in Berlin, Germany.

Abdallah had suffered the loss of both his grandfather and father at the hands of the French. After his basic education in Tunisia, he emigrated to Germany and studied business and medicine. His education allowed him to become a professional nurse.

On August 2, 1982, after a formal application process, Abdallah became the personal nurse to the only remaining allied prisoner in the ancient Spandau Prison which was located in western Berlin. For five years, Abdallah served as nurse and confident to his forlorn prisoner, Hitler’s former Deputy Rudolf Hess.

From page 59: “Not having met my patient yet, I was given some additional instructions. With an earnest look on his face, Mr. Boon explained that I must never address the patient by his name. I always had to address him as “No. 7.” I was not allowed to greet him with a handshake, and I was also never to touch him except when required for my nursing work. It was also strictly forbidden to talk to him in private. Conversations had to be limited to a bare minimum, and I was only allowed to talk about matters which were directly related to my nursing work. Mr. Boon also warned me that I had to faithfully follow these instructions and that under no circumstances was I to do otherwise as this would result in my immediate dismissal.”

At the time, Hess was 88 years old and had already been in prison 41 years. What the allies and Abdallah did not realize was that Hess could speak Arabic. Through this secret method of communication, Abdallah was to become a confident and trustworthy friend to isolated Rudolf Hess.

The four allied forces took monthly turns guarding their lone prisoner, while the Russians presided over the treatment of Hess. The number seven had been assigned to Hess. Each of the original seven individuals sentenced to prison terms at Spandau Prison during the Nuremburg Trials were given a number. The 600 Spandau resident criminal prisoners were moved into other prisons in order to make room for the seven “war criminals.”

After the final release of the last two prisoners in 1966, Hess was to remain a prisoner at Spandau for an additional 20 years as the only prisoner guarded by hundreds. Why was Rudolf Hess, a peace advocate held for 46 years?

Due to the duplicity of the British government, details about Hess’s peace mission of May 10, 1941, remain clouded in mystery. Hitler often stated that he did not want to fight the British who he considered to be members of the greater German race. His war objective had always been aimed at protecting Europe from the Communist threat coming from the Russian Jewish Bolsheviks.

It seems likely the British knew that Hess was planning to fly from Germany and land on a private airport owned by the Duke of Hamilton. Everything seems to indicate that Hess wanted to make a plea for peace through his British contacts and possibly obtain a meeting with Winston Churchill.

When Hess approached the airport in Scotland, the lights had been turned off. He was forced to make his first parachute jump and allow the airplane to crash. His jump was successful, but his plans went into disarray as “bulldog” Churchill had no intentions to meet with a German peacenik. Hess was interrogated and placed in the Tower of London and spent the balance of the Second War in a prison in Wales.

Rudolf Hess knew the personal cost of war having served in the trenches during the First War. He had suffered two serious wounds during the time when Churchill and Roosevelt were probably downing another one.

Let us hope there is someone around in 2016 when the Hess files are finally opened for inspection as the British have continually kept his files hidden away since 1941.

In 1945, Hess was returned to Germany to receive his sentence at the mockery of justice, the Nuremburg Trials. Although he had spent all of the War years in prison and had been an envoy for peace, the allies sentenced him to life in prison. Justice?

When Mikhail Gorbachev became the general secretary of the Soviet Union in 1986, he implied that he might consider the release of Hess. The blame for continually holding Hess had always fallen upon the Russians, but the British, the Americans and even the Israelis had their own vile reasons for wanting to keep this persecuted old man behind bars.

The liberalized Russian policy forced the hands of the allies. Hess must never be allowed to go free and give interviews about his mysterious mission to England.

Weak, nearly blind, and needing aid for eating, bathing and walking at the age of 93 years of age, Rudolf Hess was suicided in Spandau on August 17, 1987.

Abdallah gave Rudolf Hess the few human acts of kindness he was to receive while serving in the capacity of his nurse for five years. Abdallah was a witness to the aftermath of the so-called suicide of this feeble old man. A man who was still mentally acute, but suffering several physical disabilities was allegedly strong enough to hang himself with a light cord strung over a window hook.

From page 36: “During the last years of Hess’s life I was not only his nurse but in many ways his confidant. As an orthodox Muslim I feel that I must take on the role of his advocate and spokesman now that he has died. I looked into the eyes of the two people whom I believe to have been his murderers and the American guard whom, according to the circumstances, I must consider as being an accessory to the murder. I am demanding that these persons and the people who hired them be put on trial for the murder of a helpless old man. And I will not rest until I succeed. I don’t think that this is anything unusual. I believe that most people who witness a crime want to make sure that the accused gets put on trial and that justice is done.”

Due to the diligence of The Barnes Review and its courageous author, Rudolf Hess: His Betrayal & Murder is now available for $25.00 plus a $5.00 shipping charge. The book is softbound with 291 pages and contains several photographs and copies of some of Hess’s letters. This excellent book can be ordered from The Barnes Review, P.O. Box 15877, Washington, D.C. 20003 or by calling 1-877-773-9077.

Comments about the author on pages 174 and 175:

“The Tunisian Abdallah Melaouhi has how been looking after me as a caretaker for more than four years. He applied for this job to be able to help me in my old age. He has fulfilled this task in an exemplary manner. He has not only applied his astonishingly detailed and comprehensive medical knowledge, but he has also been untiringly concerned with my well-being and with the perfect condition of the things that have been placed at my disposal. He has done this far beyond the call of his normal duties and beyond his job description. As difficult as this was at times, even under very trying circumstances. He has fulfilled my every wish as far as this was within his power. He was always friendly, he was never in a bad mood, also in this respect he helped to alleviate my situation. A highly commendable personality who places himself under the task he has set himself in order to serve the elderly. I cannot imagine a better nurse. Berlin-Spandau, July 30, 1985, Rudolf Hess”

Even in death, Hess was not allowed to rest in peace. In 2011, his body which was buried next to his parents and his wife in the village of Wunsiedel was dug up. His remains were tossed to the wind like so much garbage. This was the dirty work of Jews, Communists and cowards.

Let it be known that their evil deeds cannot diminish our memory of Rudolf Hess. He will forever be remembered by truth-seekers as a martyr for peace.

Nancy Hitt – 2013

hunleyhitt@earthlink.netWir gedenken des 33. Jahrestages,der Ermordung von Rudolf Heß


What Were They Thinking?

What got into those Germans? What made them throw good money down the drain by investing in medical facilities, huge kitchens, theatres, art classes, orchestras, swimming pools, cinemas, sporting fields, religious facilities, fencing instructors, saunas, complaint offices, libraries, script and even brothels for the benefit of the DOOMED?
If it is true that the doomed prisoners held in German concentration camps during World War II were ultimately going to be exterminated by whatever method was in vogue at the time…mobile gas trucks, lime-filled train cars, shooting, hanging, cremation, louse poisoning, or the infamous gas chambers why did the Third Reich bother to make any accommodations for them?
By various accounts, six million Jews were allegedly killed during the First World War in addition to eye witness reports that six, seven, eleven or even forty million were gassed during the Second World War. If one cares to believe these tall tales regurgitated by “court historians,” all of the chosen people who were calculated to be living in the entire world during the 20th century would have been wiped off the face of the earth!
The Barnes Review is offering an updated edition of their original holocaust issue and it is a must-read. On the cover of this issue are illustrations of camp script that was issued by the Germans to prisoners at their work and re-education camps. The holocaust issue contains nineteen concise articles of interest to truth seekers and revisionists. The authors are experts on this hot potato subject: Udo Walendy, Willis A. Carto, Dr. M. Raphael Johnson, Michael Collins Piper, Paul Rassinier and other scholars.
This is a list of the titles from the Table of Contents:
1. Why Hitler Came to Power by Rabbi Dr. Manfred Reifer
2. Jews Paid for Their Work in the Camps? By Jennifer White
3. The Origins of the Concentration Camps by Stephen Raper
4. Holocaust Education Opposed by Philip Glidden
5. Why is “The Holocaust” Important Today? By Willis A. Carto
6. Are You Tired of “The Holocaust”? by Michael Collins Piper
7. Jewish Power & Prosperity in Germany
8. The First Shot Fired in WWII by M. Raphael Johnson
9. The Truth About The “War Crimes Trials”
10. Anne Frank Not “Gassed At Auschwitz” by Fred Blahut
11. Jewish Leaders Denigrated Survivors
12. How Many Really Died at Auschwitz? By Vivian Bird
13. The Birth of the Auschwitz Legend by Paul Rassinier
14. Is “The Holocaust” A Racket? By Michael Collins Piper
15. Why Deny “The Holocaust”? by John Tiffany
16. A Journey to ‘Holocaust Denial’ by Prof. Ray Goodwin
17. The Dubious Wannsee Conference by Udo Walendy
18. An Interview With Carlo Mattogno
19. Farewell To “The Holocaust”?
From the pen of one who actually experienced German camp life, the fearless Paul Rassinier : “It is my intention to wring from public opinion the admission that, in the war of 1939-1945, Englishmen, Russians, Frenchmen and Americans committed crimes just as horrible and in just as great a number as those attributed to the Germans—whose real crimes are, however, very much open to dispute. I also wish to have it conceded that it is immoral to investigate merely German war criminals, especially when the criminal nature of their behavior has been exaggerated, as has indeed been the case.
“I believe that, after a war, there should be a general amnesty for all combatants because this is the only way to bring about an atmosphere of peace between the nations, and to avoid future wars…”
Paul Rassinier was a French socialist who was active in the resistance movement during the war. For his activities, Rassiner was arrested and experienced prison life in two different camp. His health suffered from the experience. This heroic figure became one of the first published truth-telling survivor/revisionist. He refused to allow the post-war anti-German propaganda mills to spew out their offal about the German people who had attempted to rid their country of the anarchistic Jewish Communist parasites.
Today there are still numerous so-called Jewish holocaust survivors who continue to dig in the holocaust gold mine with their unrealistic and unreliable memories of how, where and when multi-millions were eliminated. German officials did imprison criminals, homosexuals, gypsies, sex perverts, Jews, Communists, resistance partisans and radical revolutionaries during the war. While being held in various transit and work camps, many died due to various causes including allied bombings. For nearly seventy years the chosenites have punished Germany, the U.S., Switzerland and other countries in order to gain financial reparations.
You can order the special “Holocaust issue” which is updated, expanded, specially bound and contains 112 pages with many photographs and illustrations. The price is only $10.00 which includes shipping. Send your payment to The Barnes Review, P.O. Box 15877, Washington, D.C. 20003 or call toll free to 1-877-773-9077.
It would be unreasonable policy for the Germans to improve the conditions of prisoners destined to die. A number of Jewish camp survivors reported being moved around from one death camp to another. Were the camps short on gas or are the Jews just full of it?

Nancy Hitt – 2013

Just Another “Pinocchio” President


During a speech delivered by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt on October 30, 1940, he told his Boston audience the following: And while I am talking to you mothers and fathers, I give you one more assurance. I have said this before, but I shall say it again and again and again: Your boys are not going to be sent into any foreign wars.

The unsuspecting sheeple believed Roosevelt’s “assurance.” In truth, he was purposely fibbing to the American people just like the fictional character of “Pinocchio” whose nose grew longer when he told lies. Roosevelt’s nose should have been a mile long.

Please make note of the date of this Boston speech, October, 1940. “As early as December 19, 1939, an American cruiser (the Tuscaloosa) that was inside the security zone maneuvered the (German) passenger liner Columbus into the hands of British warships. As a result, it had to be scuttled. On that same day, US military forces helped in an effort to capture the German merchant ship Arauca. On January 27, 1940, and once again contrary to international law, the US cruiser Trenton reported the movements of the German merchant ships Arauca, La Plata and Wangoni to enemy naval forces.

“On June 27, 1940, he (Roosevelt) announced a limitation on the free movement of foreign merchant ships in US ports, completely contrary to international law. In November 1940 he permitted US warships to pursue the German merchant ships Phyrgia, Idarwald and Rhein until they finally had to scuttle themselves to keep from falling into enemy hands.

“In the meantime, in March (1941) all German ships were confiscated by the American authorities. In the process, German Reich citizens were treated in the most degrading way, ordered to certain locations in violation of international law, put under travel restrictions, and so forth.”

These are excerpts taken from a powerful speech given by Adolf Hitler and are found on pages 27 and 28 in the book entitled: The Great Tragedy, Germany’s Declaration of War Against the United States, Hitler’s Reichstag Speech of December 11, 1941. Hitler discloses additional acts of US aggression against the sovereign country of Germany.

Roosevelt was itching for a reason to go to war with Germany. His shenanigans had already forced the hand of Japan.

A copy of The Great Tragedy is available for $9.00 plus shipping from The Barnes Review, P.O. Box 15877, Washington, D.C. 20003 or call 1-877-773-9077. My paperback copy contains 37 pages with one photograph.

Two hours before Hitler addressed the Reichstag on December 11, 1941, Germany had already issued the follow declaration in letters to US officials in Berlin and Washington:

“Germany’s Formal Declaration of War Against the United States. The government of the United States of America, having violated in the most flagrant manner and in ever increasing measure all rules of neutrality in favor of the adversaries of Germany, and having continually been guilty of the most severe provocations toward Germany ever since the outbreak of the European war, brought on by the British declaration of war against Germany on September 3, 1939, has finally resorted to open military acts of aggression.

“On September 11, 1941, the President of the United States of America publicly declared that he had ordered the American Navy and Air Force to shoot on sight any German war vessel. In his speech of October 27, 1941, he once more expressly affirmed that this order was in force.

“Acting under this order, American naval vessels have systematically attacked German naval forces since early September 1941. Thus, American destroyers, as for instance, the Greer, the Kearny and the Reuben James, have opened fire on German submarines according to plan. The American Secretary of the Navy, Mr. Knox, himself confirmed that the American destroyers attacked German submarines.

“Furthermore, the naval forces of the United States of America, under order of their government and contrary to international law, have treated and seized German merchant ships on the high seas as enemy ships.

“The German government therefore establishes the following facts:

“Although Germany on her part has strictly adhered to the rules of international law in her relations with the United States of America during every period of the present war, the government of the United States of American from initial violations of neutrality has finally proceeded to open acts of war against Germany. It has thereby virtually created a state of war.

“The government of the Reich consequently breaks off diplomatic relations with the United States of America and declares that under these circumstances brought about by President Roosevelt, Germany too, as from today, considers herself as being in a state of war with the United States of America.”

If you have misgivings about these reported acts of US aggression, I suggest you do the research and uncover the facts for yourself. If these allegations are true, can Germany be faulted for her declaration of war? Today it is common knowledge that both Churchill and Roosevelt were itching for a fight while holding their cards close to the chest.

“Pinocchio” President Roosevelt was an arrogant politician. I doubt he had any remorse regarding his deceptive behavior. His anti-German actions were controlled by his Jewish cabal of advisors and his Red-loving wife. They were Roosevelt’s “Geppetto.”

Nancy Hitt – 2013

One Plucky Pilot


Johann “Hans” Peter Baur was born in Ampfing, Germany on June 19, 1897. He died on February 17, 1993, and is buried in Munich. Hans seemed destined to spend much of his life among the clouds. As a German volunteer, he became a very young pilot during World War I. Hans was employed as a commercial pilot after the war came to an end.

Due to his vast flying experience and safety record, Hans was brought to the attention of Adolf Hitler. He was to become Hitler’s personal pilot. In this capacity, Hans came into contact with some of the most important personages of the age.

In 1971, Hans wrote his autobiography in German. In 1986, it was translated into English and published by the Eichler Publishing Corporation. The book is entitled: Hitler at my Side. This book is certainly one of the most exciting books I have ever read. Hans exuded a zest for life and for dangerous adventure.

The author begins his narrative with his determination as a youngster to learn to fly airplanes. The reader is taken along with Hans on daring flights in those early fragile flying machines. Pilots flew them in freezing weather with few instruments to guide them and no oxygen to aid them. Hans details the evolution of the German airplanes and instruments from 1915 through 1945.

There were many significant people that went up in the air with Hans Baur as their pilot. In addition to German military officials, Hans piloted such anti-Communist leaders as King Boris of Bulgaria and Ion Antoneseu of Romania to confer with Hitler. Both of these men took a stand against the Bolsheviks and paid dearly.

The Preface explains what Hans hoped to accomplish in writing his autobiography: “When I made my memoirs public, I did not intend to make a great contribution to world history. My whole life was shaped by my passion for flying. For me, happiness lay between earth and sky, and the whine of the propeller was my music. The great and powerful men of the time were my passengers, and their safety was my foremost concern. Great men from the fields of science and art, crowned heads, and powerful politicians from many countries flew with me. Considering how they stand before the inexorable judgement of history is not my task.

“Therefore, this book is intended to be neither accusation nor justification. Nothing more is intended than to let the lights flare in the fullness of my memory and illuminate the episodes and experiences that seem noteworthy. In as far as they reflect the times and reveal the fates of people, then let them be a contribution to the history of the era. It is essentially my task to let my readers participate in the great flights that led me across mountains, valleys and national boundaries, in fair weather and foul.”

From pages 38 and 39: “Night landing in a potato field. Dear Reader, please pardon me for writing down so many individual experiences from the past, but they seem important to me in a time when people think in terms of speeds beyond the sound barrier and when they forget how incredibly problematic flying was just three decades ago.”

From page 41: “The year 1930 brought a decisive leap forward in technical development. Up to that time, every flight in clouds or thick fog was a risk. The devices indicating the orientation of the airplane, were very primitive, having originated during the World War……Many pilots, when forced to fly blind, had relied on the deceptive indicators and had crashed. In 1930, we received the artificial horizon for instrumental flight.”

Among his many awards, Hans received the Lewald Prize in March of 1932, along with two other Lufthansa flight captains. As he states on page 49: “This distinction was a very special honor for us, but more important for aviation was the fact that we had achieved an extraordinary safety record for that era on the most difficult routes in Europe including many hours of night flight, that German aviation had achieved such heights in spite of the restrictions imposed by the Treaty of Versailles, and that aviation had slowly won increased significance in the world and found general acceptance.”

Hans recorded some of Hitler’s idiosyncrasies such as being a vegetarian, abstaining from alcohol, and lacking empathy for sport fishing and hunting.

I was particularly fascinated with the flight that Hans took with his wife to South Africa. He flew from Germany along the eastern coast of Africa stopping along the way. This flight was made in order to deliver an airplane to South Africa. Hans was able to do some touring around even visiting the famous Krueger wildlife reserve.

While attempting to escape on foot from Berlin during the closing days of World War II, Hans was wounded four times. He was captured by the Soviets and suffered greatly due to his injuries and the subsequent amputation of his wounded leg. Hans was held in the Gulags for ten years. His wife died during his imprisonment.

The Soviets learned that Hans had been living in the Fuhrerbunker. They tormented him for years to determine if Hitler had been flown out of the country before the fall of Berlin. Hans was fully aware that Hitler along with several others had committed suicide rather than be captured by the brutal Soviet Bolsheviks.

Hitler at my Side, contains 228 pages with many photographs. It is available from The Barnes Review, P.O. Box 15877, Washington, D.C. 20003 for $25.00 plus shipping. Their telephone number is 1-877-773-9077. Hitler at my Side is an “awesome” autobiography by one plucky pilot.

Nancy Hitt – 2013

A Gallant Gaul

Paul Rassinier was a man with an uncommon quality, honesty. Rassinier had been active in the French resistance during World War II. He was arrested and served time in two different German concentration camps. Rassinier had the integrity and courage to denounce the rumors and fabrications reported after the war about life within the camps and in particular those in which he had been held as a prisoner.

These inquiries appear to be the first published in print; therefore. French-born Paul Rassinier could be called the Father of Holocaust Revisionism. His book entitled “Debunking the Genocide Myth” is a compilation of much of his research into the tall tales published after the war about the assorted extermination methods, the brutality of the S.S. officers and the exceedingly large number of Jewish victims.

Paul Rassinier was born at Beaumont, France, on March 18, 1906 and died near Paris on July 29, 1967. Rassinier was a geography teacher and a member of his local Socialist Party. With the invasion of France, he was associated with a pacifist, non-Communist underground organization which aided Jews to cross the Swiss border. (His charitable service to the Jews meant little to them after his investigations.)

The first part of this book describes his wretched time at the Buchenwald and Dora concentration camps. He had been arrested in October, 1943, and was released from Dora in 1945, in a debilitated physical state. His health remained fragile.

Apparently Rassinier understood German and was able to define the responsibilities of each prison official within the prison hierarchy based upon his own experiences. Most of the brutal treatment came from the trustees or Kapos who were selected by the S.S. from among the imprisoned actual criminals or Communists. The Kapos who controlled the prison population were Russians, Czechs, Poles, and Germans.

From Page 53: “One would think that this arrangement was used out of sadism, and, after the war was over, that is what was said. But, it was really out of the necessity to economize personnel that the system was used, and for that reason, in all prisons in all countries, the same situation holds. The S.S. itself only administrated the camp when it was impossible for them to do otherwise.”

Rassinier questions how much the French actually know about the activities inside of their own penal institutions in order to explain why the German population had good reason to lack understanding about the concentration camps. How much do Americans know about the abuses which occur in prisons in our own back yards?

From Page 425: “…the idea that the crematory ovens were designed as instruments of genocide for the specific use in the concentration camps; such a conclusion is unwarranted since cremation is a common practice – just as common as burial – all over Germany.”

By the author on Page x: “It will be enough then for me to tell you that the concentration camps were a world of horrors. And if anything ought to be added, it would be this: in spite of this, just about all those who have spoken of them have overdone it and particularly their explanations have little in common with the truth…Concerning figures, the ‘witnesses’ have said and written the most improbable things. Concerning the implementation of the means of killing, also. Concentration camp literature on the whole has the appearance of a collection of contradictory pieces of ill-natured gossip.”

From Page 109: “Then one day I realized that a false picture of the German camps had been created and that the problem of the concentration camps was a universal one, not just one that could be disposed of by placing it on the doorstep of the National Socialists. The deportees—many of whom were Communists—had been largely responsible for leading international political thinking to such an erroneous conclusion. I suddenly felt that by remaining silent I was an accomplice to a dangerous influence. And, at one sitting, without paying attention to literary style and in as simple as possible a form, I wrote my Le Passage de la ligne in an attempt to put things into proper perspective and in an attempt to bring people back to a sense of objectivity and, at the same time, to a better conception of intellectual honesty.”

Following the Introduction, “Debunking the Genocide Myth” is divided into three parts. Part I is the author’s experience in the camps. Part II is the experience of others and Rassinier’s research into their claims. Part III is the drama of the European Jews in which the author does statistical comparisons based upon the conflicting accounts of Jewish deaths, census records and emigration estimates.

Debunking the Genocide Myth” contains 441 pages in soft cover form. There is a photograph of the author on the back cover. My copy was published in 1978 by the Institute for Historical Review, P.O. Box 1306, Torrance, California 90505. This book is a collection of Paul Rassinier’s works written about 1962. I found several of his books in French and English for sale on the website of

As Rassinier documents, much of these false claims and lies about cadaver numbers which have been committed to print by the Holocaust clan, has been done in order to gain additional reparations from Germany. He does not believe that financial payments should have been required by the country of Israel which did not exist until 1948. Paul Rassinier was a witness to the illnesses and deaths of camp prisoners; therefore, he never denies that many individuals died in the work camps.

Rassinier stands out in history not only as the Father of Holocaust Revisionism, but as the man who would satisfy the search of Diogenes for one honest man.

Nancy Hitt – 2012

Garlic Won’t Work

We are the vehicles who bear within us the spark of a truth that will not die. This struggle is eternal. Let us be worthy of it by our sacrifice and our loyalty.” This is the final paragraph printed in the 1997 book written by Hans Schmidt entitled: “Jailed in ‘Democratic’ Germany: The Ordeal of an American Writer.”

Hans Schmidt (April 24, 1927 – May 30, 2010) was born in Luisenthal, Germany. He volunteered for the elite forces of the Waffen-SS at age of seventeen and was wounded twice in frontline combat. In 1949, Hans emigrated to the U.S., became a naturalized American citizen and a successful businessman.

Due to my correspondence with Tony DuPree of Florida, I was made aware of this courageous German-American free speech advocate and his excellent book.

In 1983, Hans founded the German-American National Political Action Committee (GAN-PAC), and published “GANPAC Brief” in English and the “USA-Bericht” in German. His Santa Monica, California, GAN-PAC office was fire-bombed in 1985. The Jewish Defense League was suspected, but no one was arrested for that arson attack. On July 4, 1984, the California headquarters of the Institute for Historical Review were destroyed by fire with no prosecutions and limited media coverage.

On August 9, 1995, Hans was at the Frankfurt airport returning to the U.S. after a visit to Germany for medical treatment and to visit his elderly mother when he was arrested for “incitement to hate.” At the age of 68, Hans spent five months in prison in poor health and became another victim of the German justice system wherein truth is no defense and the actual trial proceedings go unrecorded.

His German edition newsletter published in the States had been found to contain four verboten words and had been read by enemy eyes in Germany. Those verboten words were “Jew-and Freemason infested” oligarchy and media ruling Germany.

The following statement was issued in May of 1996 by the German Department of the Interior. From Page 12: “Whosoever denies the fact of the millionfold murder of the European Jews, denies the sufferings of victims, dead or alive, denigrates the memory of the murdered and dead Jews–he actually causes a repeat of their suffering. And that is against the law!”

From Page 19: “These weird and arbitrary prosecutions have more in common with the pathological Stalinist show-trials of the 1930s, than they do with the supposedly progressive and ‘democratic’ republic of a ‘new’ Germany.”

From Dr. William Pierce’s article from “Free Speech” of January 1996: “He has been a U.S. citizen for 40 years. He committed no crime while he was in Germany. He has never done anything, either in Germany or the United States, which is a crime under U.S. law….The German government has no jurisdiction over what he has written in America. And yet he was been arrested by the German secret police and imprisoned. How can that be? Why did that happen?”

The book “Jailed in ‘Democratic’ Germany” will give you some answers as to why the U.S. State Department and media ignored the jailing of Hans Schmidt.

Unfortunately for American citizens, our government paid snoops employed by the FBI and CIA often rely upon the “super snoops” working for the fat cats at the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the Southern Poverty Law Center ( SPLC).

From Page 341: “The ADL is a semi-official spy agency, an illegal court, a brutal police force, a gigantic documentation center and a mendacious propaganda ministry, all in one. It is the all-seeing eye of Judaism, and its leaders take their job very seriously.”

Interestingly, our own Laurie Wood of Klan Watch is mentioned in this book. It seems that the consort of “Deacon” Bill Cox has been an active bloodhound for various Jewish anti-White agencies for quite some time.

False information that Hans had purposely released was contained within the U.S. biography presented to German lawyers; therefore, it appears that our own spies did their fact-checking using data from the above mentioned Jewish agencies. These Jewish agencies are in reality just an arm of Israel. Are we still a sovereign nation?

Max Wahl, Fred Leuchter, Gunter Deckert, Ernst Zundel, Thies Christophersen, Gemar Rudolf, Wigbert Grabert, Jurgen Graf, Gunther Vogt, Erhard Kemper, Hans Werner Woltersdorf, David Irving, Richard Landwehr, Christian Worch, Manfred Roeder, General Otto Ernst Remer, Michael Kuhnen, Udo Walendy, Georg Albert Bosse, Gerhard Lauck and others who have dared to question any Jewish claims have faced persecution, threats, physical attacks, verbal abuse, fines or imprisonment. Recently, democratic Germany sentenced defense attorney, Sylvia Stolz, to three and a half years behind bars for defending a thought heretic.

My copy of “Jailed in ‘Democratic’ Germany” is a soft cover book containing 490 pages with a photograph of Hans Schmidt and one of his German prison. The book was published by Guderian Books and copies can be found on

From the Appendix on Page 422: “What kind of truth is it that has to be safeguarded by law? How many Americans know that in Germany the ‘genocide of the Six million’ must be believed under pain of fine and imprisonment? Doubting any part of it will be punished with up to five years in jail without the possibility of parole.”

For generations, garlic has been worn or carried as a protection from the Evil Eye, but it is impotent against the Jewish All-Seeing Eye.

Nancy Hitt – 2012

Perpetual Pay Back

There is no doubt in my mind that it was the intention of the Americans to kill as many of us as possible by starvation. This is a statement made by a fifteen year old Austrian who had served in the German military for only two months before the war ended. He found himself imprisoned by the American military in the Lambach stockade in Austria. He was not fed for two weeks and was forced to survive by eating grass. This young man was also not given any form of shelter, just a plot of ground in the open air.

Hans Schmidt (1927-2010) was only seventeen when he joined the Waffen-SS in 1944. On April 24, 1945, Hans turned eighteen. In May, he surrendered to American forces and was also imprisoned in the Lambach stockade. Hans’ brilliant book, “SS Panzergrenadier, A True Story of World War II” documents his experiences as a young German soldier during the war. He includes painful evidence of many U.S. war crimes committed by trigger happy GIs and the illegal revenge policies ordered by General Eisenhower which ignored all of the Geneva Conventions signed by his own government.

Hans Schmidt was born in Luisenthal in the Saar region which had been under French domination following the end of World War I. Adolf Hitler’s intentions had been to reclaim those German lands that had been severed from the Reich due to the dictates of the Versailles Treaty signed at the end of the First World War. Hitler wanted to protect Germany and Europe from the savage Soviet Jewish Bolsheviks, with Poland as a buffer.

Hitler’s attempts to control the march of Communism failed. Stalin forced the hand of that arrogant blueblood FDR into dealing out most of Eastern Europe and a section of Germany to that monster card shark. The U.S. regime was also mainly responsible for replacing NSDAP (the Nazi Party) officials with German Communists, while former members of the NSDAP were either denied employment or imprisoned.

From Page 340: “By the end of May 1945 I (Hans) had been an American POW for more than two weeks, and I did not like it. During this time I was obviously unbeknownst to me one of the millions of former German soldiers who, on orders of Dwight D. Eisenhower, had been criminally classified DEF (disarmed enemy forces), and thus were removed from the oversight of the International Red Cross that during the war had at all times the opportunity to inspect the German camps where, for instance, American POWs were kept. As a result of Eisenhower’s action we were practically starved to death in open air-stockades where there was no shelter of any kind.”

From Pages 387 and 388: “1944: General Dwight D. Eisenhower talks to the British ambassador to the United States during a visit to the American capital and it is stated that he ventured the opinion that 3,500 officers of the German General staff should be ‘exterminated.’ He also suggested that perhaps as many as 100,000 prominent Germans should be killed. To his wife Mamie he wrote: ‘God, I hate the Germans.’

“On March 10, 1945, Eisenhower sent a message to the Allied Combined Chiefs of Staff recommending a new class of prisoners called Disarmed Enemy Forces (DEFs). This policy is implemented within days of the German surrender in the first week of May. It stipulates that the German POWs thus designated do not fall under the auspices of the International Red Cross. (The U.S. has reinstituted a similar policy.)

“In May of 1945, the International Red Cross had over 100,000 tons of food stockpiled in Switzerland. Red Cross attempts to ship these goods to starving German POWs in camps on German soil and in France failed. The American Military Government sent trains loaded with foodstuffs back to Switzerland on Eisenhower’s orders.

“In July of 1945 after the Potsdam Conference, General Eisenhower became the military governor of the American zone of Germany. He continued to refuse entry into Germany to Red Cross assistance to the starving Germans (both POWs and the civilian population).

“On July 6, 1945, almost three months after the end of the hostilities, the International Red Cross suggested the restoration of mail service to German POWs so that they could inform their families of their survival. Eisenhower, who did not want the outside world to know what was occurring in the camps under his command, refused this request, allegedly on orders from the War department.”

The U.S. military transferred German POWs to the Soviets and the French for use as slave laborers; while Eisenhower enforced Operation Keelhaul which sent millions of East Europeans into the Soviet maw to be executed or to death in the infamous gulags.

In the author’s opinion on Page 389: “Could Eisenhower’s hate have derived from the realization that the Germans really bested him, even in defeat? Was it the envy of not belonging, and the acknowledgment that in the German Wehrmacht of World War II, ‘Ike’ would never have risen above the rank of a Colonel in charge of supplies?”

Thanks to Christine Miller for presenting me with such a wonderful book. My hard bound copy of “SS Panzergrenadier” by Hans Schmidt contains 402 pages with many photographs and illustrations. Copies can be found on the website

In this book review, I left out details about the twice combat-wounded and frostbitten Hans Schmidt in order to concentrate upon U.S. less than honorable policies which led to a less than democratic Germany. Today, Germany remains occupied by U.S. soldiers almost 70 years after the end of the war. Germans are taught to bear the heavy chains of guilt. They are still governed by the Basic Law, an allied legal creation. Thousands of people of various nationalities have been hauled into German courts and charged with “hate crimes” when they presumed to investigate the facts surrounding Jewish history.

Will the pay back ever end?

Nancy Hitt – 2012

A Forest of Death and Deception

Soon after the treaty was signed between Germany and Russia in August, 1939, the Russians occupied eastern Poland. They proceeded to arrest and imprison thousands of Poles considered to be “politically unreliable.”

Aproximately 15,000, mostly members of the Polish military were placed into three prisoner of war camps. There were 4,404 Poles held at Kozielsk, 3,891 held at Staroblesk and 6,287 held at Ostachkov.

Following the German invasion of Russia in June, 1941, the Soviets requested assistance from the members of the Polish government-in-exile in London. At that time, the “generous” Russians agreed to the release of 100,000 Poles from slave labor camps, while large numbers of individuals remained missing from the ranks of those prisoners originally arrested.

The Polish Ambassador Prof. Kot, Polish Generals Sikorsky and Anders attempted on several occasions to question Stalin and other Soviet leaders in order to obtain information about those known to be unaccounted for. The Soviet leadership ignored their requests for substantial information; all the while they knew precisely what had happened to their Polish comrades.

Due to a savage recommendation made by the Jewish head of the KGB, Lavrenti P. Beria, at least 14,000 of these imprisoned Polish elite had been executed by the Soviets during a two week period in April, 1940.

The blood-thirsty barbarians, Stalin, Mikoyan, Voroshilov, and Molotov had signed on the dotted line. Kaganovich and Kalinin agreed to the massive Katyn slaughter by telephone.

These Soviet thugs were either Jewish or related through marriage to “the chosen” race. Jews and their running curs had an imbedded hatred of the Polish people.

The plot began to thicken in April, 1943, when the Germans discovered the sickening mass graves of thousands of executed Poles in the Katyn forest. The thousands of Polish and Russian victims consisted of members of the military, civilians, a well respected female pilot, and even a priest.

In order to document this crime, the Germans brought in specialists from various countries to assist in the exhumation and examinations of the bodies.

The Russians knew all about how this massacre occurred and how each victim received at least one bullet to the back of the skull, but they continued their denials.

The allies very well knew from the original investigations and the evidence gathered from the dead in 1943, that this purge was committed by their Communist ally.

The Americans kept the Soviet’s involvement a secret from its dotting US public.

Our courageous leaders refused to denounce these brutal executions. At the rigged trials of Nuremberg, the Russians were allowed to testify to the falsehood that the Germans had committed the Katyn massacre.

Due to the fact that the Katyn atrocity was not one of the crimes successfully pinned upon the German breasts, the Russians orchestrated their own Nuremberg show trials. The Russians wanted to clean up any tracks that might lead to their doors.

On February, 1946, without a whimper from our own cowed leaders, the Soviets executed seven Germans in Moscow by hanging. They sentenced three Germans to 20 years of hard labor and death in the Gulag. These ten Germans were murdered due to the duplicitous behavior of our heartless lying US leadership.

Only recently did the Soviets come clean about their part in the eradication of the “politically unreliable” Polish population.

In 2010, Dr. Edward Fields wrote the booklet Katyn, The Crime of the Century. This paperback contains 43 pages with many photographs, some are gruesome. The booklet is available for $5.00 which includes postage at: The Truth at Last Books, P.O. Box 1211, Marietta, Georgia 30061. My review is taken from this work.

On Page 14-15: “In POW camps run by the NKVD and in prisons in Western Ukraine and Belorussia there is currently a large number of former Polish army officers and intelligence services, former Polish political officials and members of Polish nationalist counter-revolutionary parties, members of unmasked rebel counter-revolutionary organizations, defectors and others.

Recommend imposing on them the sentence of capital punishment – execution by shooting.

Signed, L. Beria, Peoples’ Commissar for Internal Affairs”

It might be worth consideration that many of us are today considered to be representatives of the “politically incorrect” while 72 years ago, the Polish elite were deemed to be the “politically unreliable.”

Nancy Hitt – 2011

Daring Degrelle

How does one find the appropriate words to honor the brilliant audacious Leon Degrelle? Impossible! One must first appreciate his life as recorded in the 2015 book My Revolutionary Life translated by John de Nugent and Margaret Huffstickler taken from his oral recordings.

Willis Carto wrote about Degrelle in 2010: “Before World War II, Degrelle had been Europe’s youngest political leader and the founder of the Rexist Party of Begium. During the war he was a hero on the Eastern Front, fighting to save Europe from communism.

The most important political military phenomenon of World War II is also the least known: the Waffen SS. And Leon Derelle was one of the most famous Waffen SS soldiers. After the Germans began their assault against the bastion of international communism, from every country in Europe thousands of young men came forth, their minds resolved that the destiny of their native countries was now at stake.

Volunteers swelled the ranks of the Waffen SS, which grew to include almost 400,000 non-German Europeans fighting on the Eastern Front.

Degrelle, in the same manner as Peter the Great, chose to start out as a private, sharing the burdens of his comrades, rising by his abilities alone through the ranks to the position of commander of the unit he raised: the SS Brigade ‘Wallonia.’

But, of the first 800 Walloon volunteers who left for the Eastern Front, only three survived the war—one of them Degrelle. Some 2,500 of his fellow Walloons died, wearing the uniform of the Waffen SS, while fighting the Soviets during that period.”

Leon Degrelle was born June 15, 1906 of French parents and died exiled in Spain on March 31, 1994. Degrelle had been a student of law, political science and religion, a young activist for social justice, an author, a stirring speaker, a politician, a prisoner of the French, a victim of torture, a civilian volunteer wounded seven times, and the most highly decorated non-German officer. Degrelle escaped to Spain as the war ended, only to become a hunted man for decades. The Spanish were able to foil several attempts on his life by the bloody jews; undeterred, Degrelle remained loyal to the memory of his men and Adolf Hitler.

From page 141-142: “Hitler had pulled the people of Germany out of their economic stagnation. He had put back to work millions of desperate unemployed people.

A hundred new social laws had guaranteed work, health, leisure and the dignity of the workers. For his people Hitler had invented the ‘peoples’ car,’ the Volkswagen, available at a ridiculously low price to be paid over several years. His cruise ships carried tens of thousands of factory workers on faraway vacations…He had revived the industry of the Reich…He had endowed Germany with splendid superhighways, a quarter of a century before France even tried to imitate him. He had reunified the nation, re-established a proud army in a country that no longer had the right to possess anything but cardboard tanks. From a country defeated and bled white by 3 million deaths in World War I, he had made Germany once again the strongest nation in Europe.

But above all—and this has been completely forgotten—the most important accomplishment of Hitler, the one that changed Europe politically, was reuniting the working masses in love with their fatherland. International Marxism and various cosmopolitan influences had, in 50 years, separated the people from their nation everywhere.”

Reading Degrelle’s words from My Revolutionary Life are like viewing past historical figures through a lighted time machine because of his amazing ability as a descriptive writer. Here are a few examples of his style from page 13: “Nikita Krushchev, commissar of the lethal Ukrainian famine, a vulgar hog-market mountebank, he of the big chickpea-mole on a peasant nose, a sweaty man, dressed like a ragbag, why shouldn’t he have clumped triumphantly around the United States, his granny on his arm, escorted by U.S. Cabinet officials and fawning billionaires, and by French can-can dancers and the flower of the Kennedy clan? Nikita even permitted himself to bang on the table with his sweaty shoe during a General Assembly of the United Nations without the bouncers being called.

In the same vein, Bolshevik vice premier Alexei Kosygin bowed his august, badly cooked potato-head to receive laurel wreaths from the French. The French were still fainting like ladies over the stories of Auschwitz—but entirely amnesiac about some thousands of Polish officers at Katyn.”

And from page 15: “All the European countries the Soviets conquered—have remained under their pitiless domination. What pathetic and tardy regrets: Yes, Winston, for your previously ‘good pig’ now bestrode like a giant dragon both Europe and Asia, fire-breathing his glee, the dragon’s tail at Vladivostok and the snout 120 miles from the borders of France.”

My Revolutionary Life is available from The Barnes Review, P.O. Box 15877, Washington, D.C. 20003 Tel: 1 (877) 773-9077. It contains 216 pages with photos for $27 plus $5 shipping.

The losers were our European people, the peoples of Germany and Eastern Europe doomed to 50 years of brutal tyranny partly due to the US alignment with communism. Our corrupt leaders allied with that “devil” Stalin and caused the deaths of millions. Degrelle regretted only one thing for the part he played during World War II: “Only that we lost.”

Nancy Hitt – 2015

Dashing, Daring and Defiant

“Today the State has substituted its own well being above that of the people. The current regime has ruined, destroyed and annihilated the rights and prosperity of the people and has handed over their liberties and rights to the interests of high finance.” This paragraph sounds like it was written just yesterday; although, it is part of a statement issue in 1936 by the Rexist Movement from its founder, Leon Degrelle.

On June 15, 1906, at Bouillon, Belgium, Leon Degrelle was born. His family

were devout French Catholics. Degrelle studied law at the University of Louvain.

Degrelle was influenced by the French nationalist intellectual, Charles Maurras, who felt that democracy was flawed because of its belief that everyone should vote. Maurras believed Parliamentary rule was corrupt and longed for an orderly responsible state.

In 1931, Degrelle, became the director of a small publishing firm sponsored by the Catholic Youth Society. The name for their periodical was Christus Rex or Christ the King. Through his writings, Degrelle exposed corruption in high places which led to several prosecutions of Belgian politicians for financial malpractice.

In 1935, Degrelle launched the Rexist Movement. He designed the symbol for the party which was the “Cross and Crown” with the word REX. He said that the Rexist Party was a “party above parties” and called for a new rejuvenation of Belgium.

Degrelle attacked the politicians of all parties, high finance, communists, Freemasonry and the International Jewish bankers. He said: “The Jews never did want to be the true citizens of one country.” The program of the Rexist Party advocated the corporate state as founded by Benito Mussolini in Italy.

Mussolini’s Fascist Party seized control of Italy on October 29, 1922. This was some eleven years before Hitler came to power. All of Europe’s Fascist leaders traced their ideas in some fashion to Mussolini, as did Degrelle who called for a need to “maintain the dignity of the working man and cultivate a love of work, order and human solidarity.”

The Rexist Party was a new party full of young people. Leon Degrelle’s dynamic oratory made him a compelling force that moved the party forward. Audiences paid admission fees to hear his speeches which called for an end to the political world of rot and greed.

In the 1936 elections, the Rexists elected 12 Senators and 21 House Deputies to the Parliament. Degrelle continued to publish and produced a weekly newspaper entitled Rex which was published in three languages, French, Flemish and German.

Degrelle’s followers would hold large demonstrations in front of opposition party offices while carrying brooms and shouting “sweep the corruption out.” Degrelle declared: “We admire what has been achieved in Italy and Germany but we intend to imitate no one. We shall remain in the Belgian tradition which is that of good humor, common sense and tolerance. We stand for discipline, order and social regeneration on a Christian basis.”

In 1937, the Catholic hierarchy attacked Degrelle and led to his defeat. He rallied in 1939, and was elected as a Deputy from Brussels. Degrelle was arrested in 1940 when World War II broke out. He was tortured and his teeth broken during his imprisonment in Caen. It was even announced that he had been executed by the French and his family held a funeral. The German Army found and released Degrelle from a French prison camp at Vernet where the commander was a Jew by the name of Bernheim.

In July of 1941, Degrelle organized 1,200 Belgian volunteers to fight the Bolsheviks along side the Germans. Although he was untrained as a military man, Degrelle did good service for the Axis forces. He was wounded four times in battle and personally led numerous front line attacks against the Russian brutes.

In 1944, Degrelle fought in a rear action which allowed some 40,000 German soldiers to escape at Cherkassy. After heroic battles in Estonia, Degrelle was awarded the Knights Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves by Hitler in 1944. Degrelle was the only political leader on the Allied or Axis side to fight on the front lines during the war. He continued to fight with his men on the front lines after being promoted to General.

In December of 1944, his enemies in Belgium officially in absentia sentenced Degrelle to death by firing squad. Degrelle flew out of the War zone, and crashed onto a beach in Spain. He resided in Spain for the rest of his life. He was able to regain his children from the clutches of the Allies. Degrelle even boldly wore his SS uniform at the marriage of one of his seven daughters! Leon Degrelle died in Malaga, Spain in 1994 at the age of 87.

He is reported to have given this response to a reporter who asked if he had any regrets: “My only regret is that we did not win!”

This review comes directly from the booklet about the Rexist Party by Dr. Edward Fields. I highly recommend “Leon Degrelle – The Rexist Party” and “the Wallonien” which are full of photographs and maps. These two pamphlets are packaged together and sold for only $15.00 including postage. Order them from Truth at Last Books, P.O. Box 1211, Marietta, Georgia 30061.

The Southern states are filled to the brim with a fifth and a sixth column consisting of the insidious liberal Christian-hating Jews and the white-hating, welfare-loving Blacks. Don’t we deserve our own Degrelle, both politician and soldier to lead us to freedom?

According to the USrael thought police, our spokesmen are only deserving of arrests, imprisonments and even targeted assassinations. Honorable truth soldiers such as Olaf Childress, Dr. Fields, David Duke, Don Black, Edgar Steele, James Edwards, Richard Barrett and many others have fought on the front lines and been injured for resisting tyranny with unapproved intellectual weapons.

Nancy Hitt – 2011

Charged and Convicted Carlos

In 1997, Carlos Whitlock Porter, was convicted in absentia in Jew-looted and American-occupied Germany of the “bad thoughts” crime, known as “incitement to racial hatred.” Porter is an American expatriate and linguist living in Belgium.

There is information about him on the website of

Unfortunately, I have been unable to locate Porter’s biography and am unsure if he is still living. Porter is considered to be an enemy of the Jews due to his extensive study of the original and often forged documents presented by the prosecution during the Nuremberg Trials. The murderous mossad army of the “chosen ones” may have tracked him down since it has been free to assassinate with impunity.

Carlos W. Porter wrote Not Guilty at Nuremberg, The German Defense Case. This booklet was first published in 1985 by the Historical Review Press of Brighton, England. We are indeed fortunate that Dr. Ed Fields has recently printed the second edition of this valuable work of research into the machinations of that trial.

On Page 2 of the introduction by Porter: “The re-writing of history is as old as history itself. The evidence that Nazis gassed Jews is qualitatively no better than the evidence that they steamed, fried, parboiled, electrocuted, or vacuumed them; it appears legitimate to call this evidence into question. This book contains, not a re-writing of history, but a simple guide to the historical material which has been forgotten. The 312,022 notarized defense affidavits presented at the First Nuremberg Trial have been forgotten, while the 8 or 9 prosecution affidavits which rebutted them are remembered (IMT XXI 437).”

The author goes into great detail with regard to the origin and condition of the documents presented by the prosecution. Many of the affidavits presented were copies of copies of copies typed upon plain paper. Often the affidavits were transcribed from reports in various languages and contained errors in translation.

The U.S. Chief Consul, Robert Jackson, had no knowledge of the German language and very likely could not read Russian, Czech or Polish documents. (So who cared if “Big Bad Bob” could only understand the English language, since the outcome of the tribunals was a foregone conclusion before he departed from America’s sacred soil, land of liberty.) According to the author on Page 20: “Jackson lied habitually (for example, II 438: IX 500-504).”

Many Soviet reports were created out of thin air in order to discredit the Germans. The Americans and British who knew the truth before the trial, allowed the Soviets to continue to blame Germans for the Katyn murders of over 14,000 Polish officers.

Justice was denied the German officers and civilians of the Third Reich at the Court House in Nuremberg. Some folks believe that the only reason Nuremberg was not totally flattened by bombing raids was so the allies would have at least one standing building in which to hold their so-called war crimes tribunals.

The trials held at Nuremberg were not the only tribunals held in Germany after the War. Porter even included a short section in his booklet about the warped Japanese tribunals. Not all the German defendants at Nuremberg were sentenced to be hanged. While it was traditional for military officers to face firing squads, even this gloomy request was ignored by the allies. The Nuremberg judges handed down some extensive prison sentences and a few acquittals to make it look fair.

Unfortunately, ten brave German soldiers and civilians were given death sentences by the “princes of peace.” Jew, Sgt. John C. Woods, made sure these doomed men suffered as much as possible. He shortened up the hanging ropes in order that his victims would strangle to death instead of having their necks broken.

I can think of more than ten of the allied leaders who deserved the hemp noose. It is well known that Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin secretly brought on the Second World War, while the policies of Truman, Eisenhower and Morgenthau aided in the deaths of thousands of German Prisoners of War, East Europeans and Japanese.

These men were truly the war criminals of the century, but justice got way off-kilter as so often is the case. The victors marched away to their waiting mistresses, their booze parties and their grand parades; while unwitting allied citizens glorified their brave leaders who had saved the world from fascism with forgeries and lies.

A copy of Not Guilty at Nuremberg by Carlos Porter can be purchased at The Truth at Last Books, P.O. Box 1211, Marietta, Georgia 30061 for only $8.00 which includes postage. It is in paperback with 23 pages and contains many photographs.

On October 16, 1946, the allies murdered ten men who had for the most part been following orders. Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop, Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel, Gen. Ernst Kaltenbrunner, Alfred Rosenberg, Dr. Hans Frank, Dr. Wilhelm Frick, Julius Streicher, Fritz Sauckel, Gen. Alfred Jodl and Arthur von Seyss-Inquart are gone from this world, but Porter has given us the opportunity to reevaluate the charges and the evidence used against these so-called war criminals.

Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel’s last words were: “More than 2 million German soldiers died for their Fatherland. I now follow them and my sons who gave their all for Germany.”

The humanity and honor of the German soldiers was documented during the War by their enemies. It is disgraceful that the allied victors and the Jews still hound the German people; a once proud race that has produced brilliant scientists, musicians, military and religious leaders since the beginning of recorded time.

Nancy Hitt – 2011

Lights Out

Lights Out” was an early television program that scared me silly back in the old days of television. It opened with two eyes peering out of a black screen.

Today, I will be reviewing dark events that turned the lights out in the homes of over three million people and sent them on an exodus into a destroyed landscape to root hog or die. They permanently switched off the lights forever for 241,000 human beings. As so often has been the case, our liberty-loving land had a hand in designing these terrors.

Dr. Austin J. App is the author of The Sudeten-German Tragedy and his tale will curl your toes and make you question the morality of the victors of World War II.

As most honest students of history realize, the brutal Versailles Treaty that tore away sections of Germany after World War I created the breeding ground for another war. After nearly starving the German people to death by British blockade, the leadership of Germany accepted the castration of their fatherland.

The historic home of the Sudeten-Germans consisted of an arc of land in the southeastern areas of Germany and Austria. Germans had been living in that mountain range of the Sudetenland for about 800 years. The victors of World War I found it advantageous to force the citizens of the Sudetenland to become part of a country that had never existed before, the new diversified nation of Czechoslovakia.

This ally-fabricated country consisted of Germans, Czechs, Slovaks, Ukrainians and Hungarians. It contained a mixture of races, religions and languages that were guaranteed to fail to amalgamate. Both the regions of Bohemia and Moravia within this diversified country had historically been under German dominion.

Dr. App describes the improvements Hitler was able to bring to Germany after the crisis of exploding inflation, lack of employment and Jewish/Communist attempts to take over Bavarian towns. Hitler put Germans back to work and fought back the red-inspired uprisings that were erupting across the bankrupt country of Germany.

Hitler was able to regain the Sudetenland that had been cut from Germany by the victors of the First World War. This he was able to accomplish with the Munich Pact of September 29, 1938. The Sudenten-Germans had never been given the right to self-determination at the close of World War I.

After the Sudentenland was separated from Czechoslovakia by the Munich Pact, Czechoslovakia began to fall apart at the seams; therefore. Hitler made it into a German Protectorate. This move was deemed his attempt at world control!

The citizens in the Protectorate did not rise up and reportedly were treated fairly by the Germans during the War. Some Czechs actively collaborated during this period.

Before the Second World War had ended, Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin negotiated secret agreements that would force all the Sudeten-Germans back into whatever was left of Germany when the War ended. These “big wigs” had no plans to oversee this pogrom which was to become a verifiable holocaust with names and numbers, unlike that other holocaust. The allies were going to allow the Sudeten- Germans to be relocated humanely by the Czech government.

When the War ended in May of 1945, all hell broke loose. The Czechs who had lived peaceably under the German Protectorate began a bloodbath unlike any other known to history. They killed 241,000 Germans in a most vile manner which included the hanging upside down and burning to death of Germans. Some raped German women and even turned into beasts biting off the noses of their victims.

When these rapacious orgies ended, they forced over three million Sudeten-Germans into the shattered remains of the German nation. Some of the expellees were pushed into the Soviet section of Germany and others exiled into the American/British/French section. Many never made it out of the Czech expellee camps organized within Czechoslovakia.

Reparations have never been paid to the Sudeten-Germans for their homes, land, businesses and livestock. They have not been allowed to return to their historic homelands. Many of these expellees were able to resettle successfully within their dreary, bombed, barren, burned and beaten Fatherland. The malicious allied treaties were ignored by the media, the public and so too the suffering of the victims.

The author, Dr. Austin J. App, was born in Wisconsin in 1902 of German immigrant parents. He was a scholar of English literature until the outbreak of World War II. Dr. App became appalled at the human tragedy being enacted in Europe and in particular to the expellees from the Sudentenland. He was scorned by the “court historians” and propagandists for war against the evil Huns.

For thirty years, Dr. App focused on the trinity of what he called the “peace crimes” of the victors. The three crimes were: the Morgenthau Plan for reducing Germany to a pastoral nation; the expulsions of the German-ethnics of Eastern Europe; and the deportations back to the Stalinists of the anti-Communists Russians and East Europeans who had supported the Germans. The brave Dr. App died in 1984.

The Sudeten-German Tragedy is in paperback with 91 pages and many photographs and maps. It can be purchased from The Truth At Last, P.O. Box 1211, Marietta, Georgia 30061 for only $6.50 which includes the postage. Order several copies.

Let us never forget that these pogroms that turned the “Lights Out” all over the Sudentenland were enacted in our name.

Nancy Hitt – 2011

Rapacious Revenge

“When wives of men in our occupation forces arrived in Germany it became necessary, for their protection against indecent advances by American men, to wear special badges on their arms to distinguish them from German women.” This is from Chapter Five on Page 57 in the book entitled: “Gruesome Harvest, The Allies’ Postwar War Against The German People, The Costly Attempt to Exterminate the People of Germany.”

“Gruesome Harvest” was originally published in 1947. It is a stomach turning introduction to the outrageous actions taken by the allies, in particular the US, against the impoverished, homeless, starving, defeated citizens of all stations and nations in the bomb-blasted country of Germany. We have Dr. Edward Fields to thank for republishing this booklet of ego-busting information.

War crimes were committed by the Federal military during and after the War for Southern Independence. Those many years of oppression in the 1860s were a practice run for the mayhem the US introduced to the down-trodden German people in the 1940s.

The author, Ralph Franklin Keeling, was a Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago and a published author. It is truly amazing that he was able to amass such vital information about allied abuses so soon after the war had ended on May 8, 1945.

From Dr. Fields’ introduction: “The war had been over for two years and German civilians were still dying from starvation, a lack of housing and poor medical care. This was not by accident. A deliberate plan had been laid out for the annihilation of the German people by the Jew Henry Morgenthau. He served as Secretary of the Treasury from 1934 to 1945 under Roosevelt.”

On Page 3: Roosevelt told Morgenthau: “We have to be tough with Germany and I mean the German people, not just the Nazis. You either have to castrate the German people or you have got to treat them so they can’t just go on reproducing people.”

Many military historians would agree that the Treaty of Versailles drawn up at the end of the First World War was a catalyst for the Second World War due to its heavy German reparations and amputations of Germany itself. The Potsdam Conference (July 16 to August 2, 1945) went on to further reduce the size of Germany.

Cowardice upon the part of Western leaders allowed Stalin to retain control of the East European countries he had occupied by force, thereby turning them into Red satellites. Millions of Germans who had resided in these Eastern areas for generations were brutally evicted into their much diminished and devastated ancestral fatherland.

The US exploited their power over the defeated in an unconditional revenge. The Chapter titles in this book are: War Devastation, Extermination by Overcrowding, Pulling Down the Pillar of Labor, The Attack Against German Capital, Bastardizing the German Race, The People Hunger, Economic Tribulation, Teaching Democracy in Reverse, The Kremlin’s Program, and Facts We Must Face.

From Chapter One on Page 7: “All German cities above 50,000 population and many smaller ones were 50 to 80 per cent destroyed. Dresden, as large as Pittsburg, was wiped out and nearly all of its 620,000 inhabitants buried under the ruins.”

From Chapter Two on Page 13: “ Following World War II, emigration has been entirely prohibited, and all the Germans in Europe are being jammed into a homeland further slashed to only 133,000 square miles.”

From Chapter Three on Page 26: “The American delivery of German prisoners to the French and British for forced labor already is being cited by the Russians as justification for them to retain German army captives for as long as they are able to work, an International Red Cross official admitted.”

From Chapter Five Page 49: “Senator Eastland of Mississippi, after a European tour of observation, told his colleagues in the US. Senate early in December, 1945: ‘The virtue of womanhood and value of human life are civilized man’s most sacred possessions, yet they are the very cheapest thing in Russian-occupied Germany today.’”

There were few war crimes the US did not commit during and after the War ended. From the bombing of non-military cities, to the use of prisoners of war and foreign nationals as slave laborers, to the purposeful starvation of prisoners, the stealing of manufacturing factories, the trading in sexual favors for food, and the agreements signed by the US which displaced millions of Germans from their historic homes in the East.

“Gruesome Harvest” is in soft cover and contains eight photographs and 105 pages. It is available from Truth at Last Books, P.O. Box 1211, Marietta, Georgia 30061 for $7.00 which includes postage.

From Chapter Five Page 59: “It (the Potsdam Declaration) fails to declare that the crimes to be committed by the Allied armies of occupation would eclipse those of which the Nazi armies have been accused. Now that the war is over and the heat of combat has died down enough to enable us to view the cold facts again, it must be brought home to the American people that much of what they have been led to believe was born of propaganda, that the German army, for example, actually behaved itself very correctly toward the people of occupied territories whose government were signatories of the Hague and Geneva Conventions. The facts are now well known, and are beyond dispute, despite the opposite picture previously painted in the press as part of the horrendous business of war.”

After reading the embarrassing facts about the behavior of the US which is documented within “Gruesome Harvest” should we continue to regard this nation as exceptional?

Nancy Hitt – 2012

Judazied Germany

Do you recognize these people and what they have in common: Gunter Deckert, Ernst Zundel, Hans Schmidt, Sylvia Stolz, and the elderly Ursula Haverbeck? These individuals and hundreds of other have been sentenced to jail in Judazied Germany due to their research and discovery that possibly less than 6 million Jews were gassed during the Third Reich. That kind of bad thinking will find historians behind bars with three squares in addition to incurring house searches and fines. What do you expect from a country still governed by the US-created German government with allowed and encouraged Jews to be placed in positions of power.

Those brave souls had risen up from the cleansing of the German soul to defend and investigate the truth about their real historical past; not the make believe propaganda of the hate-filled Jews and their running scavenger dogs. One of those persecuted German historians is Udo Waldendy, this January, 2016, aged 89. He was only seventeen at the time of the War born in 1927. He served in

Udo Waldeny came under scrutiny when he traveled to Canada to testify on behalf of Ernst Zundel in 1988. By 1996, Udo had been fined 20,000 marks and sentenced to 15 months in jail with another sentenced of 14 month added on in 1997. Udo was not in good health at the time of his incarceration and his advanced age was ignored. He was to removed from the public eyes and ears as his ideas could be hurtful and cause civil unrest! So much for freedom of speech and thought!

In 1999, while Udo was serving time, the first edition of his book was published, The Brainwashing of the German Nation. Comments in the book published in 2003 still refer to Udo as in prison, but by then he had been released. Udo explains how the various Allied decrees and propaganda influenced Germany. No justice for Germans especially in courts such as the Nuremberg Trials which alone executed over 800 Germans. There were other courts held in Germany, Poland and the USSR which held their kangaroo trials and executed untold victims.

Included in the book is the photo of the American Native Indian who machine gunned over 346 surrendered Dachau prison guards. His war crime was covered up by General Patton. I particularly like with Prof. A. J. App stated on the first page: “The German government and the German people ought to proclaim distinctly and unequivocally to the world that no more German will be brought to trial for war crimes, until the Allies have started to bring their own war criminals to trial.” That will be the day. We are the exceptional country, the good guys.

After the US bombed Germany into rubble killing thousands and thousands of civilians . After the war ended the US starved the German pows and allowed them to be sent to the other kindly allied be used as slave laborers or forced to join the Foreign Legion. Many perished in the gulags and those that survived, labored for as long as ten years before the USSR released them.

The Brainwashing of the German Nation by Udo Walendy is a soft bound book of 57 pages. It is available from The Barnes Review, P. O. Box 15877, Washington, DC 20003 Tel: It sells for $9.00 plus $5.00 for shipping.

Bochaca’s Belief

The Spanish revisionist, Joaquin Bochaca, stated in an interview printed in the May/June 2013 edition of The Barnes Review that he believes Mein Kampf should be required reading for all school children. I took his advice as I already owned a copy of the book.

What is Mein Kampf? It is the book consisting of two volumes written by Adolf Hitler with the assistance of Rudolf Hess while they were prisoners at the Landsberg prison located in Landsberg am Lech in Bavaria, Germany. Hitler had been sentenced to five years for his involvement in the Beer Hall Putsch of November, 1923.

“He (Hitler) was always reasonable, frugal, modest and polite to everyone, especially the officials at the facility,” prison warden Otto Leybold wrote about the inmate on Sept. 18, 1924. The prisoner, he added, didn’t smoke or drink and “submitted willingly to all restrictions.” Hitler was paroled after being incarcerated for about nine months.

The book’s title Mein Kampf means my struggle in English. It contains Hitler’s autobiography, his political self-education, awakening and political activities. The first volume was published in 1925 and the second volume was published the following year.

There are various translations and abridgements of Mein Kampf. My own 1940 edition contains the unexpurgated translation published by Reynal & Hitchcock of New York. A committee of men from the New School for Social Research undertook the translation and included their extensive explanatory notes. Their English translation flows nicely.

Even though many thousands of copies of Mein Kampf were published in Germany, Christine Miller informed me that few copies were actually read due to its size (my copy is 1003 pages) and its awkward German linguist style. She also told me that copies of Mein Kampf were presented to newlyweds. I saw several of these presentation books available for sale on the website of

This book review of Mein Kampf covers only the contents of Volume One, 559 pages.

Adolf Hitler was born April 20, 1889, in Braunau-on-the-Inn, Austria. His father, Alois Hitler, was able to rise above his own impoverished beginnings to become a civil servant. He hoped that his son would follow his lead into a secure respectable position.

Hitler was a talented artist and pinned his hopes upon a life dedicated to the fine arts. His art professor encouraged Hitler to study architecture. Hitler struggled to overcome the financial handicaps he faced after the death of his father and survived by working at menial jobs while continuing his study of architecture.

Hitler spent years observing the workings of the Austrian Parliament and the methods of the political parties in Germany. He concluded that the “parliamentarians” were not working for the people, but only for pay and reelections. (Just like our politicians.)

He closely observed the Social Democrats and their ruthless takeover of various trade unions. Hitler could see that the masses were looking for a way to lift themselves up from their poverty and the leftists/Communists in the form of the Social Democratic party were speaking directly to their needs while in turn gaining their political support.

Hitler saw just how important it was to obtain the backing of the impoverished masses who knew so little about the true goals of the Marxists. He saw a need for a new party that would stand for nationalism, culture, morals, and a community of the German race.

Hitler served in the German military for about six years and was on active duty for four of those years during the First World War. In 1918, he was blinded temporarily by a British gas attack and was sent to a hospital for medical treatment for this injury.

At the end of the first volume, he explains how he developed the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, one dedicated to improving the lives of the German workers and future generations while it vowed to make them safe from the dangers of Marxism.

In the Preface, Hitler states that oratory is more powerful than the written word. He was living proof of that theory. Where can we find those dynamic courageous speakers?

Here are the titles with “tidbits” from some of the chapters contained in Volume One:

Chapter I – At Home

From page 3: “German-Austria must return to the great German motherland, and not because of economic considerations of any sort. Common blood belongs in a common Reich.”

Chapter II – Years of Study and Suffering in Vienna

From page 66: “Meanwhile I had learned to understand the connection between this doctrine of destruction and nature of a race, which hitherto had been unknown to me.

Understanding Jewry alone is the key to the comprehension of the inner, the real, intention of Social Democracy.

He who knows this race will raise the veil of false conceptions, and out of the mist and fog of empty social phrases there rises the grinning, ugly face of Marxism.”

From pages 83 & 84: “The Jewish doctrine of Marxism rejects the aristocratic principle in nature; instead of the eternal privilege of force and strength, it places the mass of numbers and its deadweight. Thus it denies the value of the individual in man, disputes the meaning of nationality and race, depriving mankind of the assumption for its existence and culture. If, with the Marxian creed, the Jew conquers the nations of the world, his crown will become the funeral wreath of humanity…”

Chapter III – General Political Considerations from my Time in Vienna

From page 123: “The world is not intended for cowardly nations.”

From page 134: “ If the fight for a new view of life is not led by heroes willing to sacrifice themselves, then no more will death-defying fighters be found.”

Chapter IV – Munich

From page 195: “The State is not an assembly of commercial parties…”

From page 200: “one does not die for business, but for ideals.”

From page 202: “With myself and in the small circles of my acquaintances, I was wrathful at German foreign politics, and also at what seemed to me an unbelievably frivolous manner with which one faced the most important problem that confronted Germany in those days: Marxism.”

Chapter V – The World War

Chapter VI – War Propaganda

Chapter VII – The Revolution

Chapter VIII – Beginning of My Political Activity

Chapter IX – The ‘German Workers’ Party’

Chapter X – The Causes of the Collapse

From page 348: “Theater, art, literature, movies, the press, billposters and window displays must be cleaned of the symptoms of a rotting world and put into the service of a moral idea of State and culture.”

Chapter XI – Nation and Race

From page 447 – 449: “They (the Jews) have no thought of building up a Jewish State in Palestine, so that they might perhaps inhabit it, but they only want a central organization of their international world cheating, endowed with prerogatives, withdrawn from the seizure of others: a refuge for convicted rascals and a high school for future rogues.

“It was and is the Jews who bring the negro to the Rhine, always with the same concealed thought and the clear goal of destroying, by the bastardization which would necessarily set in, the white race which they hate, to throw it down from its cultural and political height and in turn to rise personally to the position of master.”

Chapter XII – The First Period in the Development of the

National Socialist German Workers’ Party

From page 479: “He who wants to be the leader bears, with the highest, unrestricted authority, also the ultimate and the most serious responsibility. Only the hero is chosen for this.”

I concur with Bochaca’s belief that everyone should be encouraged to study the logic of Adolf Hitler’s thoughts, especially in light of current events in our own country.

In the blood alone there rests the strength as well as the weakness of man. – Adolf Hitler

Nancy Hitt – 2013

Written in the Shadow of the Gallows

Alfred Ernst Rosenberg was born on January 12, 1893, in Reval, Estonia, in the Russian Empire. He was executed by the remorseless victors of World War II on the morning of October 16, 1946. During his imprisonment awaiting the “predictable results” of the Nuremberg revenge-trials, he was able to draft an excellent autobiography entitled Memoirs.

Upon the last page of Memoirs is Rosenberg’s powerful statement to his foes: “National Socialism was the content of my active life. I served it faithfully, albeit with some blundering and human insufficiency. I shall remain true to it as long as I still live.”

Condensed from the Introduction to the book: In 1918, following the victory of the Russian Revolution, Rosenberg immigrated to Germany. By 1919, he had joined the German Workers’ Party which was transformed into the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, or NSDAP), becoming a member before Adolf Hitler had joined the party.

During his lifetime, Rosenberg authored many articles and books such as: The Track of the Jew through the Ages; Immorality in the Talmud; The Crime of Freemasonry: Judaism, Jesuitism, German Christianity; Being, Principles, and Goals of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party; The Plague in Russia. Bolshevism, its Heads, Henchmen and Victims; The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and Jewish World Politics; and The Myth of the 20th Century.

Alfred Rosenberg was elected to the Reichstag for the NSDAP in the 1930 elections. After Hitler was appointed Chancellor, Rosenberg became the leader of the NSDAP’s foreign political office and attempted to promote an alliance between Germany and Britain. By 1934, Rosenberg was responsible for the spiritual and philosophical education of the NSDAP and all related organizations.

Following the invasion of the USSR in June of 1941, Rosenberg was appointed Reich Minister for the Occupied Eastern Territories. He followed a policy designed to encourage anti-Communist opinion among the population of the occupied territories and was largely responsible for the very large flow of recruits to the German military effort against the Soviet Union, drawn directly from peoples formerly under the control of the Communist state.

Rosenberg was arrested at the end of the war and put on trial in Nuremberg. Clearly, his execution was for the crime of creating the National Socialist ideology…that alone.

The book Memoirs contains much information about the early bloody struggles and formation of the NSDAP. Rosenberg offers up his thoughts about Third Reich supporters and leaders; some he respected and others he despised. The extensive footnotes are invaluable.

From Rosenberg’s chapter on Race and Racial theory: “Style, customs, language, are the manifestation of different souls and peoples; and just as these cannot be mixed without a resultant deterioration of their purity, so men, as their embodiment, and to whom they belong organically and spiritually, cannot intermingle.”

Take a gander at his prediction for a racial dissolution of America: “And yet history does not stand still. The forces of life and blood exist and will be effective. The very state that today charges us with crimes against humanity, the United States of America, ought to listen with particular attentiveness to the theories of race and heredity if it wishes to preserve its power.

Fourteen million Negroes and mulattoes, four to five million Jews, the Japanese in the west, and the rest, are more than America can carry without endangering the heritage of her pioneers. But if the present generation fails to do something to elude the fate of someday having twenty-five million Negroes and mulattoes, ten million Jews and half-Jews in America, then a later generation will certainly be harsh in its judgment. The Americans will have to decide whether they want a white America or whether they want to make the choice of their President ever more a question of additional concessions toward mulattoisation.”

Never will a Hottentot, believer though he may be, build cathedrals; never will a Negro write a Fifth Symphony, nor even understand it. And it is actually unfair to expect it of them.”

Rosenberg explains why the German people had to confront the enemy within, the Communist foreign parasites. “The war against Jewry came about because an alien people on German soil arrogated the political and spiritual leadership of the country, and, believing itself triumphant, flaunted it brazenly.”

The soft-bound copy of Memoirs by Alfred Rosenberg contains 201 pages with one photograph of the author. This book can be purchased from The Barnes Review, P.O. Box 15877, Washington, DC 2003 Tel: (877) 773-9077 for $15 plus $5 for shipping.

From pages 200 and 201: “The Nuremberg show trials will presently be over and our fates decided. Let my confession stand behind them: National Socialism was the European answer to a century-old question. It was the noblest of ideas to which a German could give all his strength. It made the German nation a gift of unity, it gave the German Reich a new content. As other great ideas knew heights and depths, so National Socialism too will be reborn someday in a new generation steeled by sorrow, and will create in a new form a new Reich for the Germans.”

And even our present acres of death will someday bloom again. A.E.R.

Nancy Hitt – 2015

Fokker Fodder

Colonel Red Reeder wrote “The Story of the First World War.” It is a concise history with short chapters. Each chapter is devoted to a particular engagement. The author has included photographs and excellent illustrated maps with details of military deployments. This book is a fine introduction to the Great War.

The author, Russell Potter Reeder, Jr., was a decorated soldier for service during World War II. He spent his adult employment in the athletic department of West Point. Reeder was the author of several war histories, historical novels and the Clint Lane West Point series.

There are several significant facts that stand out in reading this history. Many of the same individuals who were famous during the Second World War had participated in the First World War. The Germans were well organized militarily and maintained a certain chivalry during this crisis. The losses of life during that four year struggle were staggering.

Here are some of the individuals mentioned in Reeder’s work who became leaders about 20 years later: Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler, Dwight Eisenhower, Erwin Rommel, Harry S.Truman and George S. Patton, Jr. All had served in some capacity during the First World War.

Here are a few of the references made about honorable actions taken by Germans that are mentioned in Reeder’s work.

On Page 40: “The German general asked the Burgomaster of Antwerp for a map so that he could have his artillery fire at places other than where the famous art treasures of the city were hidden. He said he wished to avoid demolishing the famous carillon of ninety-nine bells in the cathedral.”

On Page 87: “French pilot Adolphe Pegoud, the first man to “loop the loop” (he did in 1912), was not afraid to fight anyone in the air as long as his mascot was along. This was a toy penguin, ten inches long, lashed to the wires of his plane. But one day over Alsace the penguin did no good; Pegoud and his Nieuport 210 were shot down. The Germans honored Pegoud by returning the toy penguin and by having white armbands printed for the funeral party. On the armbands in gold letters were the words: FOR WHOM IN COMBAT FOR HIS FATHERLAND, THE FALLEN FLIER PEGOUD IS HONORED BY HIS ENEMIES.”

On Page 94: “Raynal and his men finally surrendered. It was the eighth day of their heroic fight. They staggered above ground and laid down their weapons. So impressed were the Germans by Major Raynal’s courage that they let him keep his ceremonial sword, which he wore in captivity. The Germans stood at attention while Major Raynal and his surviving men were marched away as prisoners.”

On Page 171: “Lieutenant Quentin Roosevelt, son of ex-President Roosevelt, was killed in aerial combat. The German press reported, ‘On July 14, not far from the Marne, an American Squadron of twelve battle planes was trying to break through German air defense. A noncommissioned officer in a German flying machine shot down young Roosevelt’s plane over German lines. The remains of the brave young airman were buried with military honors.’”

On Page 182: “Sir: The suffering of your wounded men can be heard in the German lines. We are appealing to your humane sentiments to stop. A white flag shown by one of your men will tell us that you agree to these conditions. Please treat this soldier as an honorable man. We envy you.”

There is a chapter about the Tennessee native, Sergeant Alvin C. York, and his heroism in battle. York was a humble Southerner. It appeared that not all of our American officers behaved themselves with humility in spite of the fact that British and French troops had been engaged in fighting for their survival three years before our forces even touched upon European soil.

It is interesting to note that one cause for the defeat of Germany was blamed upon a Communist revolution headed by Dr. Karl Liebknecht. Not many years after Germany surrendered, Adolf Hitler rose to power promising to drive those Communists out of Germany. This was one of the stepping stones leading into another war.

Between 12 and 15 million humans died during the First World War. The Germans lost about three million people while the British lost at least one million individuals. Americans joined up at the end of the fight and still lost about 81,000 soldiers in this bloodletting.

My copy of “The Story of the First World War” is hardbound and contains 243 pages with four pages of photographs and 20 map illustrations. It was published by Duell, Sloan and Pearce of New York in 1962. Used copies are available on the website of

The German Fokker was considered to be the best airplane available in 1915. British pilots called themselves Fokker Fodder and a great deal of fodder certainly got chewed up during that First World War.

Nancy Hitt


Pompous Pigs in Judicial Wigs

Nuremberg, The Last Battle by David Irving is the first book I have read by this “controversial” historian. David is the author of 30 books most of which are histories of World War II and biographies of its participants. During his hurricane tour of the U.S., I purchased this book from the author at his stop in Clarksville, Indiana.

David Irving’s intensive research and knowledge of the German language have made him the bane of the Zionist. His findings have created an uproar among some of the rabidly racist Jews. They just will not accept the possibility that there may actually exist a short fall in the death toll of six million dead.

This figure has historic and religious significance to Jews and this identical number of dead was touted by them after World War I. The magic number of six million just cannot be refuted by questions or facts as it might interfere with their unending reparation demands.

The author attempts to somewhat lionize the legacy of Robert H. Jackson, who had been a Roosevelt appointee to the Supreme Court. In 1945, President Truman appointed Jackson to be the Chief Counsel for the U.S. at the Nuremberg trials. I don’t feel that David was able to completely wipe the stink off of this small-town swine.

Robert Jackson traveled to Europe with his son, Bill and his secretary. Jackson was mindful to keep his wife 3,000 miles away at home. This distance allowed Jackson in company with his personal secretary to travel freely. Although David does not define Jackson’s relationship with his doting secretary, it is possible that she was his mistress.

David leads the reader along the many threads that wound around the spool of questions being considered by the victors. Some of the difficulties they encountered were: how to create an international tribunal, how to word the accusations against the enemy, how many of the Germans to bring to trial, how many were to be executed, how to make a case for laws that are manufactured after the crimes have been committed and how to legally lynch as many Germans as fast as possible before questions begin to surface about their own questionable actions during the war.

You may need to have a ready supply of antacids in order to stomach the reading of this book. David has dug up a mountain of dirt on the allies and left one to wonder just who the real “war criminals” really were.

Nuremberg, The Last Battle, is hardbound and contains 377 pages with 16 pages of photographs. It was published by Focal Point Publications, Hertford Street, London W1J 7SE. The book lists for $35.00 and the ISBN number is 1-872197-16-7. Used copies can be found at the website of

In 1944, perhaps in a rather twisted joke, Stalin suggested to Churchill that between 50,000 and 100,000 of the German Commanding Staff must be physically liquidated. The German-hating Jew, Henry Morgenthau, had his crooked snout up Roosevelt’s rump. His devious plan would have thrown all of Germany back into a pre-industrial era of agrarianism. Fortunately, Truman would not allow the Morgenthau Plan to be fully implemented against the prostrate Germany.

British Foreign Secretary, Anthony Eden on October 16, 1944, had secretly promised the Russians that Britain would repatriate eleven thousand Russian prisoners of war even if they did not wish to return; they were all murdered upon arrival in Russia.

In February of 1945 at Yalta, in lock step with Stalin, both Roosevelt and Churchill proposed a form of legalized lynching for German “war criminals” without trials.

General Eisenhower, the Swedish Jew, was holding high court with his driver/mistress while his wife languished at home. Eisenhower’s soldiers had committed known outrages in Sicily and on the Italian mainland. In 1945, Eisenhower ordered Operation Keelhaul which forced millions of East Europeans back to their homelands against their will. They were slaughtered or worked to death in the Soviet gulags. Some of these poor souls committed suicide before arriving at the slaughterhouses of the Communists.

The brash U.S. Lt. General Patton had concealed the shooting of German prisoners of war.

At the Dachau concentration camp on April 29, 1945, 520 surrendered German guards and invalids were shot by members of the 15th Regiment, 45th Infantry Division. One native American, Jack Bushyhead, machine gunned 346 surrendered Germans in front of the Dachau prison wall. This massacre was recorded by the U.S. Signal Corps and no one was held accountable.

According to David’s speech in Clarksville, several attempts had been made by the Japanese to surrender, but the U.S. would not hear of an honorable surrender since we had atomic bombs to drop and needed human guinea pigs to be the victims. The Manhattan Project was on the rails toward Nagasaki and Hiroshima and nothing was going to halt that train.

The lilly-white Americans supplied thousand of illegal anthrax bombs to Britain. Apparently they were never used. Both the U.S. and Britain firebombed Dresden, Hamburg and Pforzheim with phosphorus. This was also an illegal weapon but our leading piggies would not comply with such vague humanitarian laws. It may never be known how many German civilians and allied prisoners of war were burned to death in Dresden.

A Red Cross German liner docked in the Gulf of Lubeck was bombed by the British. It was sunk on May 3, 1945, killing 7,300 refugees.

The “gentle” Russians had murdered 15,000 Polish officers in September of 1939 and buried them in mass graves at Katyn. The British government was well aware that this crime was committed by the Russians, but the judicial hogs accused the Germans of this crime at the trial in Nuremberg.

The French had also been involved in some minor atrocities during the war.

During the ten month Nuremberg trial, the powerful pigs slept soundly, ate well, and drank heavily while the surviving people of Nuremberg stumbled around in the rubble of a destroyed city. The victors danced away the nights while the dead rotted under bombed out streets and houses.

The author reported that Robert H. Jackson was well aware before the trial was to begin that a deal had been struck which would force thousands, even millions, of Germans to be transferred to the brutal Russians to be used as slaves. How could an honorable man make moral judgments about the past behavior of German soldiers, leaders, statesmen, and bankers when he fully understood the immoral secret decisions made by his own country? I found no redeeming features in this little piggy from Podunk.

While the allied victors were enjoying themselves and sitting in judgment on their enemies, the demoralized German people were being systematically starved and transferred to France and faraway Russia to work as slave laborers. Thousands of these German laborers would never see their homeland again.

The outcomes of the Nuremberg trials were a foregone conclusion, but those brave condemned Germans looked death in the face and walked boldly to the hanging rope. They were not allowed a more honorable death by firing squad, but were hanged which was considered as a disgraceful method of execution especially for a military soldier.

David’s book will be hard for some to digest and even harder for some to acknowledge as factual. It has taken more than 50 years for some of the details from that time period to surface. The allies spent a great deal of effort destroying incriminating records and lying about their own involvement in ‘war crimes.”

The trial held at Nuremberg was simply “war criminals” setting in judgment of other so-called “war criminals,” but the German victims shamed the pompous pigs with their Aryan courage during their last days on this earth. Germany was left torn asunder and thousands of Germans were to die after the war ended. They were force fed a manufactured diet of national guilt and left to root hog or die.

Nancy Hitt


Other than his brutal enforcement of Operation “Keelhaul,” Dwight David Eisenhower’s other war crimes have been kept well out of the public domain for decades. That had been true until James Bacque, a Canadian historian and author, exposed Eisenhower as a shameless dishonorable human being. Ike’s black-hearted oversight of the U.S. military-held German prisoners of war finally is out in the light of day due to the courage of survivors of the U.S. “death camps,” former observant U.S. soldiers and the testimonies of German-held prisoners.

If you don’t like my introductory statement, don’t bother to order a copy of Other Losses, An Investigation into the Mass Deaths of German Prisoners at the Hands of the French and Americans after World War II by James Bacque. If you prefer to believe in the simplistic barebones WWII history you were taught in public school and college, stay far away from copies of Other Losses. If you are convinced that the U.S. government usually tells the truth and fights wars only to free the oppressed, don’t purchase Other Losses. If you think the U.S. military leadership did everything possible to avoid the suffering of millions of prostrated, surrendered imprisoned Germans, avoid reading Other Losses as its detailed research ain’t gonna please you. You might prefer to read the fawning Eisenhower biography by the “court historian” Stephen Ambrose.

Before World War II ended on VE Day, May 8, 1945, the U.S. military was held back with their prepared plans to treat the defeated Germans “roughly” since there still remained American prisoners of war being held by the Germans.

Following the fall of Germany, millions of Germans of both sexes and all ages were rounded up and incarcerated in camps of bare land without any types of shelter from the weather; although hundreds of military tents were available for their use. These weakened and often wounded or diseased prisoners were deprived of sustenance for days at a time. Military orders came down to cut their rations as they lay starving and dying by the thousands. The soldiers in command of the camps failed to make detailed or accurate records regarding the interned; thereby leaving the families in total darkness as to their fates. The desperately hungry prisoners resorted to eating grass. It was illegal for German civilians to feed the emaciated prisoners. Poorly clad and without shelters, they dug holes in the ground with tin cans or bare hands for a bit of protection from the rain, mud and cold. Swiss trainloads of foodstuffs destined for the frail inmates were sent back to Switzerland in response to U.S. instructions. Mail was denied them and inspections by the International Red Cross were halted as existence of these U.S. pig sties could cause public indignation if publicized. U.S. General Dwight D. Eisenhower was the “big dog” issuing military orders regarding the camps.

A new category of prisoners of war was devised with ulterior motives. From page 2: In a message signed by Eisenhower.. “Prisoners taken after VE Day would be called ‘disarmed enemy forces’ (DEF)….” This agreement was signed in secret in order to contravene the Geneva Convention. The British to their honor refused to abide by this U.S. subterfuge. According to Bacque’s findings, the British soldiers treated the Germans humanely in spite of having had their own land bombed. The British released prisoners of war early, allowed them to receive mail and behaved in a mostly civilized manner toward their conquered enemies.

From The Introduction to the Third Edition on page xli: “At least one million German prisoners were still officially missing in 1989. If these people are dead, which is highly likely, the causes of these deaths, the time and place of these deaths, and the burial places of these bodies are all unreported, except in this book.”

The U.S. military officials were known to transfer to France their weakest prisoners to be used as French slave laborers. Even the French were shocked by the condition of their former enemies and sent many back to the Americans as unfit for any type of labor.

Once Bacque was able to get access to the KGB files of their prisoners, he found detailed dossiers on individual prisoners. The Soviets documented the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Germans and Ethnic Germans. Subtracting these recorded Soviet deaths, left the balance of one million dead occurring in the West, mainly in the U.S. death camps.

The soft bound Other Losses contains 322 pages with many photographs, illustrations and graphs. A copy can be obtained from The Barnes Review, P.O. Box 15877, Washington, DC 20003 Tel: (877) 773-9077 for $25.00 plus $5.00 shipping.

With little doubt, Bacque has proved through transcripts, interviews, initialed orders, lies, cover-ups, shoddy bookkeeping, and in spite of missing and destroyed government evidence that Eisenhower was guilty of massive war crimes against the prostrate German victims under his direct control. From page 168: “Eisenhower was responsible. Only the army handled the imprisoning, feeding, discharge and transfer of the German army. “

From page 19: “Eisenhower hated Germans, he told his wife Mamie in a letter in September 1944. Why? ‘Because the German is a beast.’ In front of the British ambassador to Washington, in August, he said that all of the 3,400 or so officers of the German General Staff should be ‘exterminated.’ He would include for liquidation all leaders of the Nazi party from mayors on up, plus all member of the Gestapo. This would total about 100,000 people.”

Evil Ike upped the ante causing the deaths of as many as one million Germans and others.

Nancy Hitt – 2015