On 2020-06-28 1:49 a.m., The Truth and Justice for Germans Society wrote:
> Mary

> Big Hello from grand daughter of Hitler Youth!
> My name is Mary and I just want to say Thanks, and that your sharing
> has helped me in so many ways.
> I didn’t know the truth until about 4 years ago.
> I ended up growing up scared to death of my own grandfather, and
> feeling ashamed and burdened with guilt for most of my life.
> Grandpa {Jacob} sat me down at around age 11 or 12, and opened a photo
> album to reveal a photo to me..
> It was a photo of a sea of German boys with swastikas on their shirts.
> “This is me” he said, while pointing at one of the boys…
> Well, I’m sure you can imagine.
> To me, a little girl who had only public Canadian school education,
> barely saw my German side of family, and was just done reading Anne
> frank in school, I was devastated. Heartbroken. Ashamed. Scared to
> death of my grandpa that day.
> I had 0 support and nobody to ever openly tell me the other side.
> My dad was only allowed visits with us after my mom left him, and i’m
> sure he was paranoid that anything wreck that court arrangement.
> I was alone with grandpa that afternoon, and physically had the wind
> knocked out of me in fear.
> At another visit later I was very upset and started to cry and yell at
> my grandpa, my dad, and my uncles.
> Repeating lies to them that i had just learned in school.
> A grandma probably would’ve helped the situation, but grandma passed
> away shortly after grandpa, her, and 5 boys got to Canada. So it was
> just lil ol upset me in a room full of men.
> My grandpa was visibly upset at my crying and my anger.
> He didn’t have the best English, but he said to me that day :
> “Mary, we didn’t know. We never heard any of the stuff you say happened”
> but I just couldn’t believe that schools would lie to us, and to everyone!
> I carried the most harmful baggage over that for most of my life.
> Mainly avoiding talking genealogy with friends, or mentioning German
> anything.
> I just tried to forget. At my own grandfathers funeral I stood over
> his coffin and thought; “another Nazi gone..Those poor Jews.”

> To find out this many years later how wrong I have thought over the
> years… Oh my goodness, what a journey!
> Layers of pain and sorrow peeling away everyday.
> When I saw Monika’s video it inspired me to also make a video.
> I was apologizing, talking about my grandfather, and the story of how
> he told me that day.
> But, my whole YouTube channel was taken down shortly after that vid ( a
> few years ago)
> I redid it recently, and added it to Mary Helene Bitchute account.
> I am proud to know the truth now, and so thankful folks like you are
> out here.
> My people were and still are powerful, loyal and beautiful people!
> Could I write Alfred? I cant seem to find the address at the moment,
> so if its OK, i would like to send a letter.
> Hopefully he is out before he gets it, I heard how long mail is
> taking, but I would still like to send.
> Anyways, i’m not the best writer, I just really needed to express my
> appreciation and love for you all.
> Sincerely and with my head high,
> Mary – Originally from Salmon Arm, BC
> and now by Nova Scotia.
> (Dad and grandpa came from Greven, I have never been to Germany)